Upcoming Book clubs:
Club (I’m running thread) | Start | Book |
Yuri | Jan 5 | 徒然日和 1 | L21 |
Beginner LN | Jan 19 | 明日の世界で星は煌めく | L27 |
Class-S | ?? | Voting |
Club (start/resume after マリみて ) | Start | Book |
WK Intermediate | Jan 4 | サイレント・ウィッチ 沈黙の魔女の隠しごと | L31 |
Regular LN | ?? | 幻獣調査員 | L33 |
Non-fiction | Jan 12 | 日本人の心がわかる日本語 | L25 |
CLAMP | Dec 1 | 東京BABYLON | L25 |
Club (I finished) | Start | Book |
Summer you were here | Dec 1 | 君と綴るうたかた 1 | L20 |
For someone with such a 頼りない track record for book clubs, that’s a lot! Half of it is yuri (of course), but it also contains my very first non-fiction book! Hopefully I actually like the book. Anyway, while I’m reading enough already, I feel pretty confident I can keep up with all that - Silent Witch being the hardest of the bunch, but also potentially the most interesting. Thankfully it has an audiobook! What I looked at of the preview seemed fine style-wise, as well. In any case, I’m definitely not worried about the manga, except maybe Tokyo Babylon. Hopefully I’ll like that better than Rayearth (I didn’t totally hate it, but it was a bit painfully boring)
It’s cool that I can think about stuff like this, and that I feel up for participating in all these. Curious to see if I end up dropping anything in the end
Update: I finished 君と綴るうたかた 1 already… so that’s one less to worry about