Korean Beta - Feedback from Korean Users

Well that’s disappointing. :disappointed:

I guess it might be worth messaging the mods of communities before posting to save that happening again.

In addition to discords and reddits, what about posting in the forums of MangaUpdates, Anilist, MAL, or even Goodreads groups focused on Korean books?

I’m sure there must be bloggers and youtubers that might be interested in trying/reviewing the site. The only Korean learner’s blog I follow is Hangukdrama, who’s been around for 10+ years and does regular reviews for Korean and Japanese learning materials.

Just some ideas. :slightly_smiling_face:


Their modmail is literally not even working haha. Yeah, I probably should’ve but modmail usually takes forever wrt approval (i think it’s their lowest priority). And it seemed pretty clear in the rules… ugh. But yeah, always best to message first, which you usually have to do.

That’s… actually not a bad idea! I’ve never thought of it. Granted i’m literally poaching users from their website, so might be more controversial. We’ll see :sweat_smile:

Yeah, I’ve hit some people up on instagram and twitter. But if you have suggestions let me know. I could ask for a blog review too, but it’s a little early.

We literally just need a cadre of 5-8 super readers and we’re golden. That gets the ball rolling on the grading and then everything else is easy. We’ll get there, but yes keep the ideas coming :slight_smile:


Novel Updates’ forums might be a decent place as well.


Man all the forums on the other sites are janky. And no, i’m not finding any active korean discussions. Granted I couldn’t even find a search function on goodreads ㅎㅎㅎ.

I’ll keep looking.


Yeah, big sites seem to get less convenient as they gain more users. :\ I can also look around to see if I can find anything.

Edit: @brandon for goodreads at least, one way you may be able to find groups is to search by genre:
I clicked the circled tag:

Which led me to this page:

And if you scroll down:

I’ve never investigated Goodreads’ groups before; it looks like there’s a discussion board attached to each group? Looks like a hassle, honestly.


These aren’t showing up in search:

For some reason the image isn’t updating either.

More suggestions:


It looks like for some of the early series added to Korean, only the first volume was added to the Korean side, and the rest of the series ended up on the Japanese side.

This is my Japanese list

You can see the first volumes on my Korean list


Affected series

Real-Life Korean Conversations For Beginners (series) | L6-13
천일야화 애장판 (series) | L30
금복이 이야기 (series) | L30


Another post per your recommendation @bibliothecary :slight_smile:

I don’t think that I could swing a post on r/korea. I will be doing a post in r/korean again but only in the bi-weekly thread.

Hopefully, r/BeginnerKorean doesn’t think it’s off topic too. We’ll see. Promotion is hard.

I have been trying to work other local channels here in Korea as well.


I actually fixed that a while ago, but I guess not for your library items :sweat_smile:

Anyway, should be fixed now.


I laughed at reading this. Famous last words and 3 months later, 100 new problems have been created by “something easy”. :face_holding_back_tears:

regarding goodreads: There is a Korean lit. club. Korean Literature Group (462 Members)
GR focuses on English versions but there might be some ppl there, who read in the original?
Not sure how kindly they take to promotion, though. Even though, it’s not really competition, imo. I am not tracking my English or German books on natively and GR is not giving me recs based on my level or connects me to other learners. :thinking:

(same exists for Japanese, if you are already on there: Japanese Novel and Light Novel Book Club Group (1394 Members))

Also, does Refold have a Korean discord server (edit: it does)/reddit? I feel like natively would be right up their ally.


All those goodread groups are dead though, no? And I think it’s all english :confused:

This is interesting but how the heck do I find that server? I’ve joined their main discord, but cannot find a way to the language servers. I’m very bad at discord :sweat_smile:

If you haven’t found it already: information > start here > click the flag of the server you want to join > you’ll be sent an invite link

Another suggestion:


Excellent thank you. I found it.

Yeah, already posted there as much as the mods allowed me. Problem with discord is that the promotion message is pushed out of view quite quickly :confused:

We got a few bites, but not much.


Which language should Japanese for Korean speakers (or vice versa) textbooks or bilingual Japanese-Korean books be added to? :thinking:

I’m coming across errors occassionally when trying to add ebooks. Some of them return an error when I use the ISBN but work when I use the yes24 url, but I couldn’t add this book using the ISBN, and it wouldn’t accept the yes24 url, either, maybe because it doesn’t have the ISBN? Or something to do with the numbering? :woman_shrugging:

I’ve noticed some manhwa are sold by chapter (play/yes24) - could these be added to the database?


you’re asking tough questions :sweat_smile:

Up until now I haven’t allowed textbooks / parallel texts intended for non english speakers. It’s just messy. I think I’ll probably continue that restriction.

I would assume it’s the ISBN issue yes. I can try to reconfigure. Mind adding a bug to the product request? Would really appreciate it. :slight_smile:


Done! :smiling_face:


I wonder… is this the standard way they’re sold? Maybe they’re webtoons that have only been converted to ebooks?

I honestly have been getting a lot of calls for webtoons, ugh. Do webtoons have a page count? If they do, it might be necessary to find a way to add them.


I think we may have some supers from the Korean Refold community coming onboard, they seem gungho. Good call @Biblio :slight_smile:


Both Google Play and Yes24 have (different :sweat_smile:) page counts.

The main way to read is on webtoon sites, and of course the popular ones are published as books, but I honestly don’t know how common it is for the ebooks to be sold by chapter rather than by volume… :thinking:

Gets ready to add all the new books to wish list


But like, could I treat it exactly like a book? You could use % read? Or page count for progress? Would that work? Or do you have to record progress by chapters complete?

You could edit the total pages of course, like you can now.