2024 Goals
- Achieve at least 3 bingos on my bingo card:
I’ve got one bingo currently. This is still possible; I have a shorter book in mind that would net me another bingo, then all I’d need to do is read a debut…
- Read through all my physical manga (or read enough to decide not to continue it if need be):
Looool. At least I had dreams at the beginning of the year. So counting the stuff I also bought this year, I’ve read 38 of my physical manga, and have 176 left to read.
Ah well; I can get a couple more read after I get off on break from work this month…
- Work my way through the rest of the audiobooks I picked up this year (I won’t jot down an actual list; just gotta get through more):
Technically a no, but I think I finished all the audiobooks I
boughtcommitted to this year, so I’m at a tidy net 0?
- Finish watching 5 TV shows and 5 movies in Japanese -
Well, I watched 1 movie and finished 3 TV seasons, which is still an increase from last year, at least. That TV seasons goal could still be completed, but I’m not going to worry myself overly much with it, I think.
- Finish reading FLESH & BLOOD | L35 :
This is a failure I’m happy about! I’ve still got plenty of F&B to read in the new year!
And the series is coming out with volume 25 next year!! So excited!!
2024 Spicy Modifier: Only read books and join book clubs for books I already own
No words needed here…
Bonus 2024: Dust off that Spanish
Nice! I blew this one away, for once! I read 8 total books this year, with another possible two if I push a little bit. ^o^
2025 Goals
Looking back on what I accomplished and what I didn’t, I think I need to be a little easier on myself and any expectations I want to meet. This year, for better or worse, turned out quite different in ways I didn’t expect, and I have some newly-gained/re-gained habits and hobbies I’d like to nurture in the new year, which unfortunately aren’t compatible with many hardcore Japanese goals. I’ll probably go back to this and tweak it down the line, but it’s good to start thinking of things now and at least get some thoughts down on paper, as it were.
- Translate: This has been something I’ve wanted to do for a good long while, and it seems right to add it as a formal goal. I’m not sure how to best set a number to the goal, though. Character count? Word count? Will have to think.
- Read 50 manga from my physical TBR pile - This seems reasonable? I read around 38 this year, and really only started in the second half of the year.
- Read 15 books from my TBR pile - By my count I finished 12 this year and have about 125 left. Let’s aim to finish…15. There. That sounds reasonable.
Other Languages
- Spanish - I think I’d just like to continue the good work of reading with the Spanish Fiction Club and slowly whittling down my backlogged books from my school days. No hard numbers here.
- Latin - I thought it’d be fun to play around a little bit with Familia Romana; I’ll make a tentative goal to work through the entire textbook next year.
- Mandarin, French: you sleep
…And I think that’s all I want to put down at the moment. Like I said, I’ll need to ponder this all in a bit more depth, but maybe getting back down to super basic goals would be best.