Yuri/GL/wlw book club - Nominations close 5th of October

You can find them under Past Cycles, in the OP. here’s what it was for round 2: Yuri/GL/wlw book club - Reading: 雨でも晴れでも on the 7th of July, VOTING FOR NEXT - #146 by shablul

Tho I think a number of those may be on cool down now


I kinda wanted to leave itopen a bit more or until 15 people since I felt like it would be unfair if I closed it so quickly
Especially since the whole offshoot talk was only after I put up the poll

So for now if I could leave it up even until Saturday or something I would rather

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You’d need at least 13 more voters for the results to change. :laughing:



I’ll close it then and start the nomination post


3rd cycle nominations スタート!
A reminder that we have nominations out of cooldown now so you can re-add them simply by quoting or replaying to the nomination post with a short “re-adding this” message!


“re-adding this”, please


Excellent choice!!! (Says the person who nominated it in the first place :crazy_face:)

Edit: added!


Ohh I have #5 on my TBR pile, might join then :smiling_face:


I have 2 unfortunate news for you;

  1. that manga is on cool down :smiling_face_with_tear:
  2. since someone else made a nomination post already you didn’t need to make a new one :smiling_face_with_tear:
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Ahhh sry!! I should have checked! (Also that someone else was me :sweat_smile:)

I’ll delete my 2nd post, since there’s no reason for it.


I didn’t notice :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Welp, at least we know you like this series very much :joy::joy::joy:


Title: 徒然日和 1 | L21
Book type: manga
Available formats: physical / ebook

Content warnings

None that I know

Reason(s) for nominating: I remember this being a really unique and amazing, rural slice of life centering around these 4 friends. Anyway, someone reminded me of it recently, and I just finished rereading another “more than friends, less than lovers” series… so I thought it could be a great opportunity for a reread, and sharing a series I enjoyed w/ others :slight_smile:


On the plus side, this means I can binge read it sometime in the near future :stuck_out_tongue:


A reminder that Today is the last day for nominating!

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Oh, I adore this manga. Look at my profile, and you’ll see it’s one of my favorites. On the one hand, that means I’ve already read it a couple of times. On the other, I’d love to discuss it with others, point out all my favorite scenes, etc (except for the fact that I’m generally too lazy to write). I’m surprised I haven’t written a natively review for it.

Too bad it’s only 3 volumes and except for a single story in an anthology, there doesn’t seem to be anything else by that mangaka.


There are so many interesting nominations, that I had to make a spreadsheet and give points to determine where I’ll vote.

The point system is highly objective and scientific (with such criteria as whether or not it’s one of bbo’s favorites) and I’d encourage everyone to take it into consideration.

condition points
completed +1
completed manga at 3 volumes +2
completed novel at 1 volume +2
novel +2
college age +1
working age +2
bbo’s favorite +1
horror -1
# Title Level type age volumes note points
1 ささやくように恋を唄う L20 manga high school 10 ongoing 0
2 どれが恋かがわからない L21 manga college 3 ongoing 1
3 フツーと化け物 L24 manga high school 2 ongoing horror -1
4 恋と呼ぶには青すぎる L24? manga working 3 completed food? 4
5 彩香ちゃんは弘子先輩に恋してる L22 manga working 3 completed 4
6 気になってる人が男じゃなかった L23 manga high school 2 ongoing 0
7 はなにあらし 1 L18 manga high school 13 copleted 0
8 姫守の杜 L30? novel high school 1 completed? fantasy 4
9 〆切前には百合が捗る L29 novel age gap 16 and 22 2 ongoing? age gap 4.5
10 作りたい女と食べたい女 L25 manga working 5 ongoing? food 2
11 徒然日和 1 L21 manga high school 3 copleted bbo’s favorite 3

Horror gets a +2 from me, and I also encourage everyone to take it into consideration :grin:. Btw, thanks for the recommendation.

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Your entire table got a -3 from me for that one :upside_down_face::japanese_ogre:

Edit; Btw hilariously in contrast to your table フツーと化け物 was the runner up after the winner at the first cycle :joy:

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Re-adding this

I was deliberating with myself over whether or not to add this since majority of the list as it is right now is made of my own nominations but since there’s no :japanese_ogre::boom::japanese_ogre: type of Yuri in the list right now I allow myself this much :joy:


Do you know the anthology/if it’s any good? I think I was fine wrapping it up at 3 volumes, but I’ll see how I feel when I read it again. Physical volumes are annoyingly hard to obtain :frowning_face:

〆切り is completed btw, unless the manga does really well (it seems like a mess, from random online comments), then the author said they might write something additional