文学少女 Book Guide

文学少女 is a light novel series that centers around Touko, a high school girl who consumes books by literally tearing paper off and stuffing it in her mouth.



This tastes like a very creamy soup!

His works are fresh oysters dressed with lemon juice.

This tastes like a slice of roast turkey that dad cuts off on Christmas.

If you want to chew through the same books (not judging here), you can find them neatly organized in a separate guide.

It includes a review for each book mentioned in the series along with Touko’s taste review .


If you can’t buy the guide, don’t worry.

We have compiled the book list here.

Title Author Category Natively Level
オレンジ蜜柑 芥川龍之介 日本文学 x
トロッコ 芥川龍之介 日本文学 x
蜘蛛の糸 芥川龍之介 日本文学 x
杜子春 芥川龍之介 日本文学 x
羅生門 芥川龍之介 日本文学 x
藪の中 芥川龍之介 日本文学 x
野菊の墓 伊藤左千夫 日本文学 x
武蔵野 国木田独歩 日本文学 x
牛肉と馬鈴薯 国木田独歩 日本文学 x
ちくま日本文学009 坂口安吾 日本文学 x
堕落論 坂口安吾 日本文学 x
白痴 坂口安吾 日本文学 x
春琴抄 崎潤一郎 日本文学 x
細雪 崎潤一郎 日本文学 x
痴人の愛 崎潤一郎 日本文学 x
刺青 崎潤一郎 日本文学 x
夢十夜 夏目漱石 日本文学 x
夏目漱石 日本文学 x
吾輩は猫である 夏目漱石 日本文学 x
それから 夏目漱石 日本文学 x
三四郎 夏目漱石 日本文学 x
蟹工船 小林多喜二 日本文学 x
(Still updating…)

Note: I will update the links to direct to learn-natively when they are available.


I wonder what 太宰 治’s writing would taste like. Probably a mix of tears and moldy rocks.
Full disclosure: I never finished any of his books.


It looks like she noms on some pretty advanced authors :sweat_smile:


人間失格 is the theme of the first book, but interestingly I don’t think she particularly gives a taste for 太宰治’s works.

Meta-wise, she explains that the protagonist is suffering because what others find delicious he finds dull and tasteless. She suffers a similar issue where she finds papers in a book tasty, but foods like parfait tastless.


Ah, 走れメロス is one story I have actually read, but it was the children book edition. She says it’s not dark, but, uh, it kinda is, though? Well, it has a good ending, so I guess it helps…

Someone tell her to stay away from Kafka.