Book club suggestions

I think the more you engage with Japanese media, the more you know that subtext is often all you get - for years on end. Or it used to be. Even in hetero media, you might only get 1 (bad) kiss - if that - and potentially a love confession at the very end. :face_holding_back_tears: I mean a lot of that gay subtext is gay even for western standards… :rofl:


so true lol
I remember when I saw Yuri on Ice under LGBT+ on Netflix I laughed and my friend asked me why I thought it was funny so I told her “I don’t trust Japanese media for this to be LGBT+ and not fan service”

joke on me, it’s considered canon now but I was so used to subtext remaining fan service that I couldn’t see it when it hit me in the face :rofl: :sob:


Should be just top rated books/manga club that many/most Japanese are aware of - it would be a great education.

What would be the best way to generate such a list, do you think?

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Thank you for reminding me… I have a Japanese-native education reading list for maybe Junior High to High School level. That’s one place to start. Otherwise the original books or manga of mega-hit anime / movies, bookstore top 5, massively rated books as per Amazon ratings, etc.


For those who love wholesome, happy, hygge, comfy, cosy, slice of life stories…

Would you be interested in joining an 癒し系 book club?
  • Yes! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
  • Maybe… :upside_down_face:
0 voters

This feels like a Lovecraft version of a hug.


This is what my life needs :pleading_face:


The huggy wuggy kind of hygge


sigh so I have a bunch of the 薬屋のひとりごと (series) | L38 books because I really like the manga and thought, well, the English version isn’t likely going to get a print release, so I’ll just read the Japanese. Until today, when the English print version got announced. Thing is, I really want to read the Japanese but it’s difficult at my current level. :< Lots of faux ancient China vocab. So I’m here with the incredibly specific poll of “would you be interested in reading volume 2 of 薬屋のひとりごと with me to motivate me to read more of the series so when the English LN drops I don’t feel obligated to buy the English version”.

  • Wow, I would love to do exactly that!
  • This does not cater to my specific interests/situation :frowning:
  • Wow, I would love to do that! But L38 is really high :frowning:
0 voters

(This is only partially serious; it doesn’t need to go into the OP, haha. I’m both excited a the print EN release and slightly panicked that I need to probably start the next JP volume soon-ish if I wish to redeem my buying habits. :person_facepalming:)


Need more poll options TBH. Like eg “wow, I would love to do exactly that except these books are still too hard for me” :joy:


Your wish is my command orz

Also: interesting. I posted that poll like 22 minutes ago, but I was still able to edit it. I guess the 5 minutes edit limit only applies if someone’s actually voted on the poll…


It’s one of my favorite series, so I wouldn’t mind re-reading volume 2 and everything beyond. Especially if someone else is taking care of book club logistics :rofl:


3 votes of interest is far more than I was anticipating already. :rofl: I’m kinda surprised to have so many vote so.


16 people registered having read volume 1, but only 4 have read volume 2, so there must be some demand for it.


I think it would be nice to have a Natively book club for children’s novels around L18-26 (such as the green books and blue books) for easier reading than the current book clubs. :slightly_smiling_face:

Would you join a children’s book club?
  • Yes! :star_struck:
  • Maybe… :neutral_face:
0 voters

I am in too many book clubs already, so it might depend on the timing for me, but I think it would be nice to have an easier book club. It might also be the only book club I might actually have a nomination or two for :joy:


Now the 🥳 Children's Book Club 📚 [NOW VOTING!] is up and running for reading novels, let’s see if there’s interest in a children’s non-fiction book club! :grin:

This could be a good way to start reading non-fiction, as children’s books use easier language while conveying information in an entertaining and succinct way. The Natively level range would probably be similar to the current book club, as lower levels tend to use hiragana for words that would usually be written with kanji (easier for native speakers learning to read, but not for language learners).

Would you be interested in a children’s non-fiction book club?
  • Yes! :star_struck:
  • Perhaps… :face_with_monocle:
0 voters
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I even have one ready and the pdf version is free :crazy_face:
it’s called こども お茶小事典
if you search on google its the first link you see from the site
(I have a physical copy though :crazy_face: )


Just downloaded it, looks really interesting! :tea:

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