Bug: Wrong cover for series

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I’ve noticed that series pages sometimes don’t display the cover of the first book, but some other volume’s cover instead. I have submitted feedback asking for a correction for this particular example: VIP (series) | L30?? has the cover of volume 2 for the series cover rather than volume 1.

In this case, I added a book (volume 2) not realising it was part of a series, the other volumes were later added manually, and even though the order was corrected, the series cover wasn’t updated.

I can’t find an example of this at the moment, but I’ve also noticed that if I’ve added a new book that’s not the first volume of a series, it’s the added book that is used as the display cover for the series, rather than the first volume.

Basically, this is a request for the series cover to always be the first volume of a series, and if the item order changes (whether manual or through sync), that the cover update to the current item #1, and that it also updates in user libraries, lists, etc.

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I’ve been noticing this a lot, too, where even if the series cover is actually for the first volume, it’s still a different image than the one used on Natively for the first book.

Often ebooks on Amazon will have a link on the same page to buy the paperback edition, and it seems that Natively uses the ebook covers for individual book pages, but for some reason will pull the paperback cover instead for the series page. This is most noticeable on books that predate digital publishing, as the paperback cover is usually a dark, low-quality scan or photograph of a physical book compared to the very clean and bright ebook cover.

It feels like it should be more efficient for Natively to simply always display the image from the first book’s page as the series cover, instead of pulling multiple images when the series is added and assigning it a cover from a different edition that’s liable to be lower quality or just incorrect.