2024 Bingo Reading Challenge ☑️

So, regarding each point…

  1. Where to display titles: The thought was that it’s an informal fun thing you can add to your natively profile about me section. There was some talk of maybe trying to make custom forum flairs (such as how we can select “Regular” at the moment if it has been unlocked), but I think that is something for @brandon to confirm and provide more info about, as I’m not sure if it’s possible. :slightly_smiling_face:
  2. About long term thinking: this was just kind of an idea that popped into my head and we’ve all been collaboratively organizing it as we go now as a community, but my individual thought is we either have different titles each year or add 2024 to differentiate and keep them discrete. That way we are flexible if people want to do something different in the future one day if we do continue with bingo. Open to any and all thoughts about this one, though!

I’m good with it!

I know you’ve been pretty busy with the tags/CSV dump lately @brandon, but wanted to see if you had any thoughts on this.


Having a linkable flair thing on the site that brings to this thread, might increase awareness of the forum and engagement, which is afaik, something @brandon wanted to happen?


If that is possible and what we end up doing, I think we definitely need a fresh thread so that no one joining in is put off by the amount of replies or has to scroll through hundreds of replies about planning to find out what’s going on. :sweat_smile:

Edit to add: I may hold off on creating a wiki post in this thread until we confirm if we can link into a thread. If we do go with a new thread then it’d make more sense to set it up there.


Here’s mine:


I have a feeling I’ll be using my free space for the cover one, but luckily I won’t have to go searching for a work of a higher Natively level than I’ve read before! If I only count finished books and not dropped, then my current highest is L36 (この本を盗む者は, though I still think it’s lower than that; I have more trouble with 宝石商リチャード氏 which is L34), and I’ve already got こころ, which is L39! The only squares I think I’ll have to buy books for are the award and debut ones Turns out I already own 天沢夏月’s debut work, サマー・ランサー! It also won an award, but it can only count for one, so.

Fills (10/16)

a work with a workplace setting: 夜明けの雲 (Feb 29)
higher Natively level than read before: 夢十夜 (Mar 10)
no reviews/gradings/ratings on Natively:
join/participate in a book club: 天気の子 (Feb 08)
a work with a non-human protagonist:
book that’s been in your 積読 pile the longest:
a debut work: サマー・ランサー (Feb 27)
a work that’s won an award: 神去なあなあ日常 (Apr 27)
read one volume or story in a single day: 黒子のバスケ① (Jan 01)
a book read despite the cover:
an author you’ve never read before: 8月アウトロー① (Jan 22)
a work or preview available to read for free: 大阪の反逆   ーー織田作之助の死ーー (Jan 02)
a book that you added to Natively: DOUBLES!! ーダブルスー 4th Set (Jan 31)
a book chosen randomly:
finish a series: DOUBLES!! ーダブルスー Final Set (Feb 22)

And if this were 2023:

I actually got a full bingo! Many of them had multiple possible books that could fill them, and those were chosen pretty much randomly, mainly from more recent books.

a work with a workplace setting: ギンモクセイの仕立て屋  上
higher Natively level than read before: この本を盗む者は
no reviews/gradings/ratings on Natively: さいとう市立さいとう高校野球部  上
join/participate in a book club: 風の谷のナウシカ①
a work with a non-human protagonist: バロン  猫の男爵
book that’s been in your 積読 pile the longest: FREE SPACE
a debut work: 花馨る雨の名を
a work that’s won an award: 明日をくれた君に、光のラブレターを
read one volume or story in a single day: ダイヤのA①
non-fiction: 青春サプリ。  自分がここにいる理由
a book read despite the cover: SPY×FAMILY⑤ (I hate Yuri, so I’m counting it)
an author you’ve never read before: 蟻魔君は魔法使い
a work or preview available to read for free: 待つ
a book that you added to Natively: 恋をするにはLv.が足りません!
a book chosen randomly: ガールズ・ブルー
finish a series: 勇者のひざには猫がいる④


Made one too!


Also, 2023

I joined Natively like a month ago, but if I include all the Tadoku graded readers I read I guess I got two bingos? That’s pretty boring though, so I’m planning to only do native material next year.

…i totally did not notice i could check off items on the page itself whoops

I was a bit concerned about the awards one because the prize winners on Natively are all L27+ novels, but I think there are manga awards?? so I am probably going for those… (any other beginner friendly awards suggestions appreciated!)


Natively only has a few major awards, I’m planning to do the 江戸川乱歩賞 for my own bingo card, which is not listed on Natively.

Here’s a list of manga awards: 日本の漫画賞 - Wikipedia

Edit: 漫画大賞 has an English wiki: Manga Taishō - Wikipedia
電子コミック大賞 doesn’t but it should be easy to understand regardless since it’s mostly just a list: 電子コミック大賞 - Wikipedia


@eefara @Megumin too

I have no idea of what’s possible. I think other discourse forums do custom titles, not sure. If we want this to happen / discuss possibilities, I recommend opening a product request and discuss there :slight_smile:

Also it’d be more likely to happen if someone finds a suitable discourse plugin! Happy to add a plugin.


No need for plug-ins. The feature is already in, but it does require some extra work on your part.

Since this is a 2024 thing, we can do it all at the end of next year, so there’s quite a bit of time still.

EDIT: found a way to make it easier for you. I’ll shoot you a DM


Cool, when I update the guidelines I’ll add a note that the prize titles are just for fun and could be put in a profile bio if desired (then we see what happens, maybe if that works out we can award them at end of year depending on bingo wins). Thanks for looking into that (and @brandon too of course!) :blush:


So Yeah, I was trying to automate this with a group and a group manager, but it’s more complicated than I imagined and necessary.

@brandon at the end of the year 2024 we can provide a CSV list of users to grant the badge manually.

It can be bulk granted, so it won’t become an excessive chore.



Also if anyone in this thread is skilled with the art of photoshop or other applications, maybe come up with some badge images? :sweat_smile:


Wouldn’t just a title work? (where ‘Regular’ goes, it would need to be one or the other).
If I understand correctly, to create a custom title you just need to create a custom group. But then I know next to nothing about discourse, so I may be wrong.

It sounds like overkill to me to go fancy with badges and graphic elements for a yearly forum challenge. Badges might be needed later down the line for premium members, or major contributors or frequent reviewers or whatever. Or to show target language, when we become a truly multilingual forum.


I’ve been looking into it, but seems like you can only assign one title per group.
So the only way to get multiple titles for the bingo without overcomplicating things, is create badges that can be assigned as titles.

I could be wrong though, but I’ve been poking around a discourse admin panel for quite a while by now, and I think this is the most straight forward. A CSV at the end of the year for each title (badge). Then the users can assign the title to their discourse profile, if so they desire.


not too skilled but I do have illustrator+photoshop
any ideas for what you want on the badge or “whatever”?

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Since there’s a bit to start, maybe we can hold a mini-poll / mini-contest for this?

@brandon would have to ultimately approve to have the custom image in the badge though.

Otherwise we can go with one of the discourse’s predefined icons, but they are not very fancy.

Poking @bungakushoujo for input


It’s 5 possible titles (from 1 to 5 bingos), so 5 groups. What am I missing?

Creating 5 groups of users, per year, just for a bingo I think is a bit of a hack than a clean solution.

Also those groups need to be managed by an user that has to be in that group, which is way more of a chore than providing a CSV to award the badge IMHO.


If this bingo challenge continues for more years, I’d guess we’d either keep those same groups (if people want to keep past titles, in which case they could try to get a better title), or just clear groups and restart. But yes, with multiple languages etc, it may get out of hand in the future.

I still think that graphic badges for the bingo may be overkill, but then again, why not.


We can just use one of the discourse pre-defined ones and go for the bronze-silver-gold depending on the amount of bingos.

The checkbox one fits enough I guess.


I’m so easily distracted. As if I don’t have work to do. Anyway, something like this then (but prettier)?



Edit: Found a nice brush font
