2024 Bingo Reading Challenge ☑️

Alrighty; I’m making a fresh home post for 2024.


:fire: Modifiers :fire:

  • I’m going to try to only use books from my backlog for this challenge (backlog = bought before 2024)
  • I also, if possible, only want to count books that are LNs or novels, since I want to increase my novel-reading endurance. If this becomes impractical, however, I’ll allow manga.
2023 Bingos (same card as 2024)

Read for free: 待つ | L29
Join/participate in a book club: many choices, but here I’ll pick 七回死んだ男 | L34
No reviews/ratings/gradings: レバダン・希望の花 1
Finish a series: ファイアパンチ | L25
An author you’ve never read before: 変な音 | L32
1 vol in a single day: ババンババンバンバンパイア 4 | L26 (my goal next year is to do this w/ a novel)
Setting is a workplace: おいしいごはんが食べられますように
Non-human protagonist: 猫と竜 | L26
A book you added to Natively: FLESH & BLOOD 7 | L35
(A higher level than before): (My highest is L38 薬屋のひとりごと; I’ll have to actively beat that…)
(Nonfiction): (I apparently haven’t read any nonfiction ;_; )
Won an award: 告白 | L33

2024 Bingos

Read for free:
Join/participate in a book club: 美しい彼 | L31
No reviews/ratings/gradings: ブライト・プリズン 学園の美しき生け贄 | L32
Finish a series:
An author you’ve never read before:
A book chosen randomly:
1 vol in a single day:
Setting is a workplace:
Non-human protagonist:
A book you added to Natively: 冥府の王の神隠し | L29
A higher level than before:
Won an award: 神去なあなあ日常 | L34
A book that’s been in my 積読 pile the longest:
A book with a bad cover:
A debut work:


I mean, that’s a matter of perspective. I think it has a great cover!


I guess “bad” is a subjective thing. I didn’t mark it in 2023, because while I had books I didn’t like the cover of, they weren’t necessarily bad covers. :melting_face: hm… maybe I’ll go with “ugly” (to me) as a definition. Or mabye “doesn’t suit the contents” or something like that… :thinking:


Haha that’s what I struggled with the most when I tried to retrofit my 2023 reading :sweat_smile: I assigned it to リング for now as I think that’s the cover that fits the book’s contents the least… but it’s not really bad. :woman_shrugging:

My retrofitting efforts so far

You can see all the books I read and which of them I assigned to which field. This covers 10 out of 16 fields, which is more than what I had expected :blush: With the free field on “no reviews” I get 3 bingos (could have been 4 with a better distribution of the fields) so that’s cool as well.


For those who look for books with non human protagonist:


I decided to port the thing to a spreadsheet to track the titles:


ID: #f40059


Wow, that looks really nice!

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I hate CSS so it’s just a Spreadsheet exported to html :sweat_smile:

Looking at the bingo itself, selecting what’s been longest on my TBR is going to be a bit hard to judge, as I’ve been having a TBR pile long before natively.


I’m not 100% certain what the one that’s been in my 積読 the longest is either, since I bought a few books before I actually started learning (telling myself I would, ofc, but it didn’t end up happening for another few years). I don’t think I got any of the 海王社文庫 volumes until afterwards, so it was probably one of the BSD LNs. Or BSD Wan. I’m just gonna go with the first novel, make it easy on myself


I have books that have been on my TBR list since 2014 or earlier, and I haven’t been keeping track of when I bought them, so… I’m just going to use that “oldest” square as a generic “any book that’s been on your TBR list for at least 8 years” one. (I may have a couple of manga volumes floating around that I’ve had since before I moved to New York, which would’ve been 2008, but… I’m not going to get too nitpicky about it.)


@bungakushoujo would it be unreasonable to add two more columns to the 2nd post table? One for modifications, one for qualifiers? I figure people don’t need to list how they’re modifying in that column specifically, but can just list a :fire: or :game_die: emoji in the column if they’re doing that.


I like the emoji idea, but aren’t qualifiers just a way to choose randomly?

Sure, I have no problem with that. :slightly_smiling_face:

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My bad cover for 2023 is Tuberose, in that I read it despite the cover. Next year’s might be Medium (not sure what percentage we’ll have read this year, so maybe not), because again I would never pick it up based on the cover. Others may love it, but it’s my bingo. :slight_smile:


I figure if you’re consciously using the qualifiers to pick randomly it’s notable, right?

Edit: well, re-reading the qualifiers list, it’s more just intended for that one square… So you’re right, no need to add it to the table!


Not necessarily, but I like the :game_die: emoji, so I’ll say yes! :smiley:


I went ahead and didn’t add it for now :thinking: since it’s just part of the square. But if we do want it so we can avail of the cool :game_die: emoji then I can add it. :laughing:


Fun. I used :icecream: to mean vanilla, no modifiers.

Edit: Although actually, these will be true anyway:

  • Take on the bingo challenge with only one type of book (manga, LN, novel, etc.)
    (novels only)
  • All books you read are either physical or digital; no mixing (digital)

That was my bad cover choice as well :rofl: but then I realized I needed the book for „series completed“ :flushed: so I had to come up with the second-worst one :grin:


It counts as a series? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
If we’re counting every 上 and 下 as a series then I have a hope of crossing out that box!

(in contrast to the higher grading box, because Tatami Galaxy is 43, and I don’t see much that interests me above that)