Let’s read together! Here’s where you can start your book club. Please follow the below guidelines to help everyone out:
Any discussions involving plot points, please be sure to specify a clear spoiler policy at the top of the thread.
If you’d like to create a formal book club, please create an initial thread requesting input on your book club idea, like ‘Would anyone be interested in a Light Novel club’?
While we have not yet created a wiki for formal book club guidelines, we do strongly encourage you to follow a similar model to Mystery Novel Book Club, which is inspired by the process from the Wanikani book clubs.
Casual read-along discussions are welcome too. For instance if you say that you’re reading a particular book and one or two others are also reading it and want to discuss, creating a one-off thread for that book is welcome!
We think book clubs & discussions will be a really important part of Natively in the future. Come join the fun, all are welcome!