JoJo's Bizarre Adventure ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 Book Club 文庫本 3

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These questions were originally posted to on the WaniKani forums. They are meant to spark discussion and check your understanding of the text, particularly language usage.

Discussion Guidelines

Spoiler Courtesy

Please follow these rules to avoid inadvertent spoilers. Some folks are reading JoJo for the first time and have never watched the anime either. If you’re unsure whether something should have a spoiler tag, err on the side of using one.

  1. Any potential spoiler for the current week’s reading need only be covered by a spoiler tag. Predictions and conjecture made by somebody who has not read ahead still falls into this category.

  2. Any potential spoilers for external sources need to be covered by a spoiler tag and include a label (outside of the spoiler tag) of what might be spoiled. These include but are not limited to: other book club picks, other books, games, movies, anime, etc. I recommend also tagging the severity of the spoiler (for example, I may still look at minor spoilers for something that I don’t intend to read soon).

  3. Any information from later in the volume or series than the current week’s reading (including trigger warnings that haven’t yet manifested) needs to be hidden by spoiler tags and labeled as coming from later sections. For other Parts, please label the Part before the spoiler, for example “Well we know 2 [character] survives because they’re in a later Part”

Instructions for Spoiler Tags

Click the cog above the text box and use either the “Hide Details” or “Blur Spoiler” options. The text which says “This text will be hidden” should be replaced with what you are wishing to write. In the case of “Hide Details”, the section in the brackets that is labeled “Summary” can be replaced with whatever you like also (i.e, [details=”Chapter 1, Pg. 1”]).

Hide Details results in the dropdown box like below:


This is an example of the “Hide Details” option.

The “Blur Spoiler” option will simply blur the text it surrounds.

This is an example of the “Blur Spoiler” option.


Chapter 30: 英雄として瞑る
  • What does hamon sound like according to Speedwagon?
  • How do zombies make more zombies?
  • Why did JoJo and Bruford stop fighting?
  • What comparison does Speedwagon make of the change in Bruford’s face? I feel like it says a lot about speedweed lol
  • What feeling does Bruford have upon realizing what’s happening? Where does he say he is going to go? What meanings does 旅立とう contain? (check the vocab sheet for a cheat, heh)
  • Do you notice anything about Tarkus’s speech pattern? As a hint, we’ve seen many of the words he uses before.
  • What danger is Zeppeli in and how does he avoid it? also did you catch mustacheless zep?

Content Warning for Chapter 31: major gore

Chapter 31: 騎士たちの遺跡
  • On page 1 of the chapter, Poco ends one of his statements with だってば, which is famously used by a character in another franchise. Do you know which character?
  • What do the other boys think of Poco’s story?
  • How do they want to punish him and what do they joke will happen?
  • What is Tarkus’ goal?
  • Who needs the most therapy after that?
Chapter 32: 双首竜の間・中世騎士殺人修練場
  • What connections to the mask does younger Zeppeli draw to the healing man?
  • I wonder if the point of telling Zeppeli to specifically go 上流へ上流へ is a reference to the carp myth. If you didn’t know, the carp myth is that a koi who successfully swims up a waterfall will become a dragon (this is why magikarp becomes gyrados too btw).
  • What does Tonpetty’s (Araki chosen English spelling) speech patterns reveal about his character? What sets his speech apart from other characters?
  • What’s on Zeppeli’s mind?
  • Anyone else feel like they’ve seen more of Tarkus than they needed/wanted to?
  • How does Zeppeli plan to proceed? What happens? How does he adjust?

CW for Chapter 33: minor gore

Chapter 33: あしたの勇気 ・あしたの勇気・うけ継ぐ者 その 1
  • Why can’t hamon fix the situation on either side of the door?
  • Why won’t they ask for Poco’s help?
  • How does Speedwagon describe himself? Do you agree or disagree? Why?
  • What is Poco’s sister trying to do?
  • What is Poco afraid of?

CW for Chapter 34: Gore

Chapter 34: 老師の予言・あしたの勇気・うけ継ぐ者 その 2
  • What did Zeppeli’s training include and what is he capable of according to the flashback?
  • Do you notice any particular trends regarding fate so far in JoJo? (If you reference latter Parts, please remember to spoiler)
  • How does Tonpetty describe JoJo?
Chapter 35: 怒りをたたきこめ!・あしたの勇気・うけ継ぐ者 その 3

Wow, no questions until over halfway in lol

  • Why does Zeppeli get mad at JoJo? How do we know he’s mad?

not questions, just personal commentary but JoJo feels very Fist of the North Star in this chapter
Also I love that real men cry in JoJo
And, I wonder if Zep’s face in the sky is the first instance of that? I don’t recall a heavenly George

CW for Chapter 36: gore more specifically terrible things happening to a baby

Chapter 36: 遥かな国からの3人・遥かな国からの3人 その 1
  • What does Adams accuse Poco of?
  • How is Poco’s sister according to Adams? What will she do to Poco when he gets home?
  • Who are the strangers and why did they come?
  • What is Dio trying to prove?

CW for Chapter 37: (first is spoiler spoiler) attempted general content sexual assault

Chapter 37: 怪人ドゥービー・遥かな国からの3人 その 2
  • What does Dio offer the girl?
  • How does JoJo counteract the snakes?

I love that JoJo just pulls an anvil out of nowhere
For the first time in a long time we get a new named character! Here’s the band his name references

CW for Chapter 38: minor eye gore

Chapter 38: 稲妻十字烈刃・遥かな国からの3人 その 3
  • What do Dio’s lackies volunteer to do for him?
  • Why hasn’t Dio been dealing with JoJo directly? What do you think of his reasoning?
  • What can you tell about JoJo feelings towards Dio based on the following line: 同じこと!お前を葬るのに罪悪感なし!
  • What does Dio do to rile up JoJo and how can we tell?
  • Why does Dire want to fight Dio? What justification does he give? Do you feel he’s right? Why or why not?

CW for Chapter 39: gore

Chapter 39: 血戦! JoJo&DIO・炎と氷ジョナサンとディオ その 1
  • How does JoJo plan to defeat Dio?
  • How does Dio feel about hamon? How does what he says reveal about what he believes his status is?
  • What does JoJo do that impresses Speedwagon?
    The minions in this chapter are named after members of Led Zeppelin. Here’s a Robert Plant song

That’s caught us up to the present. I’m not sure if I’ll make future questions their own posts or just copy/paste them here :thinking:

Chapter 40: 炎&氷!・炎と氷ジョナサンとディオ その 2 Questions
  • What can JoJo do with Dio’s vampire extract?
  • How does Dio compare himself to JoJo? What comparison does he draw?
  • What does JoJo believe about humanity?

CW for Chapter 41: gore

Chapter 41: 悪鬼の最後!・炎と氷ジョナサンとディオ その 3 Questions

I don’t think I paid enough attention in previous chapters, but it’s interesting that on the 5th page of the chapter Dio feels pain, which Zeppeli said before that vampires don’t feel, right?

  • What is Dio shooting out of his eyes? What does it resemble?
  • spoiler for midpoint of the chapter Why do you think JoJo cries and passes out?
  • What does Speedwagon say about the world? How does Tompetty respond?
  • What can we learn from the newspaper reports? What do they conjure about JoJo and company?
  • What does Speedwagon say he’d do for JoJo and Erina?
  • Do you think Speedwagon will ever pay his bill?
  • What do the loading crew say about their job?

CW: gore

Chapter 42: 恐嵐への序曲・炎と氷ジョナサンとディオ その 4 Questions
  • Right off the bat, we got bird symbolism again :eyes: For anyone who hasn’t seen the anime, what do you think this might be alluding to?
  • What does the priest realize about the chest?
  • According to himself, why has Dio appeared in this state to JoJo?
  • What does Dio say about the relationship between them? How does he describe it? What does Dio want from that relationship?

Personal thoughts
re the priest, I love that a man of god who has lost god and his symbol of that god found Dio on the ship

CW: gore

Chapter 43: 最後の波紋!・炎と氷ジョナサンとディオ その 5 Questions
  • How does Dio belittle Erina? What’s it similar to?
  • What problems does Jonathan realize he’s facing?
  • What does Dio not allow Wang Chen to do? What does he say they will do?
  • What does JoJo ultimately do?
  • How does Dio react to JoJo’s actions?
  • How is Erina doing in this situation?
Chapter 44 忘却の彼方へ・炎と氷ジョナサンとディオ その 6 Questions
  • What does JoJo tell Erina to do?
  • What does Dio complain about?
  • What does he order the zombies to do?
  • What does Dio tell Erina about the coffin?
  • How does JoJo describe his and Dio’s relationship?
  • What offer does Dio make JoJo and how does it involve Erina?
  • What does Dio’s reaction to JoJo tell us? What’s ironic or unexpected about it?