リング Informal Reading Club ⭕ ☠

Yes, join us! Reading scary things with company is way more fun!
Funnily enough I’ve never read Stephen King - I was too scared. I suspect I might enjoy him now, but then, there’s so much more to read…

By the way, everyone please voice your opinions on pacing. As I said, everyone is welcome to read at their own pace and at any time, but as it’s fun to read together, it’s worth it to try and accommodate as many people as possible.

Reading this from October 1st-31st would mean roughly 80 pages per week, which may sound a little scary. 10 pages per day is a much nicer way to put it, as @Biblio did :smiley:

We can also take up some or all of November if you like?

Okay, here’s a poll:

  • I prefer to have finished by the end of October
  • I prefer to read this over two months, October and November
  • I’ll read at another time/at my own pace anyway
  • I have another suggestion (please explain)
0 voters

I’m not brave enough to participate in this club :crazy_face: the movie freaked me out when I was a teenager and I still don’t like having a TV in my bedroom. Have fun everyone :grinning:


Sorry for my noncommital answer in the poll, but I really have no idea how much I will be able to read in October, and as much as I’d like to finish by the end of that month, I just don’t know how things will work out :woman_shrugging: so I figured I’d rather keep expectations low :sweat_smile:


I’m pretty overcommitted at the moment but I’ve always wanted to read this so I’ll try and join. I voted for both Oct and Oct + Nov since I’d be ok with either — I’ll make it work somehow!


I’ve tentatively voted; I’m still a bit sad I had to put down 予言の島 earlier in the summer, so I’m hoping to join up here for spooky fun. We’ll see if my schedule allows and hopefully the book isn’t as scary as the movie.

@omk3 I credited the WK Spooky Club as the progenitor for this one, but if you’d rather it just be listed as an informal club let me know and I can change it (or you can, if you want).


Thank you! You’re really fast at updating the book club list :smiley:

I was unsure about how to handle it, so I’m glad you took the initiative.
This is starting to be a bit of a mess, with book clubs in both communities linking to each other, but I hope it’s a good mess. :eyes: After all, having more book clubs, and more readers, can only be a good thing, right?


I like doing it, haha. I’m always motivated to see if anyone else has done it yet so I can run in and scoop up the opportunity. :sweat_smile:

Slightly more on-topic, I just had a brilliant idea: my friends and I have a little English-language book club, and with October coming up we’ll be suggesting horror picks. If I make my suggestion Ring and it gets picked, I can fulfill two book club obligations with one book. :eyes: Plus I can show off to my friends by reading the pick in the OG language We’ll have to see if my devious scheme works.


We’ll see how much free time I have, I might pick this up but make no promises. Between book clubs and personal reading goals I may be short on time :sweat_smile:


I am reading the book, because I watched the movie. But that was maybe 20 years ago, so I do not remember too much. I will try to find it on TV somewhere to re-watch it afterwards. I assume it’s a movie that gets a re-run once in a while.


so legit :joy: :sob:
the noise about this movie was so huuuuuuge, everybody watching it and no one sleeping ever since :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Since the two-month schedule is ahead by one vote, and everyone who voted for one month also voted for two, two months it is. I added a suggested two-month schedule in the OP, under the contents. Official starting date is now October 2, as it falls on a Monday.


Yay I can’t wait! Let’s get scared :scream:


We’re starting reading in only a few days, so let’s double-check whether everyone is happy with keeping book discussion in this one thread or not:

  • I’m fine with using this thread for all book discussion
  • I’d prefer weekly threads
  • I don’t mind either way
0 voters
1 Like

(Personally, I prefer 1 thread, with people simply writing which chapter they are in. But I can cope with weekly threads, if people prefer that. :slight_smile: It won’t keep me from participating. :sweat_smile: )


I think with 4 „Yes“ and 10 „Maybe“ readers, weekly threads might get a bit lonely… :thinking:
(and I might get scared, being all alone in a thread :sweat_smile:)


Definitely depends on what all these maybes end up doing (and how active they’ll be).
Which is why I thought I’d ask. :slight_smile:


I’m a “maybe” because I intend to read the book but not follow the pace (since I’ll be borrowing the book from the library).

If it’s just the one thread, I can at least just dump my thoughts in one place without having to wait for the relevant thread to exist, but I don’t mind either way.


Well, said devious scheme didn’t pan out, haha, so I won’t be joining you all; too busy anyway. It’s all good, though; I’ll be reading everyone’s comments as they go along; I hope you all have fun!


So, I just finished part 1 of chapter 1 and I am intrigued. :eyes:

So far we have 1 potentially dead high school girl and 1 dead motorcyclist. :thinking:


I have never seen any movie version of The Ring, so I’m going in cold except for what I absorbed from pop culture (parodies, and so on) at the time the movies (Japanese and American) came out.

(Spoiler for the whole book I guess?)

The dead high school girl and the dead motorcyclist died at almost exactly the same time, so were they watching the cursed video together? My initial hypothesis is that they weren’t supposed to be hanging out together, and when the reporter investigates, people are going to try to keep him from finding out that they were hanging out together, but that might just be me having watched too much Law & Order.

I’m curious about what happened with the reporter a few years ago that caused him to lose so much of his boss’s trust.