This is such a fun and motivating challenge! And looking through all the bingo card of yours is really inspiring and fun
So here goes my current bingo card. I still have two books of “Gal to Dino” to go, but there are no more fields to fill with this series. Did you know it got an Anime adaption on crunchyroll? It’s kinda bad, though
Anyway, I love this series and it’s such a lucky find, sonsidering I just saw the cover pic and thought “this look crazy cute” then read the title and thought “wow, this is crazy” so it fullfills both my favorite color and the curious title. I also went in blind, cause you can’t go wrong when it already looks this cute. I also booked it for language related due to the language barrier between dino and the rest of the world (though their english seems fine).
Oh, I’m missing just one book without gradings/reviews/ratings and I could get my first bingo! Got to go through my stash, looking if I already have one
1 - Cover is primarily composed of your favorite color:
→ BLUE!! とんがり帽子のアトリエ 6 with the IMC (Jan 4th)
2 - 2nd volume of a series:
→ ダンジョン飯 2巻 with the IMC (Jan 4th)
3 - Book you keep hearing about but haven’t read yet:
→ 容疑者Xの献身, previous ABC (Jan 5th)
4 - Read the next book in a series you have started:
→ スーパーの裏でヤニ吸うふたり 4, Read volume 1 with the BBC in March 2023 (almost two years ago!), it was hard. Feels easier now! (though still doesn’t feel easy! manga is hard) (Jan 7th)
6 - Read a book that doesn’t have any ratings/gradings/reviews on Natively :
→ 南くんの恋人 got it as a gift, I am apparently the first one to read it (Jan 8th)
7 - Read a book someone else thought you would like
→ セロ弾きのゴーシュ, children book, got it as a gift. I found it WAY harder than its grading, some sentences were very long and full of kana and very hard to parse. (Jan 11th)
9 - Read a book at a Natively level you haven’t covered yet:
→ Candidates were: below level 14, level 18, level 22, level 24, level 28, level 32, level 34, above level 35. Looked at my backlog and settled for 怪人二十面相 level 28. How can you not want to read it after reading this post from javerend? And it did not disappoint, I really enjoyed reading it (Jan 19th)
10 - Read something with a one-word title
→ orange, previous BC on WK. Not gonna lie, was pretty happy with myself when I decided to read this one for the one-word title haha. Had this book in my backlog for a long time, as it was being read here on WK forums at the time where I was actively studying Japanese and kept seeing the threads popping up. Thought I would just read the first volume but I enjoyed it, plus now I’m hooked and need to know what happens next! So I am planning on finishing the series before starting on the next Bingo case (it’s only 7 volumes) (Jan 22nd)
11 - Read something that has won an award
→ 世界から猫が消えたなら, has a thread on WK, keep seeing this one popping up and was wondering what it was about.
What a book. I didn’t know anything about it when I started it, expect that it’s quite popular (or at least that it’s been read a lot, I can see now that not all the comments are positive). “wow this book is pretty funny”, “wow this book is pretty sad”, I don’t know which one fits best but this book gives a lot of food for thought. Especially touching if you are mourning / thinking about your own mortality. (Feb 10th)
12 - The title includes a number
→ 3月のライオン: Read the first volume. Not sure how much I like it yet, I think I will read at least two more volumes to see if I want to read the whole series. I found it pretty hard language wise! (Feb 14th)
To do, not sorted 13/25:
Something from someone else’s bingo card
Read a book about a topic you previously didn’t know about
Past book club choice
Main character is retirement age or older
Read a book with a non-human protagonist
Read something with a title that sounds curious to you
Ask what you read next in the Seeking Recommendations Thread
Released the year you were born
A genre you don’t usually read
Read the book that has been in your 積読/TBR pile the longest
Read a debut (an author’s first book, whether they’ve written more or not)
Diagonals also count in my opinion based on how I know the rules of bingo, but feel free to play how you like!! Whatever gets you reacting and having fun
First bingo! All thanks to New Natively level to me: 貝に続く場所にて | L42
I could also use it as Set outside of Japan or New topic to me (art history), but I think it’s going to be easier to fill those than “new level”
Wait hold on, I already had level 42, but not level 44. Never fear, I can literally hot swap with as they both feature heavily my favorite color (turquoise and other green/blue derivatives).
So it’s Favorite color: 貝に続く場所にて | L42 then It’s actually a better match on both counts.
So I kind of forgot about the bingo but I was able to use everything I read so far for a square!
Edit: updated card bc I didn’t realize I could just mark it on the site while I play wowowow
No ratings on Natively - 나는 실수로 투명인간을 죽였다
Pretty fun read about a guy who gets caught up in some things when his friend tells him he accidentally killed an invisible person. Title interested me a lot but it wasn’t quite what I was expecting.
Science fiction - 회색 인간
Collection of short stories. Mostly weird, dystopian or science fiction-y stories. I hope my understanding of science fiction is correct lmao but I’m sure at least one of the stories should count. I like that there’s no flowery descriptions, this author’s writing is fairly to the point which makes it easy for me to understand without having to look up much. And there’s always a twist of some sort, which keeps it fun.
Title includes number - 남편을 죽기는 서른 가지 방법
Technically just a short story but I’m going to count it lol a woman plans different ways to kill her husband.
Features cats - 뉴서울파크 젤리장수 대학살
Not just about cats but there is some cat POV which is interesting. This book maybe should’ve been a short story cause it went to a lot of different places lol. The idea of a jelly vendor massacre is fun. At times it was grotesque but nothing crazy imo.
Curious title - 칵테일, 러브, 좀비
Title pulled me in but I found the short stories in this collection just okay for the most part. I felt they were almost too short.
I had been reading 吸血鬼はお年ごろ | L25 for favorite color cover, but about 3/4 of the way through I realized I’m old that it was actually published in my birth year. That will be way harder to fill in, and I have plenty of other blue covered books that I can swap to that position.
Wait, wasn’t the publishing year of those 2009? Am I looking at the wrong book? Did I read the publishing year wrong? Or are you kids just joking about your “old age”
hahaha, thanks! I was! Now we can feel “definetly not old” together! and there I was, already calculating if you folks are even old enough to be on the internet ^^
I’m definitely gonna be adding a couple of these to my bingo card.
Did you like 남편을 죽이는 서른 가지 방법? I’m always up for a nice short story.
I’m also still waiting to get 나는 실수로 투명 인간을 죽였다, so that one I’ll probably be reading some time in March.
Honestly there are so many good books on everyone’s bingo cards, I still can’t bring myself what I’ll be reading for that “from someone’s else’s card” prompt.
Made it semi-public, since it’s just a personal list and not comprehensive (mostly just the ones that felt possible for my level and/or I would be willing to pick up myself). I also included Japanese versions of some of the Korean books that have been posted, if I could find them.