Audio Challenge: I decided to modify my August Listening Challenge to include audiobooks + text, and game playthroughs (where everything is out loud, and the majority of the game is speech) to count. But also upped my challenge hrs to 75/100 to compensate. I’m only at 23 so far Otoh it means I’m finally making progress on 転生王女と天才令嬢の魔法革命 | L33 again
ガルクラ: finally has an official EN release in North America… so I’m watching it for the 5th time (this time with Toei’s EN subs) to see what I missed, and also just how the subs are… やっぱり there’s still things here & there I was missing (悔しい), but the subs have definitely helped break those parts down. Some of that was audio comprehension, and some was meaning comprehension. Curious to see how much of it sticks when I rewatch it in 3 weeks (Blu-Ray 3 will be here by then)… if only it was here sooner, I could use it for the Audio challenge
As for Toei’s EN subs… based on the first 3 eps, I think they’re a solid reflection of the Japanese, while not sounding awkward in English (tho I think I’ve somewhat lost my sense of this over time lol). There’s been an occasional moment where I didn’t get, or disagreed with, a certain choice… but like 2-3 words in 3 episodes
Anyway, it’s nice that if I get stuck on something on my next rewatch, I’ll be able to pull up the official translation to check