Book club suggestions

It’s one of my favorite series, so I wouldn’t mind re-reading volume 2 and everything beyond. Especially if someone else is taking care of book club logistics :rofl:


3 votes of interest is far more than I was anticipating already. :rofl: I’m kinda surprised to have so many vote so.


16 people registered having read volume 1, but only 4 have read volume 2, so there must be some demand for it.


I think it would be nice to have a Natively book club for children’s novels around L18-26 (such as the green books and blue books) for easier reading than the current book clubs. :slightly_smiling_face:

Would you join a children’s book club?
  • Yes! :star_struck:
  • Maybe… :neutral_face:
0 voters

I am in too many book clubs already, so it might depend on the timing for me, but I think it would be nice to have an easier book club. It might also be the only book club I might actually have a nomination or two for :joy:


Now the 🥳 Children's Book Club 📚 [NOW VOTING!] is up and running for reading novels, let’s see if there’s interest in a children’s non-fiction book club! :grin:

This could be a good way to start reading non-fiction, as children’s books use easier language while conveying information in an entertaining and succinct way. The Natively level range would probably be similar to the current book club, as lower levels tend to use hiragana for words that would usually be written with kanji (easier for native speakers learning to read, but not for language learners).

Would you be interested in a children’s non-fiction book club?
  • Yes! :star_struck:
  • Perhaps… :face_with_monocle:
0 voters
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I even have one ready and the pdf version is free :crazy_face:
it’s called こども お茶小事典
if you search on google its the first link you see from the site
(I have a physical copy though :crazy_face: )


Just downloaded it, looks really interesting! :tea:

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it’s great!
but a bit difficult in science terminology since it really goes deep into explaining the process lol

I really recommend looking over even without properly reading things!
it has a bunch of story corners and even a song with a music score and lyrics!!

adding a :kiss: peek :heavy_heart_exclamation:


So following up on this: I wanted to to see if there was still interest in setting up an offshoot club for 薬屋のひとりごと 2 | L38.

  • Yep, I’m still interested
  • I’m newly interested since the last poll
  • I was interested, but am no longer
0 voters
If you’re interested, when would be best time for you to start?
  • Beginning of March
  • Middle of March
  • Beginning of April
  • Middle of April
0 voters
And finally, are you more interested in a scheduled or non-scheduled club?
  • Scheduled
  • Non-scheduled
  • Either is fine
0 voters

I still haven’t finished 薬屋のひとりごと 1, and am fairly unreliable with book clubs, but it would be really cool to see - and I’d consider joining anyway, since I’ve already seen the anime (not sure how much difference there is w/ vol 1).

How does a non-scheduled club work exactly? Do sub-threads just go by chapter?

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In this case it’d be kind of like a free-for-all; either there’d be one giant thread for people to post whenever, or the threads could be separated out by chapter and people would again post whenever they finish reading a section.

I’d be potentially interested, but I haven’t read the first, so that’s a big hurdle, as I’d have to read that one first, or go by what I got from the anime.

I will place my vote to start as late as possible as to give me time, but I’ll decide if I push or not depending on the results.


Fwiw, from what I’ve seen around, the anime seems to be a pretty faithful adaptation

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I voted for scheduled then, as the idea of a mono thread is really unappealing to me… Also, idk how chapters are broken up in 薬屋のひとりごと, but in some other LNs I’ve read they’re unbearably long. So scheduled seems (probably) better, since the intervals are generally smaller.


I haven’t watched the anime, but I had a look at the title list and episode 12 correspond to the epilogue of volume 1… I can’t see how you would make a full episode out of that, so there might be some stuff from volume 2 in there as well, not sure.
Still, having watched the anime in its entirety would probably spoil the content of volume 2. (It’s still ongoing, but I guess they will finish it in ~4 weeks).
At 12 episodes per book, I don’t think they missed anything. I would be afraid that they added things instead.

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So based on what I’m seeing the poll so far, we’ll open things up to start reading 薬屋のひとりごと2 in mid-April and will be following a schedule. I’ll leave the polls up, so anyone who’s still interested and hasn’t voted yet, feel free to!


Sorry if this was asked before and I missed it…but I am curious for those who have read 薬屋のひとりごと1 how L38 it “feels”. I know given the setting/general plot, there is a lot of niche vocabulary. I am mostly curious if the prose/writing style is challenging too.

I want to join but that rating scares me :melting_face:


I’ll be testing it as well, but I the fact that starting on vol 2 and the high level / specific language might burn me is real.