So this likely wouldn’t come to fruition for a while, at least not on my end, since I’ve been so busy lately (+ we’ve got a fair few clubs at this point for everyone to juggle already), but the thought’s been bouncing around in my mind and I wanted to put it down in some form at least (especially since 獣の奏者 and 新世界より just went on sale recently). Would anyone be interested in a fantasy bookclub? I’m talking fantasy like @Naphthalene’s “Fantasy that’s not isekai” list or potentially the other books suggested being added to the list (see replies to Naphth’s original comment). There’s definitely room for discussion on what would be done with isekai books, but I wanted to toss the idea out there and see who would potentially be interested in joining such a club.
- Yes
- No
- Maybe, based on some condition I’ll mention