Yuri/GL/wlw book club - Nominations close 5th of October

That’s okay. Positive affine transformations applied to utility functions preserve the preference ordering. So it wouldn’t change anything.

https://bookwalker.jp/dec56ef077-1684-4476-b612-0bd8a7a0c20f/ I understand that the topic might not be appealing. It’s probably not worth it for just this one story. It’s all pretty wholesome, though.

Ah, I gotta adjust my points, then. But it’s in the top 5 anyway, so it was guaranteed my vote already.


Ahh yeah, I’m not reading that. Thx for the link tho

Was 4.5 instead of 3.5 intentional?

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I never said the table values will be the ones getting the -3 :upside_down_face::smiling_imp:

I’ll add a +3 just to balance it out

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Declaring a mutiny I see

I will see you walking off the plank to the fishes arrrrrrr :parrot::pirate_flag::tropical_fish:

edit 1:

saying just in case but THIS IS A JOKE, THUS IS MY HUMOR, PLZ DONT TAKE ME SERIOUSLY, after I wrote this message my place as book club manager suddenly occured to me and I got paranoid over “omg what if they took me seriously I ont want to scare people out of the club”

edit 2:
I need to find if there’s a pirate yuri now, because I know for a fact that coolAsF women that became pirates existed and now I want to see if I find a yuri story on them


Dw. It would be hard to read that as anything but a joke, と思う

There’s apparently a few: https://www.reddit.com/r/yuri_manga/s/eQ5xuq4OpQ




it just occured to me, do offshoots count as informal book club? simply because if they do we can add the offshoot to the informal book clubs list in the big index megumin made

Pretty sure that refers to book clubs without a structured schedule, and/or single focus, etc. So I don’t really think so

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single focus isn’t a specific series in this case?
I still don’t 100% get the difference between the formal and informal ones lol
hence the question

Some of the book clubs in the informal list are things like “various works by xyz author” or “various works with this theme” stuff like that

雨でも晴れでも is one series

This discussion seems a bit like “what’s the difference between a light novel and a regular novel?” It’s probably more productive to ask that question on the informal book club thread, fwiw.

As the person running the offshoot, I don’t think of it as being informal, but like if @Megumin wants to put it on the list, I won’t object either.

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Informal just means no schedule. Instead of a weekly schedule like regular book clubs, informal ones are just to talk about a series or read at your own pace.


ahhhhh I see, I thought we could get some more publicity for our offshoot if it was informal as well :joy:

oh well :crazy_face:

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THIRD CYCLE VOTING BEGINS :long_drum: :long_drum: :long_drum:


For my own part, I’ve been interpreting “informal” as both what seanblue said, no fixed schedule, as well as the occasional scheduled book club that disperses after finishing the specific book they gathered to read. For example, the group who voted to read a light novel pick plans to continue voting on other light novels, so they’re an official club. The group who voted to read the scheduled 薬屋のひとりごと 2, however, probably won’t expand to voting on other books with any similar theme, so 薬屋 goes into the informal list, since it’s a one-off with no organizing body behind it.


For what it’s worth, in the master book club list on WaniKani, they are just “miscellaneous”, broken up into scheduled and non-scheduled sections. But it’s very different over there since the recurring book clubs are really just broken up by difficulty or media type. Basically miscellaneous clubs are where someone was just like “hey, anyone wanna read this?” rather than being voted on in one of the standard clubs. On Natively there seems to be more by genre like this club and the mystery club, so it doesn’t really fit the same pattern.


@eefara has been doing all the hard work over there on those lists.


I have had some RL stuff that has created a havoc on most of my routines and regular visits, and trying to get some of it back.


Good luck :face_holding_back_tears:


A reminder that today is the last day for voting :blush:

edit: I don’t know if it’ll be an insentive or just plain bummering someone but I’ll give out the warning for the works that will enter cooldown as the list is right now
はなにあらし 1 | L18
白と黒~Black & White~ | L24?
作りたい女と食べたい女 | L25
姫守の杜 | L30?


And the Winner IS!!!

どれが恋かがわからない :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’ll update with a start date and home thread soon and hopefully we’ll have a running reading sched super very much muy tottemo ktir très soon (I’m having some busy days hence I might delay in a few days but I’ll try to finish with it Saturday max!) :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: