Literate Myself book club

Hello! After graduating from the foreigner Kumon course and then cramming and likely bombing the JLPT N2 test using JLPT textbooks, I am now ready to ditch both and move forward with simply literating myself by reading books starting from my JLPT N3 level and proceeding from there.

I have the curriculum for the Kumon native Japanese course covering the end of Elementary (my level!?), Middle School, High School, and beyond. Now Kumon only uses about 10-30 small worksheets of material per book or reference, again they only cover about 10-30 pages for each book in their list, while I plan to choose and read the full books averaging 200 pages. Some of these are of course boring or dry, so I am also adding popular and highly rated books from this website.

In other words, I am going to start reading mostly light novels, childrenā€™s books, with a few novels and manga, all based on starting at the N3 level, and in ascending order of difficulty proceeding into N2 and beyond. At the same time, it will be a brief cultural education to cover some of the texts that most Japanese natives had covered in their schooling, while including top rated texts from this site. This is my preference as most of the book clubs that I have seen are very niche on specific types of texts or genres.

I am prepared to attempt and quit books if they are too difficult, boring, long, or lack furigana, but aim to do 10 pages minimum similar to the Kumon worksheets to sample the texts.

Some of the books are available on Kindle Unlimited, but many so far are available at my library. If the books arenā€™t available on these sources I might check the used store for them if they are very highly rated, but otherwise will just give up on those.

Would anyone be interested in joining and following along with this type of book club?

I am currently reading 銭天堂 (found on this site) and ę‰‹č¢‹ć‚’č²·ć„ć« (Kumon, childrenā€™s book).

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At the same time, thereā€™s an upcoming book club for 銭天堂, so some those do align with your interests, I guess :sweat_smile:

Generally speaking, the children books book club and low level light novels book club may be of interest to you. They have a slower pace than what you are going for, but you can just join on the side.
(Or maybe you already are, in which case you can just disregard my post :sweat_smile:)