Well. I apparently didn’t set any hard goals last year? Or the one before that? Untypical for me.
Let’s change that for 2025, since that’s a year with a lot of unusual happenings that are sure to ruin make any plan perfect!
I’m going to move to a new appartment end of January, quit my job end of February, and then…
I’m going to Japan March to September, with a 3 week excursion to South Korea. I’m sure I’ll have lots of time to do stuff.
If anyone else is there during that time and our intineraries happen to match, I wouldn’t say no to a meet up.
So I have about half a year of a semi regular lifestyle during which I can realistically set goals.
Japanese first!
Status quo and longform goals
My 積読 is horrible (and likely to get worse in September, oops) and has been a(n unspoken??) goal of mine for a couple years now. Current state: 219 paper books, 819 e-books unread, so 1038 total. 629 of these are manga, at least.
I’d like to get those numbers down finally, next year. Not to zero, of course. I’m honestly not sure what’s feasible since my reading speed and amount is hugely affected by my mood. I’d like to get it to <1000 for sure and keep it there even after September. Ideally <900 or <800? If I read more manga, that’s definitely manageable. Problem is I’m not often in the mood for them recently. I guess I’ll do a chain of goals, sort of like stretch goals. Maybe like that they’ll feel more achievable.
I’d also like to focus on my other skills such as speaking and listening, but I figure that’ll take care of itself during those 6 months. Just gotta be a bit proactive about it. And then figure out a routine after September or something.
Numbers or specifications in (brackets) are stretchgoals, [square brackets] are specifications for the base goal.
- 積読
– <1000 total (<900) (<800)
– <200 physical books before March (at the end of 2025)
– <800 ebooks (<700) (<600)
– <500 manga (<400)
– <200 LN
– <100 novels (counting new books)
– Reduce kindle backlog of 2019 to[71 manga, 1 LN]
- Buying
– do not buy e-books you don’t read immediately, even on sale [exception: book club purposes; series I have partially read and liked being (almost)free] - Speaking
– Speak! Try Sail after September? - Listening
– Listen to 5 audiobooks
– Listen to some youtube content on personally relevant stuff
– Watch anime or tv series [Maybe get netflix again?]
Other languages:
I started the Duolingo Hangeul course which is painful, at least at the start. I’d like to pick up some basics before summer next year. (3 weeks in South Korea). Might need to look into other resources for pronunciation though.
Keep up with the French Duolingo course, read! I’ve 2 graded readers and a couple regular books, children and adult. Read the graded readers and 1 regular book at least.
Finally re-learn Spanish grammar, also more vocab. Maybe re-visit the Duolingo course for Spanish?
- Korean
– Learn some basics by summer
– Get the writing system down - French
– Keep going with Duolingo (finish section 5)
– Touch that grammar book once in a while
– Read 2 Graded Readers
– Read at least 1 regular book [children or adult]
– Do some conversation practice - Spanish
– Study Grammar
– Re-visit the Duolingo course (finish section 3)
– Learn more vocab
– Read at least 1 book (2) (3+)
Also crafts! I’d like to draw & paint more (physically and digitally, knit more, learn to crochet (such a long time desire of mine), devote time to music. No bullet points for this.