

I’ve been trying to learn Japanese for so, so very long now. After dropping it more times than I can remember, I’m hoping to finally push through this time.

My general goal is to be able to read what I want without worrying about difficulty.

My overly specific goal is to read the るろうに剣心 manga because my Japanese-speaking friend borrowed it from her cousin when we were young and complained that it was hard to read. It’s been my goal to be able to read it ever since.

My rating scale (as much to remind me as for others):

:star::star::star::star::star: I loved this. I will watch/read it again. Probably multiple times. It may not be objectively amazing.

:star::star::star::star: This was very good. I enjoyed it and would probably recommend it to others.

:star::star::star: This was fine. Maybe not my thing, maybe had bad pacing. I may have decided to not finish it. But it is probably worth the time for language learning.

:star::star: I struggled getting into this even a little or found it to be objectionable. I may not have finished even a little bit of it.

:star: This is awful. Just don’t.