Goals & Plans 2025 + Review 2024

2024 Goals

My big goal for this year was to read every day, even if it’s just one sentence. If you’ve seen the update to my original post about that you’ll know how that went (lol). I’ll update again in a few days, but let’s just say that given the circumstances I’ve done well (over 75%)…

I had some other priorities, rather than goals, listed on my profile for this year that I definitely didn’t forget about:

  • Finish the 死にたくないので英雄様を育てる事にします series - :orange_square: I read book 2 and book 3, didn’t finish the bonus chapters but I’ve been yearning for this series again recently so I should go back and read them.
  • Finish バスタブで暮らす even if it kills me - :x: DNF’d it in the end. I just haven’t felt drawn to reading it again.
  • ミモザの告白 4 (+5 if it comes out) - :x: I have both of them on my bookshelf but this series is just too dear to me, I don’t want it to end!! So I want to be in the perfect mood for finishing it up
  • ニアリーイコール :white_check_mark:
  • Try some new genres! :white_check_mark: Yes and I hated it (屍人荘の殺人 | L32). I’d argue that 吸血鬼と愉快な仲間たち | L30??, which is currently half-read and half-abandoned in my backpack somewhere is also a new genre for me, I’ve just been preferring to read digitally recently so I haven’t finished it.

2025 Japanese goals

  • Read every day that I commute into work. That should be at least 160 days, which I know is easily do-able after this year.
  • Read at least 4 of the 20 books I’ve bought but haven’t read yet.
  • Semi-regular creative writing. I’ll start off trying to do 140字 prompts every week and see how it goes, but I’m happy to do every 2 weeks or even every month.
  • Write a second doujin comic in JP. I’m almost done with my first one, it’s not very good (I’m not a good fiction writer in English either), but it’s quite a rewarding feeling.
  • Try out iTalki/etc for speaking practice or chat with friends more

I appreciate these are some… unique goals but I’m hoping that focusing in on reading this past year will have helped my writing. Recently I’ve started reading with an eye for how authors I enjoy write and I’ve really enjoyed it, so I’d like to find more authors who write in a way I’d like to emulate in my Japanese, or just read more by 砂原糖子.