2025 Bingo Reading Challenge ✅

Yes I really enjoyed her short story! I’m trying to hunt down one of her collections.

I think you’ll like the 투명인간 book! It starts off with the action which is nice. Idk if I like the MC but that may be part of the point haha.

I agree, it’s fun to read everyone’s cards. I’ll need to start adding to my TBR soon…


Well, thanks to your list, I discovered (and then read) BIBLIOMANIA | L26
I’m not going to add it to my card because I do a “no manga” challenge, but it was a fun (and somewhat disturbing) read.


I just made a list for the Korean books so far. Do tell me if I forgot anyone’s card. I didn’t bother to add the Japanese books that had a translation available in Korean, but if someone wants to do that I can add collaborators.


2nd volume of a series: 気になってる人が男じゃなかった VOL.2 | L24

New square! Still doing squares that are easy to fill, but some of these I’m going to have to think about later :thinking:


Apologies if anyone posted about it already, but Bookwalker is currently running a campaign on books with Cats if anyone needs a cat book for their Japanese bingo still! Apparently February 22nd is 猫の日🐈


This is very cool!
I was thinking to use a random generator and pick a random comment in the thread, and then pick a new random number to pick one book from the list of books that are in the comment, but then what if the comment is not a comment that has a list of books read :thinking:
Might have a look at your list instead!

Thank you Bookwalker for supporting Natively Bingo 2025 :joy: now please make a campaign for Main character is retirement age or older :joy: (saw someone here using Frieren for that one, pretty smart!)


Use the list of bingo cards in post 2, filtering for those that have at least one spot filled.


Thanks to that, booklive is doing the same thing. I haven’t cross referenced to see if they are the same books. Edit: I have now checked and there’s like no overlap :joy:


I like that idea too!
Keeping it as my last square probably, then there will be more things to choose in between :grin:


Finished one bingo square:

  • Natively w/o ratings - おまわりさんと招き猫 あやかしの町のふしぎな日常 - 6.8 look-ups/page, 1.9 % zero-look-up pages, currently L28. Look-ups would have been less if the author didn’t like to use out-of-list or jinmeiyou kanji that much, or at least provide more furigana. But otoh this is the way to get used to them, as a kanji with furigana, I‘d probably just ignore with a mind set like: no need to worry about it now, next time it‘ll have furigana again.
    Speaking about cats: I plan to read volume #2 for the cat square sometime in the second half of the year.

Started one new bingo square:


I have my eye on メタモルフォーゼの縁側 1 | L21


haven’t read this manga, but the live action movie was soooooo cute and good!!!
need to add this to my list to buy later


Oh I didn’t know there was a movie!? I’ll have to find it!

I should also read the rest of the manga… it’s one of the few series they have at my (Canadian) local library

Edit: メタモルフォーゼの縁側 | L26 if anyone else is interested in the movie. :blush:


it was part of the film festival thingy a while back that was posted over on wk, that’s how I ran across it…

movie info here:

not sure where to watch it now but it was a really touching story


sorry about that - you can tell I don’t bother tracking any movies/anime watched :laughing:


lol, I think we were writing that at the same time :joy:


I just finished 理由, which I’ll write my thoughts on in the club thread tomorrow (it’s bedtime soon) but it fit the one word title prompt so I put it in there :partying_face:

To be honest most of the prompts this year don’t seem to align with what I’m reading/want to read next so I might not even get a bingo :joy:


yeah… this! My card just magically got filled in with alternate options that aligned with stuff I wanted to read anyway :wink:

@taiyousea said I could change stuff though so… chaos! :laughing:


Ah, the title didn’t ring a bell but thanks to the other’s comments, I have indeed watched the movie already during the festival. It didn’t do so much for me though.
I am considering reading おらおらでひとりいぐも, Akutagawa Winner, 2017, but apparently there is Tohoku-dialect in it, not sure if I am ready for that :grimacing:


That will probably be simplified dialect or there will be explanations in the text, like in e.g. ふらいんぐうぃっち.


I was considering that one and hesitating for the same reason too! :laughing: If you do go with that one we could make an informal bookclub to decipher the dialect together