おうちでごはん 🍲 Informal Reading Thread


おうちでごはん is a 12-volume cooking slice-of-life manga by スズキユカ.

Anyone may join at any time. General spoiler courtesy applies.


Character List

Some name readings I’m guessing based off of what my IME likes better or what seems to be more common from the names listed in Shirabe Jisho. They’ll be updated if anything indicates one reading over another later in the series.


name reading nickname additional info
鴨川 耕太 かもがわ こうた カモ 主人公。大学生。
米田 よねだ 大学生。
瓜沢 うりさわ リーマン。
伊世 夏美 いよ なつみ 映画関係の雑誌の編集。
遠藤 えんどう 米田の隣人。30歳すぎ。
葉月 はづき 学生。
おむすび オム 葉月の飼い犬。


name reading nickname additional info
鴨川 鈴菜 かもがわ すずな カモの義理の妹。高校生。
新崎 珠菜 にいざき たまな スズナの友達。高校生。
新崎 ユタカ にいざき ユタカ タマナの兄。
畑中 はたなか 瓜沢の同僚。
小倉 おぐら ナツミの後輩。
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I read the first volume of this last September, and I remember having a lot more trouble with this than I expected (I may like cooking manga for some reason, but I don’t know much about food/cooking in English, and I definitely don’t in Japanese), especially considering the chapters are only 8 pages long. So we’ll see now if I still find it as difficult, and if I might need to re-evaluate some of my gradings on it.

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I spent some time before starting vol 2 skimming through vol 1 for names and adding them to the chart. Hopefully I didn’t miss any, but with 12 volumes, they should come up again even if I did. And hopefully we’ll learn Kamo’s parents’ names and I can finally put them on there!

I’m also hoping to learn how 新崎’s supposed to be read. Apparently there are 6 possible readings, and I have no idea which is most common. I went with にいざき for now since it seems to be in a few place names and that’s generally what I go with when in doubt, but Wikipedia’s also got a few articles on people where it’s read あらさき or しんざき, so. Who knows.

The manga definitely doesn’t feel as difficult as I remember it being. I think it got over-graded by at least a little bit, but re-grading will, for the most part, have to wait a bit I think, since impressions of difficulty/the prose itself don’t stick around for nearly as long with manga as with novels for me, unfortunately. I still don’t know why I found it difficult (beyond all the food words I needed to look up), though. It’s not the lack of furigana. I guess it’ll remain a mystery.

vol 2 menu 2: That’s, uh, some unfortunate romanizing on Yoneda’s hat lmao. Erectra…

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