初心者のライトノベル読書会 📚 Beginner's Light Novel Book Club L20-29

I looked at a vid or two on YouTube, and I’m kinda curious to try one… But wow most of them are expensive!! If anyone has recs for cheaper ones, lmk.

I prefer looking up every word, unless it’s something where I really know the content (like SAO manga), or have consciously decided to read extensively. That said, I’ve had to push myself to pause before looking up words, and make sure it’s not actually a known word. In that way, it might be helpful.


The difficulty for Japanese learners is that really the market for these devices is native Japanese speakers, so the dictionary selection is aimed at their requirements. The effect is that if you want the better J-E dictionary you end up having to pick one of the higher end models which comes with a pile of dictionaries you didn’t really need, like the Oxford Advanced Learner’s E-E dictionary or a load of “basic English conversation” tutorials. They are a bit difficult to recommend compared to using a phone app for most people these days – to some extent the product category is a holdover from when people didn’t have phones, and I’m guessing still kept alive by the need for school kids to have a device which they can use in class. (The “graphic calculator” is in the same boat.)


Gotcha. I’m trying looking up by writing, and it’s really hard (tho a good way to actually practice writing!!). Also hard not to lose my place repeatedly. Looking up by radical works well enough, but is still pretty disruptive.

I think the only way I could practically do this, without being overwhelmed for now, would be via Google Lens. Anyway, thx for sharing!


I’ve been thinking about an e-ink tablet for that but they all still lean pretty expensive, alas

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Obviously I don’t know your budget, but the cheapest model is around $100 and can get as low as $75-80 on sale (e.g. Black Friday).

Shamelessly reposting my nomination from the LN club :sweat_smile:
(if it’s not cool lmk and I’m fine to keep this out of the running)


It’s cool, but could you fill it out manually so it looks like the normal template, instead of being in quote blocks?


no prob!

Book: おまえをオタクにしてやるから、俺をリア充にしてくれ! | L26
Is there an ebook available?: yes
Is there an audiobook available?: no
Is there an all-furigana version available?: no
(Optional) Is this book available in Korean?: yes

Summary - Japanese

高校からは隠れオタクになることを決めた俺だが、入学早々、学校一の美少女でギャルの恋ヶ崎桃にオタクだということがバレる! 戸惑う俺に彼女は驚愕の相談をしてきた。「あたしをオタクにしなさいよ!」と。

Summary - English

Traumatized by events from his past, Naoki Kashiwada intends to make his high school debut by hiding the fact that he is an otaku, transitioning into a regular student. Naoki quickly develops feelings for the quiet and popular Midori Hasegawa, which helps motivate him to reach his goal. At the same time, Momo Koigasaki, a cute but seemingly promiscuous girl, secretly wants to learn about anime and visual novels to find common ground with her crush, Souta Suzuki. However, things don’t go as expected when a mix-up reveals Naoki’s and Momo’s secrets to each other!

Forming an unlikely alliance, the two reach an agreement: Momo will help Naoki socialize normally if he helps her understand otaku culture in return. Two people with clashing lifestyles must now work together to alter their identities, while somehow keeping their secrets hidden from the rest of the world.

Content warnings if known

None that I know of.
It feels like the genre is pretty ripe for misogynist tropes, but I have no actual knowledge of anything.

Why are you nominating this book: Another one that’s been on my to read list for a while. Being a big ole otaku myself, I think the premise sounds amusing, and I’ve seen it recommended a few times so it’s probably decent?


Thx - any chance you can add the cover? Sry to be nitpicky, it just makes it easier for everyone to tell what they’re looking they’re at.

Easiest way to do it is to get it to auto-display the card:

https://raw_natively_link here/
**Is there an eBook available:**

But you could also manually copy/paste the image, or download and upload it too.

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One note on the Kindle because I was just reminded of that fact while contemplating getting one during the current Black Friday sale: You can’t sign into the accounts from two different Amazon countries (e.g. amazon.co.jp and amazon.com) on one Kindle device. So it wouldn’t just be expensive, it would also only be for Japanese books. (You can of course sign out with one account, have your Kindle reset itself, and then sign in with the other, but how annoying would that be?)

I might be okay with that, because I also have another ebook reader that I can use for non-Japanese books (but sadly not for Japanese ones; I never figured out how to get it to display text with the Japanese layout), but I just wanted to make sure you know that before buying one and then finding out too late.

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You can buy second hand pretty cheap, I have one that I bought for like 20EUR on amazon, Casio one before upgrading to a fancy one.


Just be sure to buy the appropiate level, you don’t want to get a University level one being Middle Schooler level.


I think it’s more useful to check the dictionaries that are included; the requirements of a Japanese middle schooler or university student don’t really map well into the different levels of development of a foreign language learner. For that particular model the J-J dictionaries are good (Meikyou has good simple explanations a lot of the time, and Koujien will help with words that are more obscure and not in Meikyou), and the collocation dictionary is probably handy. The J-E selection is the usual “cheaper model” ones, though; no Kenkyusha JE, in particular. On the other hand the price is right so especially if you’re mostly transitioning towards monolingual dictionaries it could be ideal.

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@Megumin @pm215 that is quite helpful - thx!!



This is the fancy one I have.

AS @pm215 mentioned, I bought it after looking at the dictionaries.
This one has beginner, and more advanced in the same device.


I decided to give it a go, and bought the first one you linked… Will be curious to see how much use/benefit comes of it, when it gets here in 2 weeks :slight_smile:

Worst case, if it turns out I don’t like it, I could find someone to pass it on to. Thx again to you both!


I can tell you is not a bad one the one I bought used for 20EUR, but my Kanji game was not there when I got it, so is a bit hard on me.

Let me know how it fares to you!



Is there an ebook available?: yes
Is there an audiobook available?: no
Is there an all-furigana version available?: yes
(Optional) Is this book available in Korean?:

Summary - Japanese


Summary - English

The line between human and animal starts to blur when a peculiar girl transforms herself into a cat to gain the attention of her crush.

Content warnings if known


Why are you nominating this book: it’s been on my list for a while now but it’s supposed to be an easier read and it has a furigana version. It also contains cats :joy:



Is there an ebook available?: yes
Is there an audiobook available?: not that I could find
Is there an all-furigana version available?: yes but it changes by dropping a chapter - https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/4046311703/ref=nosim?tag=natively0d-22
(Optional) Is this book available in Korean?:
키노의 여행 01권 | L30??

Summary - Japanese


「キノはどうして旅を続けているの?」 「ボクはね、たまに自分がどうしようもない、愚かで矮小な奴ではないか? ものすごく汚い人間ではないか? なぜだかよく分からないけど、そう感じる時があるんだ……でもそんな時は必ず、それ以外のもの、例えば世界とか、他の人間の生き方とかが、全て美しく、素敵なものの様に感じるんだ。とても、愛しく思えるんだよ……。ボクは、それらをもっともっと知りたくて、そのために旅をしている様な気がする」 ―――短編連作の形で綴られる人間キノと言葉を話す二輪車エルメスの旅の話。今までにない新感覚ノベルが登場!

Summary - English

The story follows the travels of Kino, a young adventurer who rides a talking motorcycle named Hermes. They explore the people and cultures of different places throughout their adventures, spending only three days at each location.

Content warnings if known

Guns, human trafficking, suicide, murder, death. Lots of heavy topics are implied if not fully broached.

Why are you nominating this book: I have read it before and found it very thought provoking but it’s not for the faint of heart. It deals with some heavy topics and can be very descriptive. It reminded me of a more adult orientated version of a story I read as a kid. I think a few people have mentioned wanting to read this so I thought it would be a decent recommendation.



Is there an ebook available?: yes
Is there an audiobook available?: not that I could find
Is there an all-furigana version available?: yes (link in natively profile for both furigana version shown in the pic and non-furigana version)
(Optional) Is this book available in Korean?:

Summary - Japanese


Summary - English

The story covers 13 years and begins with a 19-year-old college student named Hana who encounters and falls in “fairy tale-like” love with a “wolf man.” After marrying the wolf man, Hana gives birth and raises two wolf children—an older sister named Yuki who was born on a snowy day, and a younger brother named Ame who was born on a rainy day. The four quietly lived in a corner of a city to conceal the existence of the “wolf children,” but when the wolf man suddenly dies, Hana decides to move to a rural town far removed from the city

Content warnings if known

None that I know of

Why are you nominating this book: I’ve seen the anime for it and thought it was quite wholesome.


Is there an ebook available?: yes
Is there an audiobook available?: not sure
Is there an all-furigana version available?: no
(Optional) Is this book available in Korean?:
너밖에 들리지 않아 | L30??

Summary - Japanese


Summary - English

Calling You
A girl creates an imaginary cell phone…which one day rings. The boy on the other end claims to be calling from his own imaginary cell phone…

Two damaged children bond over one’s ability to heal wounds.

Singing Flower
A patient at a hospital finds a flower with the face of a girl, that hums a beautiful melody.

Content warnings if known

Death, sacrifice, I think it is quite heavy hearted and may be depressing or triggering for some people.

Why are you nominating this book: I’ve found 乙一’s writing to be relatively straight forward most of the time, simple to read and easy to understand. Hoping this is of a similar vein. It’s a collection of short stories which I find I enjoy more and it also has supernatural aspects to each story which can be interesting.


Korean versions of recent noms:

The last one is the 乙一 book.