Yuri/GL/wlw book club - Nominations close 5th of October


Title: アステリズムに花束を 百合SFアンソロジー | L30??
Book type: Anthology / Short story collection
Available formats: physical / ebook

Summary - Japanese


百合――女性間の関係性を扱った創作ジャンル。創刊以来初の3刷となったSFマガジン百合特集の宮澤伊織・森田季節・草野原々・伴名練・今井哲也による掲載作に加え、「ゲンロン 大森望 SF創作講座」出身の新鋭女性作家、櫻木みわ&麦原遼による共作「海の双翼」、《ソ連百合》として話題の南木義隆「月と怪物」、『元年春之祭』の陸秋槎が本書のために書き下ろした本格SF「色のない緑」、『天冥の標』の完結後第1作となる小川一水の宇宙SF「ツインスター・サイクロン・ランナウェイ」の全9篇を収める、世界初の百合SFアンソロジー。カバーイラストは『ハーモニー』やSFマガジン百合特集のシライシユウコ、ブックデザインは〈コミック百合姫〉や『やがて君になる』などを手がけるBALCOLONY.が全面監修。

Summary - English

Yuri and Science Fiction
the world’s first anthology of yuri and science fiction

Yuri - a creative genre that deals with relationships between women. In addition to works by Iori Miyazawa, Season Morita, Haruka Kusano, Neri Banana, and Tetsuya Imai from the SF Magazine Yuri Special, which went into its third printing for the first time since its first issue, this volume also includes “Umi no Soubu Wing” by Miwa Sakuragi and Ryo Mugihara, two new female authors from “Genron Nozomu Omori SF Creation Course”; “Moon and Monster” by Yoshitaka Nanki, which is being talked about as “Soviet Yuri”; and "Gennen Harunokai The first yuri SF anthology in the world, this volume includes nine stories: “Green without Color,” a full-fledged SF story written for this book by Riku Shusa of “Harmony”; and “Twin Star Cyclone Runaway,” a space SF story by Ogawa Issui, the first work after the completion of “Tenmei no Mokuteki”. The cover illustration is by Shiraishi Yuko, who has published “Harmony” and SF Magazine Yuri Special, and the book design is fully supervised by BALCOLONY. who has worked on “Comic Yurihime” and “Yattekimini ni naru”.

Content warnings

None I know of

Reason(s) for nominating: Someone else on the forum mentioned this and I was intrigued. I love short stories and it will give me exposure to multiple authors I haven’t read before.

*Note: I already submitted feedback to have this book recategorized on the site from Novel to Short Story