2024 Bingo Reading Challenge ☑️

Aug 5:
no reviews/gradings/ratings on Natively: シンデレラ・ティース

If it weren’t for the MC’s uncle dating one of his patients, who on top of that is a minor, I totally woulda given this 4☆… It was a good book aside from that.

But on the bright side, I’ve now got 4 bings! First and last column, last row, and four corners.


So, my most recent read どこの家にも怖いものはいる | L32?? is a much better match for “fiction of non fiction”. (The author, as himself, is “transcripting” various accounts of supernatural events he “found”, eventually bringing the attention of some eldritch horror to himself and prompting him to warn the reader about reading ahead). It thus replaces ドッグスレッド 2 | L26 for the spot. Not sure what I will use for instead (if I use it).

I’m also going to check “wholesome” with 事情を知らない転校生がグイグイくる。 1 | L22

Previous stuff

TBR cool colors: 吸血鬼はお年ごろ | L26
TBR colorful cover: 忘らるる物語 | L34??
latest bought: 私の推しは悪役令嬢。2 | L33
workplace: わたし、定時で帰ります。 | L35
TBR lightest cover: リウーを待ちながら 1 | L30??
TBR darkest cover: リウーを待ちながら(2) | L30??
Non-fiction: スマホはどこまで脳を壊すか | L30??
Award winner: ハンチバック | L33
TBR don’t remember why: 本を守ろうとする猫の話 | L31
TBR hesitate the most: 私の推しは悪役令嬢。 | L33
TBR easiest: ふらいんぐうぃっち 6 | L19
Lowest level: 人外さんの嫁 1巻 (ZERO-SUMコミックス) | L17
Prettiest book: 地獄くらやみ花もなき 弐 生き人形の島 | L31
“shortest TBR” 銀河鉄道の夜 | L32
“book club” 後宮の烏 | L36
“elderly main character” 献灯使 | L39
“has media adaptation” スレイヤーズ 1 | L35
“hardest ever” 春琴抄 | L52??
“what should I read next” どうも、噂の悪女でございます 聖女の力は差し上げるので、私はお暇頂戴します ベリーズファンタジー | L30??
“ultimate random” このたび不本意ながら、神様の花嫁になりました1巻 | L24??
“finish a series” (technically just the latest published volume): TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 9 下 ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を~ | L40
Untranslated: TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 4 上 ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を~ | L40 | Natively (kinda feels like cheating, but it’s true).
Vol2: 葬送のフリーレン 2 | L25 | Natively
Book club: 今日からマのつく自由業! | L33 | Natively
New to me author: 東京ヒゴロ 1 | L28 | Natively
In a single day: 蟲師 1 | L29 | Natively
Contains a character that speaks a dialect: 神様はじめました | L28 | Natively(putting the series because I don’t remember in which volume she appears first)
Bad cover: TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 2 ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を | L40 | Natively
Chosen for me: BANANA FISH 1 | L33 | Natively
Webstore suggestion: TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 3 ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を~ | L40 | Natively
Added by you: ドッグスレッド 1 | L28?? | Natively
Published 2020~ TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 1 ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を~ | L40 | Natively (that means I am using different volumes from the same series twice, but I guess that’s legit?)
神社⛩️ 神様はじめました 第1巻 | L28 | Natively
0~1 kanji in the title BANANA FISH 2 | L33 | Natively (already used volume 1)


Hello everyone! I realized I never formally entered the challenge. I’m quite new to the whole thing but either way here is what I have so far. I only let each book count for one square since that would mean I had to read more (which is my true goal here) and used the “no free space” modifier.

So far I’m very pleased with my progress, considering I only informally started the challenge in the middle of this year and the biggest part of my finished pile is books I’ve read over the course of my life. I just want to have everything in one place and am still adding books whenever I remember :sweat_smile: This site is so addicting. Sort stuff into things! Numbers! It’s an autistic dream /gen

Additional thoughts

Going purely by what natively thinks, “higher level” is probably going to be 火定, because I don’t know what else to possibly add there.

Since I just pick up stuff I think could be interesting or enriching I already dread having to scrub through everything for the “published the year you started learning Japanese” and “debut work” squares…

P.S.: thanks to @fallynleaf for getting me into this challenge and explaining everything to me! I never read much in a single year before, especially not after pro wrestling started sucking up all my time, but I made an effort this year to read more and fall back on it instead of playing video games or wasting time on social media. It has helped me find a lot of great works (as well as a lot of trash :joy:) and polish my literary understanding.


Your first row has the titles above the box, but everything else has the title at the bottom of the box :scream:

but yes, welcome :tada:


Haven’t had much motivation to read these past few weeks :pensive: it took me an embarrassingly long time to finish 光が死んだ夏 1

Recent completions:

  • Author’s Debut Book: 光が死んだ夏 1 (L28)
  • I Added it to Natively: たるしば (L16)

I’m looking forward to the next 24-hour Readathon in a few weeks so I can knock out 2-3 more categories :raised_hands:


Alright, I haven’t updated in a while since I was traveling.

So, since then, I read a bunch of manga (not sure if I will use them, since I do want to avoid flooding my bingo with those), and also
spicy: 阿修羅ガール | L29 (technically, sex scenes were not exactly happy, but still counts)
Non human portag: 地獄くらやみ花もなき 参 蛇喰らう宿 | L31 (I didn’t want to use previous volumes just because you have 鬼 instead of humans because it feels too close… but now that it is confirmed that one of the characters is a literal fish made humanoid by magic, I’m going to count it)
No reviews/ratings: 好き好き大好き超愛してる。 | L31

After thinking some more, I will add one manga per series in there.
TBR next in series: 女装してめんどくさい事になってるネクラとヤンキーの両片想い 12巻 | L25
No other adaptation: 30歳まで童貞でいたら魔法少女になりました 1 | L28??
TBR warm colors: 7SEEDS 外伝 | L30

Still no bingo, but getting really close.

Previous stuff

“wholesome”: 事情を知らない転校生がグイグイくる。 1 | L21
“fiction of non fiction”: どこの家にも怖いものはいる | L32
TBR cool colors: 吸血鬼はお年ごろ | L26
TBR colorful cover: 忘らるる物語 | L34??
latest bought: 私の推しは悪役令嬢。2 | L33
workplace: わたし、定時で帰ります。 | L35
TBR lightest cover: リウーを待ちながら 1 | L30??
TBR darkest cover: リウーを待ちながら(2) | L30??
Non-fiction: スマホはどこまで脳を壊すか | L30??
Award winner: ハンチバック | L33
TBR don’t remember why: 本を守ろうとする猫の話 | L31
TBR hesitate the most: 私の推しは悪役令嬢。 | L33
TBR easiest: ふらいんぐうぃっち 6 | L19
Lowest level: 人外さんの嫁 1巻 (ZERO-SUMコミックス) | L17
Prettiest book: 地獄くらやみ花もなき 弐 生き人形の島 | L31
“shortest TBR” 銀河鉄道の夜 | L32
“no middle- or high-schooler” 後宮の烏 | L36
“elderly main character” 献灯使 | L39
“has media adaptation” スレイヤーズ 1 | L35
“hardest ever” 春琴抄 | L52??
“what should I read next” どうも、噂の悪女でございます 聖女の力は差し上げるので、私はお暇頂戴します ベリーズファンタジー | L30??
“ultimate random” このたび不本意ながら、神様の花嫁になりました1巻 | L24??
“finish a series” (technically just the latest published volume): TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 9 下 ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を~ | L40
Untranslated: TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 4 上 ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を~ | L40 | Natively (kinda feels like cheating, but it’s true).
Vol2: 葬送のフリーレン 2 | L25 | Natively
Book club: 今日からマのつく自由業! | L33 | Natively
New to me author: 東京ヒゴロ 1 | L28 | Natively
In a single day: 蟲師 1 | L29 | Natively
Contains a character that speaks a dialect: 神様はじめました | L28 | Natively(putting the series because I don’t remember in which volume she appears first)
Bad cover: TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 2 ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を | L40 | Natively
Chosen for me: BANANA FISH 1 | L33 | Natively
Webstore suggestion: TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 3 ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を~ | L40 | Natively
Added by you: ドッグスレッド 1 | L28?? | Natively
Published 2020~ TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 1 ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を~ | L40 | Natively (that means I am using different volumes from the same series twice, but I guess that’s legit?)
神社⛩️ 神様はじめました 第1巻 | L28 | Natively
0~1 kanji in the title BANANA FISH 2 | L33 | Natively (already used volume 1)

Edit: just realized I also forgot to add 歯車 | L34
It is a short story, but I have added 銀河鉄道の夜 | L31 already, which is also short… :thinking: Not sure where I should put the cutoff line (I’m definitely not adding stuff that are <20 pages, and probably will add stuff >50 pages, but 歯車 is listed as 41 pages long…)


I finally finished 奥羽の二人 | L50?? and my gradings brought it in at “level 50??” which qualifies it for “something at a higher Natively level than you’ve read so far” and gets me my first bingo!

I’m going to write a review in a bit, but what made it difficult was:

  • Historical fiction based on real historical figures and events, so you can easily get lost if you don’t have enough background knowledge
  • Lots of historical place names and personal names which very rarely get furigana
  • The author’s style tends to using obscure words

The upshot is sentences full of unknown words where it can be tricky to tell even whether the unknown word is a normal word, a proper noun or a title sometimes.

Plus because it’s short stories, every thirty or so pages you get a completely different set of names to deal with.

The first sentence is not unrepresentative:


(You get furigana for 安佐 = あさ and 金山 = かなやま but nothing else.)


Well, just a quick update that I have finished my “TBR longest title”: 魔法使いの引っ越し屋 勇者の隠居・龍の旅立ち・魔法図書館の移転、どんな依頼でもお任せください | L30

I would have dropped it if not for this bingo…


I finished two more books in my summer holidays.

For the “new to me author” square:

Apart from the dialect the grandmother spoke and I just ignored (the meaning came across nevertheless) it felt like a fairly easy read. A very short book. Apparently, I have a paperback edition that also includes another 80 pages or so with sayings by the grandmother and their background/explanations. The book itself was ok, though not really my cup of tea. But I gave up on the additional sayings pages eventually. Too repetitive - a lot of the sayings I had read already in the main part.

For the “workplace setting” square:

For me, this was great not least because of the unusual setting: The two main protagonists are tax collectors from a Japanese tax office. It is all about how they try to collect overdue taxes from taxpayers and the small and big dramas that evolve around this - both regarding the taxpayers as well as the tax collectors themselves.

I enjoyed this book a lot, especially the latter half. It is the first book in a series, I think I will buy and read (at least) the second volume eventually.

previously filled squares

finish a series 神去なあなあ夜話 | L34
no gradings/ratings/reviews on Natively yet 13階段 | L29
debut work 木曜日にはココアを | L28
for free (was a present) リボルバー | L31
award-winning 容疑者Xの献身 | L32
bad cover 西の魔女が死んだ | L28
read in a single day 天国はまだ遠く | L28
read with a book club https://learnnatively.com/book/2c1e37ec2e/


I somehow seem to be missing any bingos with my current reading order. :laughing:

Been a while since I updated. Didn’t get much done this summer between massive amounts of unpaid overtime and my worst hyperfixation in a decade. :sweat_smile:

But!! I did the math and to finish Tensura 1-3, Bookworm 2-3, and Trinity Blood 1 I only need to read 6k characters a day, which is…technically doable. I’ve been good about it the last week and a half, anyway. Then as long as I sneak in the last bit of Adabana, a manga, and the non-fiction articles, I will have achieved my stretch goal of blackout bingo!

Actually I might swap Trinity Blood 1 with Tensura 4 for “non-human” just so that I don’t have to learn another fantasy book’s vocab. That’s been the biggest hit to my reading speed with Tensura 1–Bookworm 1 did not have nearly the amount of fantasy vocab as Tensura 1 has had in the first 22% of it.


I finished my “most recently published TBR” 本好きの下剋上 ハンネローレの貴族院五年生1 | L32??, thus giving me my first bingo on this grid!

I have also now mapped all the stuff I should read for the rest of the grid… I wonder if I will have time to do that before the end of the year :sweat_smile:

Previous stuff

“TBR longest title”: 魔法使いの引っ越し屋 勇者の隠居・龍の旅立ち・魔法図書館の移転、どんな依頼でもお任せください | L30
spicy: 阿修羅ガール | L29
Non human portag: 地獄くらやみ花もなき 参 蛇喰らう宿 | L31
No reviews/ratings: 好き好き大好き超愛してる。 | L31
TBR next in series: 女装してめんどくさい事になってるネクラとヤンキーの両片想い 12巻 | L25
No other adaptation: 30歳まで童貞でいたら魔法少女になりました 1 | L28??
TBR warm colors: 7SEEDS 外伝 | L30
“wholesome”: 事情を知らない転校生がグイグイくる。 1 | L21
“fiction of non fiction”: どこの家にも怖いものはいる | L32
TBR cool colors: 吸血鬼はお年ごろ | L26
TBR colorful cover: 忘らるる物語 | L34??
latest bought: 私の推しは悪役令嬢。2 | L33
workplace: わたし、定時で帰ります。 | L35
TBR lightest cover: リウーを待ちながら 1 | L30??
TBR darkest cover: リウーを待ちながら(2) | L30??
Non-fiction: スマホはどこまで脳を壊すか | L30??
Award winner: ハンチバック | L33
TBR don’t remember why: 本を守ろうとする猫の話 | L31
TBR hesitate the most: 私の推しは悪役令嬢。 | L33
TBR easiest: ふらいんぐうぃっち 6 | L19
Lowest level: 人外さんの嫁 1巻 (ZERO-SUMコミックス) | L17
Prettiest book: 地獄くらやみ花もなき 弐 生き人形の島 | L31
“shortest TBR” 銀河鉄道の夜 | L32
“no middle- or high-schooler” 後宮の烏 | L36
“elderly main character” 献灯使 | L39
“has media adaptation” スレイヤーズ 1 | L35
“hardest ever” 春琴抄 | L52??
“what should I read next” どうも、噂の悪女でございます 聖女の力は差し上げるので、私はお暇頂戴します ベリーズファンタジー | L30??
“ultimate random” このたび不本意ながら、神様の花嫁になりました1巻 | L24??
“finish a series” (technically just the latest published volume): TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 9 下 ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を~ | L40
Untranslated: TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 4 上 ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を~ | L40 | Natively (kinda feels like cheating, but it’s true).
Vol2: 葬送のフリーレン 2 | L25 | Natively
Book club: 今日からマのつく自由業! | L33 | Natively
New to me author: 東京ヒゴロ 1 | L28 | Natively
In a single day: 蟲師 1 | L29 | Natively
Contains a character that speaks a dialect: 神様はじめました | L28 | Natively(putting the series because I don’t remember in which volume she appears first)
Bad cover: TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 2 ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を | L40 | Natively
Chosen for me: BANANA FISH 1 | L33 | Natively
Webstore suggestion: TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 3 ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を~ | L40 | Natively
Added by you: ドッグスレッド 1 | L28?? | Natively
Published 2020~ TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 1 ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を~ | L40 | Natively (that means I am using different volumes from the same series twice, but I guess that’s legit?)
神社⛩️ 神様はじめました 第1巻 | L28 | Natively
0~1 kanji in the title BANANA FISH 2 | L33 | Natively (already used volume 1)


I finished 舟を編む | L34 last night, so that has indeed filled in the “workplace” slot for me. The book’s structure turned out to be more “ensemble cast” and not focused only on one main character, so the aspect I mention above that I didn’t get on with isn’t the main thread of the whole book, happily.

Not sure what to do next bingo wise; I only have

  • won an award (easy, there are so many Japanese book awards, something in my to-read pile will qualify)
  • non human protagonist
  • read one volume or story in a single day (very difficult since I’m only counting novels for my bingo card, not single short stories or manga)
  • read a book chosen randomly



I haven’t checked your book list, but what about ハンチバック | L32 ? It’s only 96 pages long, and a quick read.


Thanks for letting me know! I do own that book but I‘ve also watched the movie and I know that lowers my motivation quite a bit, so I’m staying clear of it right now.
Instead I started Masquerade Hotel with the WK book club, which also seems to fit the slot quite well.

What is your minimum requirement for the length of a novel? Many of the Akutagawa winners are in the 150 page-range, and there are some that are written straightforwardly (language-wise) on top of that. I don’t know ofc but I would expect you to be able to get through one of those in one day, if you have a bit of time at hand?
Short easy books that I enjoyed a lot are e.g. 蛇にピアス | L30 (128 pages, trigger warnings: sex, gore, generally disgusting stuff), 土の中の子供 | L31 (160 pages, trigger warnings: gore, also involving children), おいしいごはんが食べられますように | L31 (162 pages), or of course a classic like コンビニ人間 | L30 (168 pages).
Do you think a book of that length might be doable for you?


Mmm, on an easy book I get up towards 30 pages an hour, so in theory a 150 page easy book could be doable in a day. The question is more whether I want to put in five hours of reading in a day – I think that would feel like a terrible slog unless the book was very good, and of course that’s tricky to judge when you haven’t started it yet :slight_smile:

(My minimum length requirement is effectively “it has to be a published paper book”, I guess. So a volume of multiple short stories I also count as one book.)


Oh yes sure, I can relate to that! So I tried to put myself in the position of someone wondering about reading one of my recommendations, and because the first two rank around subject matter that might be offputting to some people, I ended up favoring おいしいごはん - there is also a book club for it over at WK where you can maybe judge the level of entertainment from the discussions we had :wink: I also checked the Natively reviews and while some people didn’t enjoy it as much others had a blast - especially @cat’s review started with “I read this book in one day because I could not put it down.” :rofl:


I think for a “read in a day” book I would probably want a plot driven story like a mystery, rather than a character based story.

But I just put in a cdjapan order, so I suspect I’ll mostly be reading stuff from my tbr pile for the rest of the year :slight_smile:


A few more updates:

I talked about them elsewhere on the forum, so I don’t have anything else to say :sweat_smile:

Previous stuff

“most recently published TBR” 本好きの下剋上 ハンネローレの貴族院五年生1 | L32??
“TBR longest title”: 魔法使いの引っ越し屋 勇者の隠居・龍の旅立ち・魔法図書館の移転、どんな依頼でもお任せください | L30
spicy: 阿修羅ガール | L29
Non human portag: 地獄くらやみ花もなき 参 蛇喰らう宿 | L31
No reviews/ratings: 好き好き大好き超愛してる。 | L31
TBR next in series: 女装してめんどくさい事になってるネクラとヤンキーの両片想い 12巻 | L25
No other adaptation: 30歳まで童貞でいたら魔法少女になりました 1 | L28??
TBR warm colors: 7SEEDS 外伝 | L30
“wholesome”: 事情を知らない転校生がグイグイくる。 1 | L21
“fiction of non fiction”: どこの家にも怖いものはいる | L32
TBR cool colors: 吸血鬼はお年ごろ | L26
TBR colorful cover: 忘らるる物語 | L34??
latest bought: 私の推しは悪役令嬢。2 | L33
workplace: わたし、定時で帰ります。 | L35
TBR lightest cover: リウーを待ちながら 1 | L30??
TBR darkest cover: リウーを待ちながら(2) | L30??
Non-fiction: スマホはどこまで脳を壊すか | L30??
Award winner: ハンチバック | L33
TBR don’t remember why: 本を守ろうとする猫の話 | L31
TBR hesitate the most: 私の推しは悪役令嬢。 | L33
TBR easiest: ふらいんぐうぃっち 6 | L19
Lowest level: 人外さんの嫁 1巻 (ZERO-SUMコミックス) | L17
Prettiest book: 地獄くらやみ花もなき 弐 生き人形の島 | L31
“shortest TBR” 銀河鉄道の夜 | L32
“no middle- or high-schooler” 後宮の烏 | L36
“elderly main character” 献灯使 | L39
“has media adaptation” スレイヤーズ 1 | L35
“hardest ever” 春琴抄 | L52??
“what should I read next” どうも、噂の悪女でございます 聖女の力は差し上げるので、私はお暇頂戴します ベリーズファンタジー | L30??
“ultimate random” このたび不本意ながら、神様の花嫁になりました1巻 | L24??
“finish a series” (technically just the latest published volume): TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 9 下 ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を~ | L40
Untranslated: TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 4 上 ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を~ | L40 | Natively (kinda feels like cheating, but it’s true).
Vol2: 葬送のフリーレン 2 | L25 | Natively
Book club: 今日からマのつく自由業! | L33 | Natively
New to me author: 東京ヒゴロ 1 | L28 | Natively
In a single day: 蟲師 1 | L29 | Natively
Contains a character that speaks a dialect: 神様はじめました | L28 | Natively(putting the series because I don’t remember in which volume she appears first)
Bad cover: TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 2 ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を | L40 | Natively
Chosen for me: BANANA FISH 1 | L33 | Natively
Webstore suggestion: TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 3 ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を~ | L40 | Natively
Added by you: ドッグスレッド 1 | L28?? | Natively
Published 2020~ TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 1 ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を~ | L40 | Natively (that means I am using different volumes from the same series twice, but I guess that’s legit?)
神社⛩️ 神様はじめました 第1巻 | L28 | Natively
0~1 kanji in the title BANANA FISH 2 | L33 | Natively (already used volume 1)


Hi everyone. I just joined. Do the books I already read this year count? :sweat_smile:


Welcome! Sure, why not. It’s the 2024 bingo and it’s still 2024. :smile: