ライトノベル読書会 📚 Light Novel Book Club | Next Book Apr 1

I haven’t watched it yet, but I’m going to bet that it reaches the same conclusion we did.

more polls for the poll god; more votes for the vote throne


I nominated and voted for it in round 1, but I’ve already read read it in English twice, plus have read other JP SAO novels (tho Progressive is really a lot more fun than the main series). Since there’s so many interesting recs, I wanted to use my vote more effectively this time.

I’m actually hoping it gets cut after this round, to make room for other recs, since it seems like it will be a consistent low performer. Otherwise I can SAO otaku on my own anytime :stuck_out_tongue:

This time I’m hoping for: something with audio, something unfamiliar with an interesting premise, or something light. I’m hoping 本好き wins most of all, bc I’ve enjoyed what I’ve read so far, and it has audio, plus is the perfect level for me.


Speaking of, we’ll need to figure out how we want to cut nominations soon enough. Cutting the lowest X% seemed like a popular option.

Edit for the poll


The question is how many new nominations should their be per round. I’d propose cutting the lowest 5, meaning there would be space for 5 new recs next round.

I’m loving the exposure I’m getting to new, interesting titles I never would have come across here!

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Yeah, I’m also considering this, particularly since it could mean the difference between サマーウォーズ & 本好き right now… Tho tbh I’d be fine with either winning. So I probably won’t.

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本当に!! I could just read along with the subs (but not process the meaning). It’s one of the few times I’ve wanted to slow down a video! (Usually I play on 1.5-2x speed… Or 1x for most JP stuff)

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I think cutting at least 5 entries and not allow them for re-nomination for at least 1 round seems like a good idea. :thinking:

We’re votin’ together, but still it’s not clear, and maybe it’ll come back, to a tie, who can tell?
I guess there is no one to blame, we’re voting all (voting all), will votes all be the same again?
It’s the final countdown… :eyes:


Thx - now I have that stuck in my head :smiley:


wow, 美少年 is really high up there, wasn’t expecting that! Couldn’t hurt if it were a bit higher, try and shake things up a bit…

As for nomination rules, I would suggest taking it a step farther and say maybe more like the bottom 8-12 should be cut and have to sit a round out. Would help to keep the list from getting too repetitive over time and encourage club members to share more LNs that maybe aren’t as popular. I’m also not the biggest fan of the vote shifting going on, it seems like there’s more of a focus on forcing a tie than picking the right book. Maybe having a runoff round for the top 4 or 5 would preferrable? I’m just brainstorming though


I’m saving one vote, but it’s not for forcing a tie, it’s more as a strategy in case there’s 2-3 of the I wouldn’t mind reading in the top among some I don’t want to read, to better my odds at the last moment.

But yeah, while it’s more interesting that the polls have ties and having second rounds, I’m not sure if it’s the best for the club itself.


Yes, that’s the link to the poll :melting_face:


HOW do you turn images into links like that???

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[![up-vote-anime|480x270, 50%](upload://1o9Zipdr7cJuixfo9CcxzjunhOV.gif)](https://forums.learnnatively.com/t/light-novel-book-club-voting-now/3893/246)

Tbf, I was only joking - I did switch my votes around once in the beginning, because there were too many options available, and decisions are hard. :see_no_evil: but I am not switching my votes to force anything. I think the top choice has enough votes that a BC would work and even people who didn’t vote for it (like me) might still read along. :upside_down_face:

Imagine there’s a poll, It’s easy if you vote.
No links below us, above us, a quote.


I know Summer Wars is winning, and I don’t want to influence that negatively, but I thought I should clarify a couple things.

Aren’t the regular and Tsubasa Bunko version written by different authors with different text? Unless I misinterpreted the Wikipedia page and grabbed the wrong samples from Amazon, that seems to be the case… Please correct me if I’m wrong.

Also, the movie is the original. These are novelizations. Nothing wrong with that of course (I know a lot of people have read novelizations of Your Name and other popular movies), but I guess it explains how there could be two completely different adaptions of the movie.


I can confirm that the Tsubasa version is not the same as the non-Tsubasa version. I just checked.
I didn’t realize. Good catch. :+1:t2:

wise men say, voting will close soon, but I want you voting in polls with me…


Yeah, I just noticed this morning.

Since I nominated, I figured I’d get all 3 editions that exist, to try to sync the events but yeah that’s a bit of a bummer, and might be a bit challenging

At least the hardcover and paperback, despite being different publishers seems to be the same authors (2/3 of them) and be structured similarly despite different page count, so syncing those two might be easy.

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I wonder why they did that. Usually, tsubasa just adds furigana, but does not re-write a story. :thinking:

Edit: So, the tsubasa version is basically half the length, that’s probably why they had someon re-write (or maybe just condense) it. Maybe there are also some mature themes that were considered not quite age appropriate. :thinking: I mean there is a pretend fiancé. That comes with some logistical issues when visiting family. :eyes:

I see votes of blue, and votes of white, the bright blessed day, the dark sacred night, and I think to myself, what a wonderful poll


I went ahead and edited the nomination post with the information @seanblue has pointed out. Although I think it might be a bit late, I think it’s still what is fairest.

Still 2 days to vote or change your mind!

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Assuming nothing shifts, would you be interested in running the Summer Wars club should it win @Megumin?

I think 8 is reasonable. 12 seems extreme - that’s over half the choices!

This seems a bit like a distinction without a difference to me. In any case you’re still voting for a book(s) you want the club to read.

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