August Listening Challenge 👂

I listened to 6.5 hours of Japanese today across movies, an audiobook, and youtube videos. My brain is tired out and I’m going to bed shortly.

I will say I’ve fallen in the 推し活 youtube rabbit hole and while I don’t quite understand everything (lots of slang and subculture assumed knowledge) I’m enjoying myself.

I’ve always found 推し活 fascinating as someone who cannot reliably remember the names of actors and actresses I like and wouldn’t be able to recognize the faces of some of my favorite musicians (ie, not at all an 推し活 type). I like things which are different from me, and this is a very different way of experiencing life, so I wanna know all about it.

6.2 hours and 6 days to go. I can do this :muscle:

Good luck to all of us!


I haven’t made an update post in a few days since I’ve been dealing with some fatigue (am I tired from my life or am I tired from listening to Japanese constantly? :thinking:) but I did 5:10 hours from Thursday to Saturday and ended up under my daily hours and 5:30 hours today.

The big boost in my hours today comes from the fact that I got my audible credit for the month and started 本好きの下剋上~司書になるためには手段を選んでいられません~第二部「神殿の巫女見習い1」 | L31, which is a lot of fun! I did a lot of chores today and just listened to it the entire time.

I’ve been starting to feel burnt out on listening and kept starting and stopping random audiobooks and YouTube videos, so I think I started 本好き at a good time. :sweat_smile: After I get through it, I just need around one more audiobook and I’ll be at my goal!

I’ve also decided to drop 一生モノのジャズ名盤500 小学館101新書 | L30?? for now because it kind of doesn’t work as an audiobook. :frowning: It suggests a bunch of jazz albums, so I end up pausing to find the albums on Spotify to listen to them and I can never get very far in it since I can’t listen to two things at once. I think I’ll order this as a paperback instead.


tl;dr 54 min today, 29.5/35 hours

I also haven’t updated for a bit. I had some big anime days on Thursday and Friday (5 and 7 eps), so now if I can keep at about an hour a day for the rest of the month I’ll make my goal.

I’ve been thinking a lot about what I’ve gotten out of this challenge lately, since we’re coming up on the end of it. I’m really glad that I decided to test some things I didn’t think I was ready for like listening to an audiobook with no text and choosing to start some series with no subs. I definitely am watching quite a few shows now that I don’t think I would have thought I could keep up with raw, but I’m doing just fine on all of them!

On the other hand, I’ve been neglecting reading two of my books I’ve been reading along to the audiobook to, and two shows that I’ve been watching with subs. Since both of those things are places I can push into harder content than I can read/watch on my own I guess I’ve been doing a lot more lower level content this month. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, exactly. But it is something that I’m aware of. It has been nice to feel like I’m fluent-ish lately. I know it’s an artifact of picking things that are not a stretch to understand, but it’s a nice change from picking things right at the edge of my understanding all the time and feeling like I’m constantly swimming upstream.

I don’t know if I have any more of a point here, so I’ll stop my rambling :slight_smile:


Yesterday was a mess again, with a shift that splits your day in half, and leaves little time to yourself.

Did 90’ this morning, trying to force do some extra time to get to the 20h objective, but it might be tight. Tomorrow I expect another blank day sadly.


Shinobi Japanese app - few more levels finished: 40 minutes

京都寺町三条のホームズ | L29 - 13% complete: 2 Hours 20 minutes.

Hit a snag with the Kindle app telling me I wasn’t allowed to copy any more text. This was quickly resolved using Calibre. :stuck_out_tongue:

Total: 3 hours

(edit: did some more listening)


Day 26:
We did just over an hour of listening and comprehension questions, as part of my extended tutor sessions this morning. In addition to that, I also listened to ふしぎ駄菓子屋・銭天堂 book 2 prologue and chapter 1 twice (just over 55 minutes total for both audiobook listening sessions).

I’ve also done another 10 ish hours of playing Fallen Order with a lot of audio and random conversation. Again, only counting the active listening.

Total: 2 hours


Just over two hours today via youtube, netflix, and a little bit of audiobook listening. Slightly less than an hour per day and I’ll have it :pray: Too bad I fell into my youtube rabbit hole so late in the challenge, I’ll probably rack up the hours easily for a bit.


Today I blew through 3.5 hours of 本好きの下剋上~司書になるためには手段を選んでいられません~第二部「神殿の巫女見習い1」 | L31 and I’m already almost done with it! Just 30 more minutes to go.

I’m kind of debating purchasing the audiobook for the next volume instead of waiting for a new audible credit, but the price of $15 feels very high compared to the prices I usually get when purchasing in JPY. :thinking: Hmm…


I’ve been exclusively watching Sailor Moon since I started it last week. :sweat_smile:
I’ve watched 18 episodes in the last almost-a-week, meeting my 1.6 hours every day except Saturday where I only watched a single episode.

I honestly thought I was was going to binge a ton of it during the weekend, but I got distracted with a personal project that I suddenly got excited about. I had to pry myself away for the single episode on Saturday.


Season 1 is fun but not exactly drink from the firehose fun with all the monsters of the week. Super on the other hand…


Noted. I’ll be counting down the episodes until Super.

Honestly, the monster of the week episodes haven’t been bothering me that much so far. Enough plot has been happening in the meantime and a lot of the MotW episodes (at least so far) have focused on different characters which is fun as it builds out the world a bit.


I may also be biased since I’ve seen the first 2 seasons probably 5-6 times and the other ones 3 times at most. So I’m a little tired of the first two seasons. :grin:


Think there should be an option for this but unsure (there is in the UK): you can log into amazon for the country your audible is from and you should be able to search audible credit and get a choice of 1 or 3 credits for the same price as your subscription costs or less (so 1 in the UK is £7.99 and 3 is usually £18 or £20). Might be cheaper than the cost of the book outright.


season 1 does have some of my favourite episodes though… :face_holding_back_tears:


Mine never used to let me purchase direct from audible (not tried it recently though) so I always did it through Amazon instead. :slightly_smiling_face:


If you’re going through them that quickly, would Audible JP “Unlimited listening” be a good option?

I purchase the audiobooks just because I sometimes cancel my subscription and still want to listen (I also don’t go through them that quickly). Not sure if @bungakushoujo might be interested in the JP all you can listen option though. :slightly_smiling_face:


Alrighty, so I’m a little past 37 hours as of right now. Which means I need to cover about 13 hours over five days… :sweat_smile: That’s just over two and a half hours per day, which is technically doable. I don’t hold a lot of confidence that I’ll make it, but I will give it my best shot. :muscle:

I’m playing with the thought of re-listening to 華麗なる探偵アリス&ペンギン | L22 as my last bit of listening for the challenge, since it’s the first thing I finished this month. Might be interesting to see if I feel like I’ve improved listening-wise over this past month.


Finished my first J-Drama episode:

I’m still not really into the over-exaggerated acting style, but I can tolerate it more with this one, cuz it’s yuri extremely cute, and making me wanna read the manga | L23.

That leaves me with 9.7 hrs left in 5 days. So I’m pretty worried about meeting my 50 hr goal at this point… 頑張るよ!