ライトノベル読書会 📚 Light Novel Book Club | Next Book Apr 1

I know I have a tendency to be irresponsible (not on purpose), so I’ve already prepared pace proposals just in case. With all the subchapters, even though they vary in length, it actually divides up pretty nicely.


Since I already nominated quite a few, I’m holding doing new nominations.

But if before closing there are still spots I might sneak in some last minute nominations :melting_face:


Go for it! Empty slots don’t do anyone any good.


I’ll sneak in a rec I guess


Is there an ebook available?: yes (amzn.jp and bookwalker)
Is there an audiobook available?: Not that I could find
Is there an all-furigana version available?: no

Summary - Japanese


Summary - English

Mayumi Doujima is a young girl who has been searching for a star that she saw only once ten years ago. She visits the headquarters of the Pretty Boy Detective Club where she meets five boys who are each unique in their own way. Her encounter marks the beginning of an extraordinary search for a lost star. A beautiful and dazzling mystery-adventure story starts now!

Content warnings if known

None that I know of, however I only watched the anime adaption and cannot speak for the LN

Why are you nominating this book: I fell in love with the anime while it was airing, and since then reading the series has been a long term goal of mine. Despite being written by Nisioisin, I rarely hear this series being talked about and think it could use some attention!


Looks like the auto-formatting Natively links are acting up a bit; they keep shifting on the nomination table. So just a heads up if you see funky stuff happening. Also, the table is now apparently scrollable and zoom in-able; first time I’ve seen that.


Oh that’s a nice feature. Must be some sort of update, maybe when discourse was updated to fix the votes. Lots of space if it can be zoomed!

@eefara BTW the link didn’t load the text


Ugh. I was hoping that would fix itself overnight. So there’s something funky going on here; dunno if it would help to tag @brandon, but I will just in case. So I removed the link from 美少年探偵団, saved the table, then added it again. It started showing up properly after that, but then 本好き’s link stopped rendering correctly. I said, well, screw it, I’ll just type in the title and hyperlink it so it looks like it’s working. And now 青春ブタ野郎は’s link isn’t showing right either. >.> I wonder if there’s some sort of limit on how many pure urls will render into a page title on a single post?


Yikes, I have no idea. I was able to get it to one box correctly when i input it alone, but not on one line, hmm. That implies there’s something probably cached wrong (I believe the cache hangs around for 24 hours)… so maybe try tomorrow? Not sure.

You all are saints trying to format that. Just imagine when we can do all this procedural stuff on the site rather than the forums :pleading_face:


Give tool, will use until it breaks. :+1:

Man, that’s going to be crazy. I’m so used to fiddling with it all on Discourse that it’ll be quite the change.


The easiest way I would say is read the description of the (currently) last book on Amazon and see if it says whether that’s the end, conclusion or however they put it of the series or not.

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Is it usually telegraphed that well? Plus, what if it’s a series I’m interested in? I wouldn’t want to necessarily go read a blurb on the final book.


The kindle version of ビブリア is on sale right now if anyone is interested.


Just a heads up to everyone we have 5 slots remaining and three days left for nominations! You can still nominate during the voting period, but it won’t be included in this next vote.


You could also look on Wikipedia for volumes list. If there’s an upcoming volume, they’ll usually have a tentative entry and/or release date

Or maybe just Google if it’s finished or ongoing


Also the publication period. If the series is over, there will be an extra end date. Otherwise, it will be indicated as ongoing. (Can be out of date if the last volume was very recently published, but that’s usually not a problem)


So I was looking into a few things I had in mind but sadly most of them are out-of-print in physical form, and seems like going for a digital only would halve potential club members…

So I’ll see if I can find some extra nominations that still have their books being printed…


Book: 君を愛したひとりの僕へ | L29
Is there an ebook available?: yes
Is there an audiobook available?: yes (https://www.audible.co.jp/pd/B07QMTC43Y)
Is there an all-furigana version available?: no

Summary - Japanese

人々が少しだけ違う並行世界間で日常的に揺れ動いていることが実証された世界―― 両親の離婚を経て父親と暮らす日高暦(ひだか・こよみ)は、父の勤務する虚質科学研究所で佐藤栞(さとう・しおり)という少女に出会う。 たがいにほのかな恋心を抱くふたりだったが、親同士の再婚話がすべてを一変させた。 もう結ばれないと思い込んだ暦と栞は、兄妹にならない世界に跳ぼうとするが…… 彼女がいない世界に意味はなかった。『僕が愛したすべての君へ』と同時刊行

Summary - English

In a world where people are proven to swing between slightly different parallel worlds on a daily basis - Hidaka Koyomi, who lives with her father after her parents’ divorce, meets a girl called Sato Shiori at the Institute of Imaginary Science where her father works. The two have a faint feeling of love for each other, but everything changes when their parents talk about remarrying. Convinced that they will never be together again, Reki and Shiori try to jump to a world where they will never be siblings, but … there is no meaning in a world without her. Published at the same time as To All the People I Love.

Why are you nominating this book: Looking for some recs that aren’t a 10+ volume series, I remembered I had this on my TBR and had been planning on reading it for a while. This and the companion book 僕が愛したすべての君へ | L28. I have been told the order in which one reads those 2 books determines to some extent how one sees the story and I found some recommendations to start with 君愛.


Book: 真の仲間じゃないと勇者のパーティーを追い出されたので、辺境でスローライフすることにしました | L34
Is there an ebook available?: :o:
Is there an audiobook available?: :small_red_triangle: (Only Audible JP)
Is there an all-furigana version available?: :x:

Summary - Japanese


「君は真の仲間ではない――」最前線での戦いについていけなくなってしまった英雄・レッドは、仲間の賢者に戦力外を言い渡され勇者のパーティーから追い出されてしまう。「はぁ、あんときは辛かったなぁ」レッドが抜けた事で賢者達が大パニックになってるとは露知らず、当の本人は辺境の地で薬草屋を開業しようとワクワクした気分で過ごしていたのだが……「私もこのお店で働いていいかな? 住み込みで!」突如かつての仲間であるお姫様が自宅まで訪ねてきて!? 追い出された英雄は第2の人生で報われる――。お姫様との幸せいっぱいな辺境スローライフ開幕!!



Summary - English (Yenpress)

Red was once a member of the Hero’s party, a powerful group destined to save the world from the evil forces of Taraxon, the Raging Demon Lord. That is, until one of his comrades kicked him out. Hoping to live the easy life on the frontier, Red’s new goal is to open an apothecary. However, keeping the secret of his former life may not be as simple as he thinks. Especially when the beautiful Rit, an adventurer from his past, shows up and asks to move in with him!

Content warnings if known


Why are you nominating this book: It’s supposed to be a chill title, I guess I’m having enough stress in life that lately I’m gravitating towards these kind of titles. It’s been on my TBR along nonbiri nouka for a while. Since I started the other one on my own, I’d though I’d nominate this one.

For table adding reference.

The status is ongoing-ish. 12 Volumes + 1 Prequel volume.


Book: おおかみこどもの雨と雪 | L29
Is there an ebook available?: yes
Is there an audiobook available?: no
Is there an all-furigana version available?: yes (https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4046312483 - physical & ebook available)

Summary - Japanese


Summary - English

One day, university student Hana falls in love with a “wolf man”, they fall in love and have two lives together. Hana is left alone to raise her two children, Snow and Rain, in the countryside.

Content warnings if known

Death of a parent; Death of an animal;

Why are you nominating this book: Finished with 1 volume and a furigana version available. (Trying to entice some newbies to maybe join the BC. ;))


Book サマーウォーズ | L25??

Is there an ebook available?: :o:
Is there an audiobook available?: :x:
Is there an all-furigana version available?: :small_red_triangle: (Written by a different author)

Note that there are two editions of physical version, Hard Cover and Paperback.
There’s also two editions of the ebooks, one normal novel, and one Tsubasa Bunko for beginners.

Summary - Japanese


Summary - English (Anilist)

When timid eleventh-grader and math genius Kenji Koiso is asked by older student and secret crush Natsuki to come with her to her family’s Nagano home for a summer job, he agrees without hesitation.

Natsuki’s family, the Jinnouchi clan, dates back to the Muromachi era (1336 to 1573), and they’ve all come together to celebrate the 90th birthday of the spunky matriarch of the family, Sakae. That’s when Kenji discovers his “summer job” is to pretend to be Natsuki’s fiance and dance with her at the birthday celebration.

As Kenji attempts to keep up with Natsuki’s act around her family, he receives a strange math problem on his cell phone which, being a math genius, he can’t resist solving. As it turns out, the solution to the mysterious equation causes Oz, the program that controls nearly every aspect of life to be hacked into, it’s up to Kenji and his new “family” to stop the hacker before it’s too late.

Content warnings if known


Why are you nominating this book: It’s a summer story and we are in summer!, There’s a movie about it that I really liked and I wanted to read the novel about it.

There’s a Paperback edition, a Hardcover edition, an ebook, a Tsubasa Bunko printed and ebook edition with full furigana. So it should be easily accessible to the vast majority, including beginners.

The Tsubasa Bunko edition is written by a different author.

For table adding reference.

Status is Finished: 1. Vol.