ライトノベル読書会 📚 Light Novel Book Club | Next Book Apr 1

For me, the cover is the deal breaker. I assume that’s going to be more common than a lack of physical media :sweat_smile:

I feel you. it’s probably not as pedo as the cover makes it out to be, but yeah… :face_holding_back_tears:

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The cover might give the wrong idea? I can’t really tell.

It’s a weird school love comedy. Now if all school love comedies are being called that then :person_shrugging:


Sounds worth making a general poll for “If a nomination didn’t include physical copies (or they were hard to get), how would that affect your vote?” Or something vaguely like that


Yes! As @seanblue mentioned, people are free to nominate at any time! Up until we have 20 options to pick from, since that’s Discourse’s limit on poll options.

That’s a good point; crazy how time flies. Maybe, since we’re at this point, we could do something like:

July 24: “officially” open nominations (they’re always open, but this would just be an advertising period and for people to start looking at choices again)
July 31: voting for the next picks begins
August 7: voting closes

コップクラフト finishes the week of August 21, and if we have a week break before starting the next book, book #2 would start September 4, which would give folks 4 weeks to order their physical copy from the point that voting closes.

If folks feel that the extra time to order a physical copy isn’t needed, we could wait a week or two for voting; just depends.

[Please see my next post for the poll; it was acting oddly in this post for some reason.]

If you answered yes and have a specific amount of time in mind that would be convenient for you, please let me know!

:eyes: Whoops. :sweat_smile: Ah well; I didn’t see anyone mentioning it earlier, so maybe they also forgot…?

If a nomination didn’t include physical copies (or they were hard to get), how would that affect your vote?
  • I would still vote for the book
  • I wouldn’t vote for the book
0 voters

…Something weird is going on with the polls. Let me see if I can fix.

Would you like extra time built into the book club cycle to order a physical copy of the newest pick?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Doesn’t matter
0 voters

I would just default to including an “order period”. I am mostly doing ebooks but I don’t mind a longer break and if it gets more people to join, I definitely don’t mind. :smiling_face:


Do we re-nominate things from the first poll, if we still want to see them this time around?

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Nope; they’ll hang on in the list of nominations unless they don’t get any votes in a book-picking poll. Anything that’s cut from the list we’ll let sit for a few book cycles before allowing it for re-nomination.


I’d probably increase the cut to everything with 1-2 votes, and not just 0 votes, based on how the poll went last time.

Otherwise we might run out of slots for next round for new nominations.


Should I nominate some more stuff? I already nominated so much. :see_no_evil:

are the 3 series I would want to nominate. :eyes:


I feel like I’ve nominated too much too :sweat_smile: , aside from the one mentioned earlier I had a few more in my mind.


yeah, I have probably like 3 or so more… so if we ever run low on options… :eyes: :see_no_evil:


Following up on what I said earlier about the cut out options based on votes, it could also be done the X least popular options.

That way, in the case we reach 20 nominations, will leave a few new slots for the next round.


I would join ビブリア if the timing and pacing was right.


I should nominate 86 since it’s not getting picked up by the ABC over at WK.


Yes! Go for it! It’s a good series that I’ve wanted to read for a while as well. A lot of the more advanced people here would probably vote for it. Just keep in mind the level might put some people off.


Level 37 oof. I think anything in the upper 30’s for me is out of my comfort zone.

Didn’t ABC stand for Absolute Beginners Club? Isn’t that a bit too tall of a level?


Advanced Book Club is ABC. I don’t remember the abbreviation for the very beginner club unfortunately


I guess that’s a very different meaning :rofl: