Week 6 of 十角館の殺人🕵️‍♀️ Mystery Novel Book Club 👮‍♂️

That’s an interesting solution. You still have to trust them to protect you as you sleep though, and not go off doing their own thing. With the amount of distrust that’s been brewing, you can’t count on anyone acting rationally for long. And people still need to be alone for things like going to the bathroom, for example. Not to mention that, as the latest occurrence in this chapter shows, murders can also be committed in plain sight, with everyone present.


I read The Problem of the Green Capsule and really enjoyed it! I’ve heard The Judas Window is also a good Carr book for new people.


I decided on The Hollow Man in the BBC Radio Dramatisation version. Simply because it was, what my library had on offer in audio. :sweat_smile:


I just finished (sorry I’m way behind) and I was thinking how impressive it was that everyone acted realistically. They’re all in shock, they’re not going to run around screaming like in a lot of of media.


You’re right on time; we’re all just early. ^_^;

Yeah, I’m with you there. I’m not surprised at all the backbiting/accusing/anger, but I am surprised we haven’t yet seen someone suggest that the murderer is just trying to divide them and they should all unite together. They’d all immediately suspect that person, but you know.