ライトノベル読書会 📚 Light Novel Book Club | Next Book Apr 1

It works much better for this club than the mystery club since AniList tracks LNs but not regular novels.


It happened with Full Metal Panic, it also happened with Amaburi (and this one, afaik, doesn’t even have a % completed). My point is he keeps starting stuff without finishing the previous.

If it’s a health issue, it sucks, and shit happens, but my point still stands that starting something that you might never get to see the end, specially if you enjoy it, is a horrible experience.

So if a series doesn’t have a constant publishing that I see is kept, or finished, for the most part I stay away.

I voted on the medium/higher part, but for me it really depends on whether I’m enjoying or not to be capable of doing such speed. Also usually when I start, it’s always slow until I get used to the writing style.

I guess that would be a way to go for me too. I have two Novels ongoing, so it’s a matter of switching to the other in the end.

Glad to know a conclusion is on the way! It’s always scary when series get those high volume counts and that in the end you might get forever waiting after investing an insane amount of time.

How many sequels that series has? :sweat_smile:


Uhh, a lot, which is certainly part of my concern with reading it as well.

Yeah I agree. Like I mentioned earlier, the only LN series I’ve enjoyed so far besides 本好き is 魔法少女育成計画, but this series is already up to 17 volumes (granted 5 of them are short story collections) and I’ve only finished 6 and have no idea how long the series will continue. I tried to find a web version but couldn’t find one for the main story, just the short stories. Well except for the two-part Breakdown volumes, which ironically are really long and rated very highly compared to the other volumes, so I’m surprised those were originally serialized online. (Side note: In trying to see if it has a web version to figure out how long it might go I found a pixiv page with art even to the 5th/6th volumes that I just read and beyond, which seems to indicate the series is surprisingly popular.)

Also, given my enjoyment the 転生王女と天才令嬢の魔法革命 anime I want to give that LN a try at some point (maybe after I finish 本好き, so not nominating it now). This one is on ncode.syosetu.com, indicating it has a Part 1 and Part 2 with several chapters/sections each, definitely beyond the bunko version (which publishes relatively slowly), but there hasn’t been a new main chapter since 2020 (and no new side story since 2021). Unfortunately I have no way of knowing if that means the series is completed on web and it’s just a matter of converting them to bunko or if it’s just on hold because the bunko version is taking up the author’s time or for some other reason. It’s really frustrating not knowing if the series is done or if it could still have actual new content for years to come.


same. If I enjoy a book, I find it hard to put down and my brain keeps wandering back to the other book if I try to read something else. In the mystery BC I am usually OK in the first half but then abandon the schedule in the second half as I want to know how the story ends. :see_no_evil:

Maybe LNs, with their slower pace, might actually be easier. I have not really experienced the same urge to rush to the end with LNs so far. Probably because the end of one LN is not actually the end of the story. :thinking:



Is there an ebook available?: yes
Is there an audiobook available?: no
Is there an all-furigana version available?: yes (1st vol has an aotori version)

Summary - Japanese


Summary - English

Inaba Yuushi’s parents died in his first year of middle school, and he moved in with his relatives. Though they did care for him, he could tell he was a burden. After he graduated, he happily prepared to move to a high school with a dormitory. Unfortunately, the dormitory burned to the ground before he could move in! Yuushi doesn’t want to live with his grudging relatives, but it’s rough finding lodging as an orphaned student with little money. He finally finds a room in a nice old building which seems too good to be true.

The catch is that it is a Monster House, a place where humans and supernatural creatures–ghosts, mononoke, etc.-- live together. Another high schooler lives there, a cute girl named Akine, and she’s completely unfazed by the monsters. In fact, she can even exorcise evil spirits! Yuushi’s high school life just got much stranger than he ever bargained for! [source: anilist]

Why are you nominating this book: Watched the anime years ago and wanted to read the LN ever since, but somehow I have yet to get around to it. :sweat_smile:



Is there an ebook available?: yes
Is there an audiobook available?: no
Is there an all-furigana version available?: no

Summary - Japanese

「あなたには、どうしても殺したい人がいます。どうやって殺しますか?」 福岡は一見平和な町だが、裏では犯罪が蔓延っている。今や殺し屋業の激戦区で、殺し屋専門の殺し屋がいるという都市伝説まであった。 福岡市長のお抱え殺し屋、崖っぷちの新人社員、博多を愛する私立探偵、天才ハッカーの情報屋、美しすぎる復讐屋、闇組織に囚われた殺し屋。そんなアクの強い彼らが巻き込まれ、縺れ合い紡がれていく市長選。その背後に潜む政治的な対立と黒い陰謀が蠢く事件の真相とは──。 そして悪行が過ぎた時、『殺し屋殺し』は現れる──。

Summary - English

In Fukuoka, crime reaches new heights in the seedy underworld. In the Hakata ward of the city, there are various individuals with special talent who are professional killers, detectives, informants, and professional revenge seekers. Among those, a so-called “killer of professional killers” is becoming more than just an urban legend. [source: Anilist]

Why are you nominating this book: Bought the 1st volume on a recent trip to Japan and want to know if I want to continue with the series. :slight_smile:


Are they actual sequels, or just “this is set in the same universe”? Anilist says that this first volume is complete, which makes me think the books are standalones.

Are you talking about the 青春ブタ野郎はバニーガール先輩の夢を見ない | L30 series? It’s just one series but the author chose to not number the books and instead go with a different title every time. He mentioned regretting it in the comments at the end of every volumes I read.
That being said, volume 1 works well as a standalone (also I really didn’t like volumes 2, 4, and gave up on volume 5)


AniList made a change a few years ago where they started making LN sequels their own entries when they aren’t in parts. This makes sense for things like 本好き, which has five entries, one for each part. But for series like this that don’t have multi-part entries it’s a bit weird if you ask me.

You gave volume 2 a 3/5, so it couldn’t have been that bad!

I get what you mean though. I gave the anime a 7.5/10, which is slightly below my average rating, because I didn’t enjoy the later parts as much. It’s possible that’s because those volumes are actually worse, though squeezing 5 LN volumes into a 13 episode anime adaption probably didn’t help either.


I did like the concept used in that volume but the fan service was waaaayyy too much. I gave it the benefit of the doubt at the time, but I would probably go with 2/5 these days… The attitude of the main character and the fan service are literally why I gave up on the series too.

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Seeing as Oregairu got nominated already, I’ll just post my other one.

Book: https://learnnatively.com/book/7ade364e54/
Is there an ebook available?: Amazon JP
Is there an audiobook available?: Amazon JP

Summary - Japanese


Summary - English

Office worker Yoshida has been crushing on his coworker, Airi Gotou, for five years. Despite finally scoring a date with her, his confession is promptly rejected. Drunk and disappointed, he stumbles home, only to find a high school girl sitting on the side of the road. The girl, needing a place to stay the night, attempts to seduce Yoshida. Despite rejecting her advances, he nevertheless invites her into his apartment.

The next morning, the girl, introducing herself as Sayu Ogiwara, reveals that she has run away from Hokkaido all the way to Tokyo. During her six-month spree, she continually traded sexual favors for a roof over her head. Yoshida, however, remains unswayed by her seduction. Instead, he has her do a different kind of work—one that entails washing dishes and doing laundry. And so, a touching relationship between a heartbroken adult and a runaway high school girl begins.

Content warnings if known

None that I know of.

Why are you nominating this book: I’ve read a few volumes of this a while back and would like to read it again to reinforce the new words I learned. It’s a very forgiving read and good practice for more advanced material in other novels. Also, it’s just chill and a fun read.


I just noticed a small mistake in the table. コップクラフト has an audiobook, but the list says N

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I’ll fix it; thanks!

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Two more days until nominations close, everyone! We have eight more slots open!

There were slots to begin with? :sweat_smile:

Up to 20! I don’t think I ever stated it specifically (other than a vague goal of 15-20 nominations), but it wasn’t really a concern, tbh. :person_shrugging:


Discourse polls only allow 20 options, so that’s why.


Alrighty, it’s poll time! I’m allowing up to four choices for no reason but arbitrary ones; if the club continues and we get more nominations I can easily bump it up to five. Nomination List is here; as mentioned in the top post (I might need to make it more visible…), books with no votes will get cut :hocho: until we do another couple rounds of voting. The poll will automatically close next week June 16th, 00:00 UTC.

Anywho, the contenders:

Which should be our first book?
  • 本好きの下剋上~司書になるためには手段を選んでいられません~第一部
  • やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。
  • 異世界のんびり農家
  • この素晴らしい世界に祝福を!
  • ソードアート・オンライン プログレッシブ
  • コップクラフト
  • 幻獣調査員
  • 旅行鞄をしまえる日
  • 青春ブタ野郎はバニーガール先輩の夢を見ない
  • 妖怪アパートの幽雅な日常
  • 博多豚骨ラーメンズ
  • ひげを剃る。そして女子高生を拾う。

0 voters

Since this is our first book, let’s set another poll for starting date:

When do you want to start our first book?
  • June 26
  • July 3
  • July 10

0 voters


Has this been shouted out on the WK forums btw (someone may have already and I just missed it)? I suspect there’s people in the BBC, IBC, and ABC who would be interested in this given the difficulty range here is fairly wide.

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Ah, no, not too my knowledge. What would be the best place(s) there to advertise? The individual clubs?

Idk if the BBC would be interested, would they? I haven’t taken part in their book selection before, granted, but I would’ve thought that IBC would be the earliest users would want to tackle LNs.

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