Roadmap (2025 Feb & March) - Let’s get Natively sustainable!
Create posting on forum & site for open developer/partner position at Natively
Go through all my incoming data requests and automate everything that I can
For anything not automatable, develop admin flows for editing
Develop a community-librarian role for users that will take over the non automatable process flows (right now handled by a freelancer that’s been off and on the last month)
My thinking is something similar along the lines of storygraph plus which is mostly advanced stats & improved / unlimited content recommendations. I also imagine I could incorporate some notifications as well - bookmeter sales, new manga volume releases… etc.
But yeah, I think the best place where premium plays is in recommendations if that makes sense.
Thank you for your hard work!
As an aspiring polyglot I can’t wait to see Natively covering more languages, specially German!
All the other features will make this platform more dynamic(likes & notification & bookclubs & …) for sure.
Yes. I will try to keep making some progress on the little requests at all times, especially the more critical ones. I find it’s just good to have a big picture roadmap too
I will for sure nose around the German section. Always fun to see what learners get up to. They get hung up on the oddest stuff (seen from a native POV).
Big plans!
I’m really excited to see Natively continue to grow, it’s been an amazing resource for me.
Really interested in seeing what you decide to do for premium, are you planning a “lifetime” subscription option as well as monthly?
Probably - I’m certainly not opposed to it. Haven’t really specced it out fully, but I’ll keep that lifetime option in mind!
So everything that has been mentioned. Additionally, book club notifications will be a major one too. If we move book club procedural stuff on platform (nominations, voting, schedules…etc) it’d be really nice to get notifications for that stuff too. I’d also think that once we get enough book clubs, we could notify you if a book club is reading something on your wish list / owned list… etc.
Basically, there’s a ton of notifications I’d love to do and it’ll only grow in functionality. Getting an initial version out, with all the associated notification preference management, would be really nice.