SAO 5 over 転生王女 - what happens when a deck is way too hard
Decided to drop the jpdb deck for 転生王女. There’s too much really hard vocab I just have no exposure to that’s killing me. That said, I’m going to try continuing with the book, and just taking it slowly, looking things up as I need to.
So I’m back to doing SAO 5 deck, which is much more fun. Even when I don’t get words, I get them on the next round, or I go “ohhh, right” (with 転生王女 it was like “I just got these 5 words wrong 8 times in a row”). I guess bc a lot of the SAO vocab is either fresh in my head, or just makes sense and has familiar kanji and such. Like honestly I can do this deck even without reading SAO 5, and still enjoy it.
転生王女 was a ton of unfamiliar 訓読み words in the deck, like 詳らか and such, as well as unfamiliar “I don’t know those kanji” words like 憔悴, and I just couldn’t remember them bc I don’t actually know them on the first place. That’s the sorta thing that previously led to me going “I’d rather just be reading”
While the 転生王女 deck definitely helped with the オープニング section, I was also way ahead of it. So even if I keep reading, I’ll probably have that boost for a bit. In a worst case I’ll drop it, watch the anime, and come back later.
In both cases, I think the key will be to just take it slowly (I currently have the SAO deck on chronological, and I’m probably ahead in the book)
Edit: at this point for SAO 5 I’m at 70.97% words, and 90.58% coverage. Just for reference, after marking all WK words as known again, 転生王女 is 72.33% and 92.8%. Which means I know a much higher amount of words in SAO, but a slightly higher percent in 転生王女. Ironic, given how hard 転生王女 feels. Last time I wrote down 声優ラジオ 5 was Words: 83.1% Coverage: 96.4% - so that’s a good idea of “this book will feel relatively comfortable, when…”
Been playing Zelda: A Link to the Past. Besides occasional vocab, the language is really easy. So that’s been fun! I’m almost a the dark world. For once I’ll actually complete a video game, cuz it’s a pretty easy endeavor (I’ve beaten this many times already)
Dropping 私の初恋相手がキスしてた | L32?? and 神様たちのお伊勢参り | L26 from my Now Reading for now. While they’re enjoyable enough, there’s no way I’ll manage 4 LNs rn (and even if I do drop 転生王女 2, then I can just focus on SAO, and go on to the next volume)
Edit: マリみて speed was slower this week .23/min (13.8/hr). I definitely wasn’t vocalizing slower though, so I’m pretty sure it was just the result of having more lookups this time around. If anything, I think I was reading more smoothly. It’s a bit of an endurance exercise reading outloud tho lol
Edit 2: I’m probably gonna finally reread アオのハコ | L23 … I felt intimidated by it before. But at this point, I’m fine with a lot of it, and I’m finding that there’s so much of the plot I’ve forgotten. I think when I finish this Ranma volume, I’ll start it