Description of your request or bug report:
So I don’t know if this is a bug or intentional, but the “About” dropdown is now missing if you’re signed in. I assumed this happened when the My Videos link was added.
Not in the dropdown either:
And it’s not in the header when the window is when the window is resized to be narrower (which I didn’t realize until now is slightly different?)
But if you’re not signed in, it still shows up:
The main problem with this is that as far as I can tell, users can’t access the “Our Grading System” page without typing in the url. All the other pages are still accessible from somewhere within the site. Not sure if this is intentional since it could be you’re revamping / removing this page? You did say something about adding an FAQ at some point after all.
Anyway, if this is a bug, then this post is a bug report, and if it was intentional, then this is a product request for the grading system information to be readded to the site in some way.
Trello link: