If you click on the ‘update’ button for a book on your dashboard that you’re currently reading, a dialog appears that lets you edit the number of pages you’ve read. This dialog also has a control to let you change the total number of pages in the book. However, if you change the pages-in-book number and press ‘update’ the dialog disappears but the value isn’t actually changed – bringing up the dialog again shows the old value. You have to use the ‘close’ button to get the value change to be accepted.
This is confusing because it is the opposite way around from changes to the pages-read-so-far number with this dialog, which are accepted on ‘update’ and ignored on ‘close’. It also means it’s impossible to change both values at once, because whichever button you press one of the changes will be accepted and the other will be ignored.
Oh man, ok I can finally reproduce it. It seems to be only really affecting mobile safari, not even desktop safari. It looks like they handle that particular interaction a little bit differently than other browsers.
FWIW, if you click anywhere on the form outside of that input box before clicking ‘update’, then it always works. Basically, that input needs to lose focus and update the total pages (it actually updates separately from the rest of the form)… before you submit the form.