I started out intent on not planning my reads according to the challenge, but now I definitely see the appeal… I’ll try doing it the other way around, and seeing ahead of time wich of my planned books can fit in the bingo, that way I know that even if some don’t fit in, I’ll still get several squares
No ratings/gradings/reviews: サクラの守る街 | L32
It was interesting to learn more about the security industry. I liked how we got a look into each of the four divisions at the company. I would have liked the overarching plot to be just a little stronger, it feels more like a collection of connected short stories than a novel. Overall I enjoyed it, 3.5 stars.
Previous stuff
Released year of birth: 夏泊殺人岬 | L33
Non-human protagonist: 転生したらドラゴンの卵だった ~最強以外目指さねぇ~ 1 | L30
Cats: 猫の浮世絵 「江戸の猫ぐらし」の巻 | L31
Set where I’ve lived: 博多豚骨ラーメンズ | L33
Finished 彗星とさいごの竜 for “Recommended to me” prompt. It was a bit more difficult than I expected but mostly read it through extensive reading with some intensive parts. A feel good story about the underdragon getting their day. I enjoyed it and it was a decent read considering my level.
I do think I’ve bitten off more than I can handle with my choices of books atm though. また、同じ夢を見ていた and 竜のかわいい七つの子 are more difficult than expected atm. So will need to read these at home instead of at work. Need to find an alternative to read while at work that has furigana. 泣きたい私は猫をかぶる is looking like my best bet at this point unless I want to go back to ふしぎ駄菓子屋銭天堂 or try the other 2 books from 紫禁城の秘密のともだち series. There’s a lot crammed into 300 pages for 泣きたい but I know the gist of the story so it should be easier than 時をかける少女 I hope.
My second spot for bingo is 恋と呼ぶには青すぎる 1 | L28 series. This was nominated for the Yuri Book club and only received 17% votes in its first round of voting.
Technically it has had better results in subsequent votes, but never really got selected, so I am going with this for a “Low interest nomination”.
It’s always refreshing to read a Yuri romance where the main characters are adults instead of high schoolers (since the latter is a much more common setting), but sadly this manga didn’t feel to me like it hit the correct notes for that setting. Can’t quite blame the author though, since the title does mention that there’s going to be some immaturity involved (the 青すぎる part).
One of the big hurdles for me was the Kansai-ben used by two of the main characters. I have read books in the past with characters that used a lot of Kansai-ben, but this felt on different level to the point it was more like Kansai-ben-slang. For a lot of phrases and expression my Kansai-ben resources failed to help me figure things out. This is one of the reasons why this jumped from L24?? to L28 after I graded it.
There was also the problem that many parts of the story were quite confusing - I wasn’t completely sure if it was just that my Japanese was not good enough, but even other characters seemed to be just as a confused by some ideas the characters bring up seemingly out of the blue. Characters had definitely some quirky ideas on how human relationships work.
I would have preferred if the manga focused more in the Yuri romance instead of exploring these more quirky viewpoints expressed by the characters, but that’s just my personal preference.
Time to figure out what to read next ^.^
Yeah, had Bocchi and Bookworm move to the same level which meant that Bocchi no longer counted as a new level, so considering that myself
I have no idea what I’m doing and so I’m blaming @taiyousea for all of this
But finally made a card tonight (not late - fashionably on time)
(blackout seems impossible!!!)
oh yeah I was supposed to post a link Four Seasons
yeah Brandon’s fix worked- just had to re-edit!
Bingo update! I kinda forgot to update it, so it’s two books at once this time.
I’m picking 명탐정 셜록 홈즈 1 | L25 as set outside Korea, which seems obvious. This was also my first audiobook of the year.
And 다이어트 학교 | L22 I don’t have any specific prompt for it, so I figured I’d put it in the free space. This means after this if nothing fits I’ll have no options, but I’ll deal with that when I get there (after all, my plans for which book to read for which prompt have already been completely derailed).
I’ve set myself up for quite a few bingos by chance, so I wonder when I’ll complete my first one
Past reads
- 2nd volume of a series: 이상한 과자 가게 전천당 2 | L21
- Past book club: 또다시 같은 꿈을 꾸었어 | L27
- Science fiction: 일 퍼센트 | L23
- New Natively level to me: 당신을 기다리고 있어 | L31
- Unusual genre to me: 나 같은 사람 또 있을까 | L25
- Set outside of Korea: 명탐정 셜록 홈즈 1 | L25
- Free space: 다이어트 학교 | L22
Random question but what format was this image in?
I’m having the same issue.
I took a screen shot and then copy and pasted into the post window (png) did the same thing with the other one and it was fine - really nothing special
another of the mill discourse bug
Thanks, mine did the same with PNG on the physical media thread and with Jpeg on my own language log (I tried screenshotting and cropping but it still happened). Wasn’t sure if it was limited to certain files types or not.
Hi all! A bit late, but I made my bingo card a week or two ago and I’ve started to fill it out! My goal for this year is to read at least 40 books / webnovel volumes, bringing me to an all-time total of 100 books read in Korean, so I made a 6x6 bingo. And I’m challenging myself to not count webnovels for the bingo, except for 1-2 squares.
Here is what it looks like right now.
Has an adaptation: 용의자 x의 헌신 (JP original, so I highly recommend it to everyone. Legendary mystery that gives me Death Note vibes)
Retirement age MC: 살인자의 기억법 (boring at first, but funny/shocking and pretty short)
Non-human protagonist: 행성어 서점 (maybe cheating bc it’s a short story collection, but at least 2 of the stories have robot/cyborg protagonists)
Someone recommended to me (to read together): 우린 그림자가 생기지 않는다 (and unfortunately we both hated it)
One-word title: 파견자들 (highly recommend – this one could fit at least 5 squares on the board, and it’s original standalone sci-fi by my favorite author, 김초엽. Definitely very hard, though)
Books about books: 은둔형 외톨이의 마법 (disliked unfortunately)
2nd in a series: 죽이고 싶은 아이 2 (maybe I should have used it for the number in title… worth reading if you read the first book, but note that the tone is very different)
Published in 2017, when I started learning Korean: 동트기 힘든 긴 밤 (originally translated from Chinese and quite gripping, albeit depressing. Thriller/mystery)
Disability: 보건교사 안은영 (pretty funny book and I liked it, but I would not recommend it to most learners bc the plot is (intentionally) all over the place and it’s disorienting)
Reread: 당신을 기다리고 있어 (so happy to see so many people reading this! It was my first-ever real book in Korean, and I think it’s a great pick bc it’s really short)
Currently reading: 성녀의 구제 (thinking of “revenge” if it turns out to fit that, or “translated into Korean”)
Btw, my favorite Korean book is 방금 돌아온 세계 by 김초엽. It would fit sci-fi, non-human protagonist, recommendation (by me), and not translated into English, at least. You could also do set outside of Korea because many of the stories are set on other planets, lol.
(edited to add some more thoughts on the books for anyone interested)
Welcome @suadang !!! You’re off to a flying start.
Here is mine so far, from:
三世代探偵団 次の扉に棲む死神 | L24 - Character of retired (age!) - this is Jiro Akagawa’s recent series, of daughter/mother/grandmother detectives. The grandmothers is one who works the most throughtout the book, so glad the criteria’s not just retired.
ぬるい毒 | L35 - No Reviews - the title of this book was a good descriptor, a bit unsettling of a bad relationship unfolding.
木洩れ日に泳ぐ魚 | L32 - Past book club - I was on holiday while I read this, so I haven’t posted my thoughts to the book club, but it’s on my to do list!
I think I will be stealing this for the “someone else’s card” spot! Thanks