I thought it might be nice to see everyone’s favourite programs and films from 2024 since we have a topic for everyone’s favourite books.
So what were your favourites this year?
For me, almost everything I watched was of a much higher level than my current ability and most of it did not have access to Japanese subs so I went with no subs rather than the English ones.
Favourite anime:
This one was a bit of a surprise with how quickly I became attached to it. I really enjoyed the crazy D&D party vibes I got from it and can’t wait for season 2 coming out.
Potential spoilers
They did wrap up the main quest they set out for but caused havoc along the way and it leads nicely into the expectations of what is to come for season 2. Seems to follow the manga pretty closely from what I read. The characters are all pretty unique, even the supporting characters.
Sand lands (series)
This one was really approachable even at my level. Was a nice easy going series, there are parts where not a lot happens or the outcome is pretty relaxed but it was enjoyable none the less. Reminded me a bit of an old game I played which I think had character designed by the same artist (Akira Toriyama).
Favoutrite films:
I actually really liked this. The romance part did feel a bit forced but I think everyone has had that vibe from it. Storyline was decent enough and I found it easy enough to follow even without getting everything.
This did have Princess Mononoke vibes to it (not sure which was first though). It’s definitly on my list to re-watch further down the line and I also have the book series so was glad I really enjoyed this.
Potential spoilers
I clocked early on the outcome, and figured out the cause and cure very quickly even without getting a lot of the dialogue. There were parts I didn’t see coming though might have been more predictable if I had better listening ability but it was still very enjoyable to watch.
Of these, the one with the most useful learning potential for me was ダンジョン飯 with all the cooking terms.