マリみて and reading speed
マリみて speed was .28 pgs/min (16.8/hr) this week. I made the font size a bit smaller than usual, and it definitely really helped (I had it large in the first place). I’d like to put it down a size or two, to get it closer to physical LN size, but btwn my monitor’s resolution, and not knowing where my glasses are (普通のもの), I’ll probly leave it as is for now.
My teacher said I was reading very smoothly (まだまだと思うけど) and also praised the fact that I can understand what I’m reading while I’m reading it outloud… which yeah, does take some effort at times, but isn’t that the whole point?! (also I do sometimes just push on, even if I don’t quite understand everything in a sentence). Still though, it’s nice to get the praise, and it is my 2nd fastest reading speed for マリみて so far (fastest was .29/min ie 17.4/hr), so that’s something at least.
I haven’t tried timing myself w/ anything else in a while… but maybe I’ll try it with 田所さん1 | L24?? or 紡ぐ乙女と大正の月 1 | L31 . My reading speed for 田所さん is slower than it might be otherwise, b/c they used that slanted font for narration, and I’m bad at reading that still. So good practice.
Started マリア様がみてる S2 | L27 - comprehension was pretty decent for the eps 1-2. Except for some song things they were doing (I think related to New Years?) where I straight up had no clue what was going on. Definitely trying to look up words on the fly here and there. I thought I’d found subs, but they don’t seem to be any good, unfortunately.
転生王女 4
On one hand I feel like I’ve been doing a bit too much of the jpdb deck the last 2 days. Otoh it’s helpful, and I’ve only just kept pace with where I am in the book. To my surprise there was a lot of keyboard and typewriter related vocab - which is cool, but also since it was all words I just came across today, my comprehension of those passages was less than usual, which was kinda a bummer (I think I also should have done the reading earlier in the day).
Anyway keeping up with this 1 chapter per day peace, I’ll probably get ahead of the deck tonight or Thursday. But I’ll still keep doing it while I’m reading the book anyway. Have to remember not to lose sight of the forest for the trees. I do hope I can do a book where I have much less unknown words at some point though!
I looked at the Fate/Stay Night jpdb deck, and it’s like 20k words. By comparison, even the first 2 薬屋のひとりごと decks are less than 7k words each. That’s kind of mind blowing to think about
I’m up to 17.5 hrs with listening. On track, but I’d like to be further along… Hopefully over the weekend I can catch up. Would definitely really like to make my 60 hr goal this month, and not just the 40 one.
空の軌跡FC Trails in the Sky FC - started up on this again, finally. Mostly understanding in real time, though I couldn’t exactly summarize the overarching plot so well
【FLOWERS 春】百合は芸術配信 - only 35 min in so far. It’s cool, and definitely some challenging vocab. I think the person playing is probly a college student? Can’t say for sure, but it’s kinda affirming that she has to look up a lot of the words or kanji too.
東京BABYLON[愛蔵版] 1 | L24?? is killing me so far, but I think it’s half a mood/reading when tired thing. A lot of it is just “cultural context I’m missing” for various slang and expressions. Hopefully chapter 2 will go better this week.