2023年8月30日 (Aug 8, 2023)
I’ve been thinking about starting one of these for a while. No idea why that became now, but here goes!
紹介と目的 Background and Goals
Like many others, I was into anime and manga as a kid, and took an (adult) intro Japanese class back in high school. I didn’t do anything else with it until almost 2 years ago, when a friend mentioned they had started learning, and I decided to do so as well. My goals have always been (in order): reading comprehension, audio comprehension, speaking & digital writing, physical writing (an afterthought). My main interests are: light novels, video games (JRPGs and VNs), anime, manga, history (not something I’ve delved into much). Someday I’d like to be able to read something like Fate/Stay Night comfortably!
道具 Tools & resources that worked for me
I dabbled in a bunch of things, and eventually discovered that the following worked for me:
漢字と単語 (Kanji & Vocab):
- WaniKani
- Learning songs (highly, highly recommend)
文法 (Grammar):
- LingoDeer
- Cure Dolly
- Miku Real Japanese shadowing course
- imabi.net (good deep dive)
読力 (Reading Comprehension):
- Satori Reader (bridged the gap to native material)
- Crystal Hunters manga (make this your first manga! They have free teaching guides for it!)
- Anki (great for songs or with subs2srs, I never stuck with it for too long though)
- jpdb.io (use their pre-made for whatever media you’re consuming)
メディア Media choices
Early on:
- Lots of songs (highly, highly recommend for vocab)
- Sword Art Online novels (waaaayyy too hard)
- 不登校の幼馴染が学校に行く条件は、毎日俺とキスすることだった | L27 (also too hard, but I made it through)
- Assorted things
A bit later:
- Satori Reader stories
- Crystal Hunters
- 百合漫画 (yuri manga), 日常漫画 (slice of life manga), ラブコメ漫画 (romantic comedy manga)
- ファンタジー漫画 (fantasy manga, above my level for a while)
- Everything in previous section, minus Satori
- Added ライトノベル (light novels) back in (I’ve finished 10 so far)
- ビジュアルノベル (Visual novels - easy ones, but also Fate/Stay Night, which I gave up on)
- ビデオゲーム (video games - Trinity Trigger, Final Fantasy XII)
My recommendation for songs is Yuki Kajiura 's music (and associated acts like Kalafina, FictionJunction, etc). There is a wonderful website cantaperme.net with JP, romaji, and translation for all her songs. I actually discovered some of my favorite anime b/c of that (SAO in particular) . Otherwise though, you can find the same for many popular songs.
Generally my process is: read/listen to JP, try to understand, check English, reread/listen if necessary. Occasionally I’ll try something without referencing the English (sometimes just bc there is no translation available). I also do things like put my phone or computer in Japanese (tho occasionally switch back to English).
One thing that’s been really cool is that I never would have checked out most of the 日常 or ラブコメ stuff prior to learning JP. And even within genres
先生を探した Finding a teacher
Until a week ago, I had been only self-teaching, and finally decided to look for a teacher. I found two on iTalki, and am looking forward to seeing where that goes. In my first trial lessons, I was too shy/self-conscious to bring up what I was actually reading (灰と幻想のグリムガル), so we read from one of those easy news/culture sites (which in a way was challenging bc of all the furigana, since it caused the words to be too spaced out). That lesson made me realize that I’m also maybe a bit more interested in conversation than I thought.
I’ve been going back and forth on what to bring up in today’s lesson. The culture articles are a bit more simplistic than I want, but good in their own way. I also don’t like reading them bc of the format. With LNs (I’m currently focusing on Log Horizon), I have to stop so frequently to do vocab lookups that it feels like a not so effective use of time. The exception might be 本好きの下剋上, but I feel like I understand that pretty well / don’t usually have many questions.
The lesson is an hour long, so maybe I should try half and half?
今の活動 Current activities
I’ve been a little lax about reading time over the last 2 weeks, due to a combination of moving apartments, preparing for a D&D game, and just general laziness/distraction.
- ログ・ホライズン 1
- 本好きの下剋上 (next week with book club)
- Almost finished replay of FF XII (not sure I care enough to actually finish)
- Next: getting back to the 五等分の花嫁 game, which I’ve been neglecting.
Anyway that’s that. Might post an update after today’s lesson. Feel free to correct my Japanese, if any of the word choices were off.
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