ライトノベル読書会 📚 Light Novel Book Club | Next Book Apr 1

Is there a set start date for 後宮の烏 at this point?


January 1!


Now that we have German, I did a quick search since I was curious if I could find 後宮の烏 in German, but it appears no luck. Granted, we’re very unlikely to have German learners joining in like, a week, haha.

And speaking of which, does anyone have page numbers/page breaks they can check into over the next week? I won’t be participating with this book, so I have no copy.


only have the ebook and taking a quick look, the chapters are very long. :melting_face:
what sort of pace are you looking at? I think 本好き was doing around 10k characters per week. 後宮の烏 is ~120k characters long.

It seems there are natural breaks every 8-10k characters for the first chapter and every 10-12k for the next chapters. The last chapter could be split into 2 15k parts, if I got my maths right. :sweat_smile:


I need to set up the home thread/some polls. I suppose let’s offer some choices between an 8-11 week schedule and see what works for everyone?

The splits you mentioned might be nice; a bit less for the beginning, then ramping up near the end.

Week Final line Percentage Characters
1 高峻はすこしばかり面食らったようだった。 7 8.833
2 九九がぽかんとしてそれを眺めていた。 13 16.438
3 眺めていた。 19 23.957
4 目の前で揺らした。 25 31.731
5 その慟哭だけが響いていた。 34 42.816
6 End of chapter 1 40 50591
7 気づかなかった。 49 61.605
8 End of chapter 2 58 72.994
9 と青の声がした。 67 83.897
10 End of chapter 3 74 92.797
11 それが冬の王の意思だったからだ。 87 107.920
12 End of book 100 123.968

Thank you!

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I’m using the Ridibooks version for Korean, which doesn’t do page numbers, so I’ll probably just refer to the Japanese percentage as a guide. :thinking:

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I’ve set up an official Natively list for the club! Let’s see if I can remember to update it periodically


ooh! Tho the books are showing up with the incorrect number of stars (or none, on the case of 後宮の烏)

@brandon Should I submit a bug request for that?

Edit: nevermind, I just realized this is @eefara s list, and so they’re personal ratings, not site-wide


Those are my review ratings. :sweat_smile: And since I haven’t read 後宮の烏 there’s no rating there. I already let brandon know about it, and in the future there should be an option to show the global rating instead. I’ll update the list once that’s available.

Edit: I submitted while you were editing. Ah well, here’s my answer in case anyone else is wondering.


Just a heads up: nominations will be open starting tomorrow/now! We have four weeks of reading left, so I figure we’ll open voting for the next book on March 4, close voting on March 10, and have a week break after the end of 後宮の烏, starting our next book on April 1.

How does that sound?
  • Sounds good
  • I’d like two weeks in between books
  • I’d like 3+ weeks in between books
0 voters

Also: if there are any current nominations that have a German and/or Spanish version, please let me know and I’ll add them to the table!

Another ask for you guys: would you find it more convenient to keep the nominations in just this thread, or would you rather have them moved to an official list?

  • It’s fine to just have them in the thread
  • I’d rather have a Natively list to refer to
  • I’d like to have both available
0 voters

I’m not sure that I’ll vote or participate this time around (since I have a habit of dropping book club books), but the one nice thing about lists is that it’s less jumping around on mobile, for those of us using the app version of the forums.

I don’t think it makes a huge difference personally though.


Thread title updated! We currently have 8 slots open for nominations! Please vote on our next book’s timing poll if you haven’t!


Book: 神様たちのお伊勢参り | L30??

Is there an ebook available?: yes
Is there an audiobook available?: yes
Is there an all-furigana version available?: no?
(Optional) Is this book available in Korean?: no?

Summary - Japanese


Summary - English

(DeepL) Mei Tanihara, who has lost her boyfriend and her job, comes to the Ise Shrine to ask for help from the gods and meets a mysterious young man named Ten in the mountains. Mei ends up working at “Yaoyorozu,” an inn run by Ten, but it is a mysterious place. The “Yaorozu” is an inn where gods from all over Japan who come to Ise for pilgrimage stay!

Content warnings if known

none known

Why are you nominating this book: This has been in my to read pile for a while now. The summary (and the cover :joy:) give me some Kamisama Hajimemashita mixed with Spirited Away vibes and I definitely want to give it a try!


I mean to send out a reminder this past weekend for nominations but forgot, so here’s one more: I’ll open up voting later today to give a chance for any last-minute nominations to come in, so get them in while you still have the chance!


Based on the current results of how we want to list and maintain nominations, I’ve created a Natively LN Book Club Nominations list and will also maintain the nominations in the second post for the foreseeable future.


View the Nominations List here or here; be sure to scroll to the right; there’s a lot of information there! You’ve got 5 votes, so vote wisely!

(Please note the new addition to the nomination table: whether there’s a Korean version of the book or not!)

This poll should close automatically on March 11, 17:00 UTC.


Since we’ve got fewer entries this time around, I’m thinking we’ll cut fewer at the end of this nomination cycle.


We appear to have a 6-way (almost 7-way) tie so far. :stuck_out_tongue: