2024 Bingo Reading Challenge ☑️

I decided that a questionable ‘learn about databases’ book would be my bad cover. I read this in 2 days because it’s quite short and also very easy, but take my comment with a grain of salt because I already have technical vocab and I did notice a decent amount of advanced grammar that I’m just very used to by this point :person_shrugging:

システムエンジニアは一日にしてならず - very mildly NSFW cover

I actually can’t add this to Natively because it’s not on Amazon(!), but it’s currently free on Bookwalker incase you too want to learn about Oracle databases by self-inserting as a Cool Third Year Programmer :tm: who learns about database recovery by being scolded by a Hot Coworker :sweat_drops:

The book itself is G rated, there is nothing saucy in it.


All I can say to this is lol. :rofl:


I rolled a random number to select from my TBR pile for that square, and got 7, which was ハロー・グッドバイ 東京バンドワゴン | L29 . There were definitely a few books I would have been tempted to take a reroll to avoid, but luckily I didn’t have to…


忘れえぬ魔女の物語 1 | L34 apparently won the GA文庫大賞, so I used that to fill in the “won an award” square for another bingo. Only three squares left…


For my first update.


I finally get to update my bingo card today! After too long! Admittedly, I’m cheating a tiny bit with this one.

Higher Natively level than you’ve read before: 薬屋のひとりごと 2 | L38

It’s not technically a higher level; the highest level I’ve read is the first book in that series, haha. I’m extremely unlikely to read a higher one this year, though, and it’s been about two years since reading the first book, so it’s close enough.

Me deciding to only count the backlog books I finish as part of the bingo was a real choice on past eefara’s part. :cold_sweat: Let’s see if I can get one bingo this year, haha.


I’m very late to this but it looks fun! I’ll count some stuff I’ve already read this year but use the 5x5 so I can still have a fair amount to read.

A few questions before I generate my card.

A. Do you guys consider invisible people non-human?

B. If an author contributed to an anthology then made their first solo work, can I count it as a debut work?


Alright, time for another update

Once I finish 京都寺町三条のホームズ | L29, I will now get 2 bingos at once. I could try to rush 源氏物語 (which easily wins the “published earliest” contest, making it the bottom left spot) to get 3 at once… but I don’t wanna

Previous stuff

TBR random: 十二秘色のパレット 第1巻 | L23??
TBR female author: ギンモクセイの仕立て屋 上
Read for free: 地獄くらやみ花もなき 肆 百鬼疾る夜行列車 | L31
“most recently published TBR” 本好きの下剋上 ハンネローレの貴族院五年生1 | L32??
“TBR longest title”: 魔法使いの引っ越し屋 勇者の隠居・龍の旅立ち・魔法図書館の移転、どんな依頼でもお任せください | L30
spicy: 阿修羅ガール | L29
Non human portag: 地獄くらやみ花もなき 参 蛇喰らう宿 | L31
No reviews/ratings: 好き好き大好き超愛してる。 | L31
TBR next in series: 女装してめんどくさい事になってるネクラとヤンキーの両片想い 12巻 | L25
No other adaptation: 30歳まで童貞でいたら魔法少女になりました 1 | L28??
TBR warm colors: 7SEEDS 外伝 | L30
“wholesome”: 事情を知らない転校生がグイグイくる。 1 | L21
“fiction of non fiction”: どこの家にも怖いものはいる | L32
TBR cool colors: 吸血鬼はお年ごろ | L26
TBR colorful cover: 忘らるる物語 | L34??
latest bought: 私の推しは悪役令嬢。2 | L33
workplace: わたし、定時で帰ります。 | L35
TBR lightest cover: リウーを待ちながら 1 | L30??
TBR darkest cover: リウーを待ちながら(2) | L30??
Non-fiction: スマホはどこまで脳を壊すか | L30??
Award winner: ハンチバック | L33
TBR don’t remember why: 本を守ろうとする猫の話 | L31
TBR hesitate the most: 私の推しは悪役令嬢。 | L33
TBR easiest: ふらいんぐうぃっち 6 | L19
Lowest level: 人外さんの嫁 1巻 (ZERO-SUMコミックス) | L17
Prettiest book: 地獄くらやみ花もなき 弐 生き人形の島 | L31
“shortest TBR” 銀河鉄道の夜 | L32
“no middle- or high-schooler” 後宮の烏 | L36
“elderly main character” 献灯使 | L39
“has media adaptation” スレイヤーズ 1 | L35
“hardest ever” 春琴抄 | L52??
“what should I read next” どうも、噂の悪女でございます 聖女の力は差し上げるので、私はお暇頂戴します ベリーズファンタジー | L30??
“ultimate random” このたび不本意ながら、神様の花嫁になりました1巻 | L24??
“finish a series” (technically just the latest published volume): TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 9 下 ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を~ | L40
Untranslated: TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 4 上 ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を~ | L40 | Natively (kinda feels like cheating, but it’s true).
Vol2: 葬送のフリーレン 2 | L25 | Natively
Book club: 今日からマのつく自由業! | L33 | Natively
New to me author: 東京ヒゴロ 1 | L28 | Natively
In a single day: 蟲師 1 | L29 | Natively
Contains a character that speaks a dialect: 神様はじめました | L28 | Natively(putting the series because I don’t remember in which volume she appears first)
Bad cover: TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 2 ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を | L40 | Natively
Chosen for me: BANANA FISH 1 | L33 | Natively
Webstore suggestion: TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 3 ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を~ | L40 | Natively
Added by you: ドッグスレッド 1 | L28?? | Natively
Published 2020~ TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 1 ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を~ | L40 | Natively (that means I am using different volumes from the same series twice, but I guess that’s legit?)
神社⛩️ 神様はじめました 第1巻 | L28 | Natively
0~1 kanji in the title BANANA FISH 2 | L33 | Natively (already used volume 1)


Sounds highly situational, so I couldn’t say. Do keep in mind though that any rules are pretty flexible; if it makes sense to you, count it! The goal is to read more, after all.

Count which as the debut work? The anthology one? I would. If they have a separate, full-length debut novel, there’s also reasonable grounds to count that. Like I said, flexibility.


The rules are made up and the points don’t matter. If those rules make sense to you and feel like fair play, do it. If not, don’t.


Thanks for the help!

Here’s my card so far then:

I used my free space to replace “Non-fiction” with “Reread a book”. Rereading seems valuable, but I never do it. Not even in my native language.

Reading a light novel and getting into fan fiction are two other goals I want to meet through this. The light novel will almost certainly take the high level book space and the fic will take the read for free slot.


Woops, I totally forgot about this for like… 6 months. Maybe it’s an excuse to make a better formatted bingo card and fill in what I’ve done this year so far.


Now finished, bringing me to just two squares unfilled:

I don’t have anything in my TBR that would fit either of those, so this is probably the final state of the board unless I run down the TBR pile enough to justify another cdjaoan order this year…


You could also try to re-read something you first read years ago? Assuming you still have the books.


Alright, I have a few books piled up, time for an update

Food related title: 幻想古書店で珈琲を 青薔薇の庭園へ | L31 (Coffee is foodstuff, right? I think my blood is at least 33% coffee at this point, so I think it counts)
Shares a kana initial with me: ゴーストハント1 旧校舎怪談 | L33
Debut work: しかもフタが無い (ちくま文庫 よ-32-1) | L26??
Cheapest (not free): 京都寺町三条のホームズ | L31

That last one gives me 2 more bingos, reaching 3.

And with that, we are almost done with the easy ones. I guess published in 2007 is gonna be okay (I am reading one right now).
I have one book that I think is historical fiction.
Written before 1940 and TBR simplest cover should be easy enough.

On the slightly more annoying, I have 赤毛のアン on hand for “nostalgic”… but I don’t really feel like reading it at this time.
Oldest bought is also right there… where it has been for like 8 years (soon 9). I think there’s a reason that it’s been left unread for so long :stuck_out_tongue:

On the grunt inducing side TBR hardest, longest in TBR, TBR longest book, and TBR published earliest are all way over 500 pages and I (still) don’t wanna.
I have “only” 200 pages left on ドグラ・マグラ | L50?? but I just went through a section in Classical Japanese and boy was that draining. Even the normal sections are all ~べし and ~候 now. I’ve been reading that book on and off since March, though. I will finish it.

Previous stuff