So many people from the Japanese book clubs !
I’m starting really late (that is… today) with Achtsam Morden, but I’d like to nominate a book for our future reads :
Title: Der nasse Fisch (Die Gereon-Rath-Romane 1): Der erste Rath-Roman | Vom Autor der Romanvorlage zu Babylon Berlin | L30??
Book type: Historical krimi
Available formats: physical / ebook / audiobook
Summary - German
Der erste Fall der Gereon Rath-Bestsellerreihe
Mit diesem Roman beginnt die spektakuläre Serie, in der Kutscher seinen Kriminalkommissar Gereon Rath in die politischen und gesellschaftlichen Umbrüche im Berlin der späten 20er-Jahre führt. Rath, neu in Berlin und abgestellt bei der Sitte, erlebt eine Weltstadt im Rausch, die von sozialen und politischen Spannungen zerrissen ist. Ungefragt schaltet sich der Kommissar in die stagnierenden Ermittlungen eines Mordfalls ein – und stößt in ein Wespennest. Dann verliebt Rath sich in Charly, Stenotypistin in der Mordkommission, und missbraucht ihr Insiderwissen für seine einsamen Ermittlungen.
Summary - English
It’s 1929 and Berlin is the vibrating metropolis of post-war Germany—full of bars and brothels and dissatisfied workers at the point of revolt. Gereon Rath is new in town and new to the police department.
When a dead man without an identity, bearing traces of atrocious torture, is discovered, Rath sees a chance to find his way back into the homicide division. He discovers a connection with a circle of oppositional exiled Russians who try to purchase arms with smuggled gold in order to prepare a coup d’état. But there are other people trying to get hold of the gold and the guns, too. Raths finds himself up against paramilitaries and organized criminals. He falls in love with Charlotte, a typist in the homicide squad, and misuses her insider’s knowledge for his personal investigations. And as he gets further entangled with the case, he never imagined becoming a suspect himself.
Content Warnings
It’s Germany between the two world wars… so some characters will express strong feelings towards Jews, Communists, same-sex relationships, etc…
Reason(s) for nominating: I’m very interested in this political and historical era, and the book gives a good idea of it. It’s part of a series, I’ve read 4 or 5 of them, and each book takes place, sequentially, in a different year, so you follow not only the main characters, but also the changes in society. The krimi part in itself is solidly written, and the main characters are not pure heroes or villains. There is a television series, which is also quite good