🧹 魔女の宅急便 🐈‍⬛ Kiki's Delivery Service 🌙 Home Thread

I battled through it as my first ever proper book, can’t remember when but must be a while. I might do a reread along with the club.


There are 6 volumes to this book?

Oh the kindle version has 6 volumes… money money!

So when will we cut off the poll?

Looks like everyone wants the new schedule and we’re tired for May 6th and May 13th, but since bilbiothecary organised this I reckon they should get the tie breaking choice <3

Also I appreciate all the vocab links and have grabbed myself the Anki deck. :slight_smile:


Can anyone let me know if they have a guide to turn this kindle fbx file into something I can load on ttsu? I swear I had an EPUB when I tried reading this like nearly a year or more ago but I can’t dig it up :frowning:

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I think starting on the 13th might be better - having only a week’s notice is fine if you’re reading the ebook, but it’s not great for those who want to order a physical copy. I think having at least two weeks for people to purchase the book would be more sensible (will remember this for next time… :sweat_smile:).

I’ve made a reading schedule, which mostly sticks to a chapter a week. The first couple of chapters are relatively short so they’ve been combined in week 1, and the third is longer than the others so it has been split over two weeks.

Week Chapter Pages
1 1 & 2 20
2 3 20
3 3 15
4 4 26
5 5 23
6 6 25
7 7 25
8 8 21
9 9 19
10 10 18
11 11 23
Would you like to follow this reading schedule?
  • Yeah, looks good! :+1:
  • No (comment below) :-1:
0 voters

Everyone seems to be in agreement about the pace, so just a quick question about the threads:

Would you prefer the have a thread for each week, or each chapter?
  • Week
  • Chapter
0 voters

I would love to join in on this!
Especially since I kinda stopped the book in the middle and never got myself to finish

But due to college related situations and other book clubs my participation is in question lol


As it seems that most people agree that it’s harder than ふしぎ駄菓子屋 銭天堂, I might be pretty slow with this, doubly so because I’m gonna be using the physical book. I might just do what I did with ふしぎ駄菓子屋 銭天堂 though, that is, to catch up in the later chapters, once my level is slightly higher. So if we use this schedule it’s still fine for me, I’m just almost certain that I won’t manage to follow it exactly.


I reserved the book from the library but I believe it’s an older harder version than this common one found on this site and Amazon. Will try and compare with this BC version on Audible, hopefully identical.


I would also love to join but I’m a bit hesitant since I’m committed to several other book clubs… will give it a try and follow the first few weeks though!


It appears that these are identical books with audible, at a glance. I like this old 1985 hardcover version with big pages and occasional illustrations so that’s what I’m going with. The paperback version is quite similar but more dense and compact in the pages.


I considered getting it from the library too, but apparently they only let you borrow books for 2 weeks max so that’s a no-go for me unfortunately :sweat_smile:


It seems a lot of people have voted for starting at 6th of May, so I’m wondering if the club will start this week after all?

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As stated previously:


Okay, so we’ve got the start date (13th May) and everyone seems happy with the schedule. It’s a pretty even split for whether we have a catch-up week, so let’s see how we feel when we get closer to the halfway point. :slightly_smiling_face:

There’s some interest in the Korean translation, so the threads will be posted in All Languages


I can postpone the due date once per book but yeah the library due dates are forcing me to try and blast through the books faster than the book clubs (~3-4 weeks total loan time). Issue is I am in too many book clubs and taking out too many books…


I’ll definitely be joining in on this one! Like a few other people, I started this one years ago as one of my first books but it was too difficult then and I abandoned it about a quarter of the way through – would be lovely to revisit it with much better comprehension! Also, I love the movie and heard the book was significantly different so I want to finally be able to compare the two!


Out of curiosity, how do people usually read for these book clubs?

Do you read the weekly amount all in one go, or do you try and do a bit each day, or some other approach? :slight_smile:


Personally, I usually read it all in one go, unless I get frustrated with the difficulty and feel like I need to put it down before I go crazy! :sweat_smile:


I think everyone is a bit different. I tend to read during my commute or if I have short breaks during the day (eg. while cooking), so I just read as much as I can in the short time I have and usually take ~2 days per book (club). If I read manga, I might divide a chapter in 2 if it’s too long/difficult, but prefer to read a single chapter in a sitting before bed. If it’s a longer book (the Harry Potter club tends to have longer chapters - they’re about an hour to read each according to kindle), then I’ll need more time and will try to also read it during weekends on my free time.