Home thread for 죽이고 싶은 아이 👧🏻👧🏻 Korean Fiction Book Club 🇰🇷 Week 10

I’m at chapter 20, and pretty confused. Is the whole conversation between 주연 and 서은 imagined/dreamed, or is she remembering some of that day?
It’s nice to see the confirmation that 주연 likes 서은 though, and was probably also jealous of the boyfriend. 주연 is slowly getting more suspicious in my eyes though.

yeah it’s happening in 주연’s imagination. Or maybe she is hallucinating because she does say “또렷이 보였고, 분명히 느껴졌다. 처음엔 꿈인 줄 알았다.” on the second page.

I think the “주연은 알 수 있었다.” in that para suggests 주연 knows she’s there (but no one else)

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I’m just seeing this now but there’s a second book that came out in July apparently! 죽이고 싶은 아이 2 | L26??


I saw that! It doesn’t seem to be available as a e-book yet though as far as I can tell


Hi, resurrecting this thread to say I just finished this — this was a wild ride and also WHAT A TRAGIC BOOK. If I read this as a 14 year old / actual “young adult” I would’ve been wrecked emotionally.

Am I interpreting the ending correctly? 주연 didn’t do it, but that last witness at the trial made up the fact that she threw the brick out the window and hit 서은, so no one believes 주연 and she (off-screen) ends up in prison??? T___T And then the final chapter is from the POV of the one person who actually saw what happened, but kept their mouth shut because they thought 주연 deserved punishment?

I’ll be thinking about this one for a while T______T


yup, wild right :melting_face: full spoiler ahead not only did the witness lie, they were the one that caused the brick to fall and hit 서은. :no_mouth:

and that last sentence?

근데요, 하느님.

하느님은 지주연이 한 말 믿으셨어요? 전 그게 진짜 궁금해요.

also thank you for resurrecting this thread because it reminded me there’s a second volume i want to read!