Bug: Katakana in search doesn't match

Description of your request or bug report: when searching for ダンジョンに出会いを求めるのは間違っているだろうか S2 | L29 (or ダンジョン飯 S1 | L29) in My Videos, inputting ダンジョン returns nothing. Searches that do work: Dungeon, ダンジョ, ダンジョンに. Searching だんじょん also returns no hits.

Searching in the site-wide video page doesn’t have this issue - only My Videos

Trello link: (leave in blank)

I searched for プロメテウスの乙女 and got no results, but when I requested the book, I was told that it already exists… :flushed:

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That’s probably because I requested it last night; AIUI requested items get created immediately but don’t show up in search until an admin has approved them.


Ah that might explain it! I was a bit confused about this behavior tbh.