I don’t think that it has, which is part of what makes it so frustrating!
It’s realistic too in a way, though. I think if you took someone from a similar upbringing and background in Japan and plopped them in some medieval, undeveloped world they may also behave in a similarly spoiled fashion. I just feel bad for her poor family who are trying to get through the winter!
I’m actually glad that she has this culture shock. Yes, it can be annoying at times, but in way too many stories the MC deals just fine with being ripped out of their world and plopped into an unfamiliar one without the daily conveniences that we take for granted. Let’s be honest, if that happened to me I would probably have a breakdown before the end of the week and cry about the lack of dental hygiene or something. It is nice to read a story that is more realistic or at least in line with how I would react.
On an emotional level it is also easier to focus on objects/conveniences that are missing rather than the fact that you will never see your old family and friends again. They might as well be dead.
Yeah this chapter got me too. She just seems quite inconsiderate sometimes… especially of Tuli’s feelings. The part where she’s totally disregarded Tuli’s basket help, proceeded to make a better basket than her and then only tried to console her because ‘she can’t live in this world without Tuli’s help’ was a bit triggering .
It’s nice seeing everyone’s thoughts on Myne, gotta say. It’s so easy to get caught up in your own reading of her, but everyone sees things a bit differently.
I’m beginning to wonder if I would find her as annoying if I were reading in English. I suspect I take it a little more personally when I find characters in Japanese books annoying because I’m putting so much effort in to understand who they are, they better be worth it
I’m glad other people have similar thoughts about Myne (and are able to write them down probably better than I could). While I can understand it’s a big culture shock, she does seem quite spoiled to me sometimes - perhaps it would be different if she came from a smaller town or countryside, but when I was reading her reaction to the pig episode, I was just thinking, where is she expecting her food to come from? I can understand that she might still feel the disconnect with her current new reality, but I feel that she is still quite judgmental of the people and the customs here - a certain degree of selfishness is fine and expected of course, but as a (previously) adult woman, it surprises me how she doesn’t understand at times how her actions make her sister and parents feel.
I seem to be consistently a week behind on the reading, but I’m still keeping up. Upper level University courses are no joke
My thoughts on Myne’s behaviour up until now: I think it’s rather true to life how things would go if these exact circumstances played out; Urano was a young woman in early 20’s, lived in a metropolitan Japanese city, spent pretty much all of her life in academia devoted to an obsession with reading and books, and now inhabits the body of a sickly 5 year old. I have to imagine that her acting spoiled is a confluence of being sheltered/alienated from the processes involved in producing food and other goods, a general lack of work experience, and also trying to cope with the fact that the person known as Urano died and now she has to play the role of child.
The obsession with finding, and subsequently making books feels more like a coping mechanism to try and find something that will bring comfort/tether her to what she considers reality; as long as she’s focused on that thing then she doesn’t have to process the rest of it, as inconsiderate as it may be.
I agree! It is a bit annoying, but it feels quite realistic. I would also be upset if I reincarnated into a world with such a hard life, and as a sickly four five year old at that! I do hope that we see some character development and acceptance from her soon, though. I wish she would be more considerate of Tuuli’s feelings.
Finally finished this week, even though my work trip left me with a cold. At this rate I might catch up to the club before it ends lmao
For the chapters Myne is very much a city girl and maybe also hemophobic, that was a pretty extreme reaction. I was proud of her for her bag, everything else aside! It might genuinely be the first time she’s been praised for something. I also don’t think she did anything wrong, pretending to take Tuuli’s advice when she didn’t need it would have been worse IMO. And when Tuuli was a bit put out she did try to cheer her sister up. Even if it’s a bit forced still she is starting to engage with her new family