What are you reading today?

Is this a new series they’re starting?


no idea, either that or a manga idea they pitched, sometimes these kind of “idea pitching one shots” pop up on twitter


I finished 本好き book 22 today. I should probably try to read one more book this month just so I can say I read 12 books this year (same as last year). It’s been a rough year, so I should be glad it’s not lower than that.


I finished Unnamed Memory I 青き月の魔女と呪われし王 | L32 and disliked it a great deal. I’ve definitely read worse books, but there’s something extra frustrating about books that feel like they should be good but then don’t deliver.

I have started ダブルブリッド | L30??, which I have no expectations of. I found it at a market and bought it mostly because it was cheap and how often to you get to buy a light novel physically in Australia? So far it’s pretty dense with lots of stuff related to paramilitary monster hunters, but apparently I have read enough vaguely-military stuff to be able to parse it half decently.


Oof, 10 days since my last update…

Well, I did read 本好き 33 in 2 days (and cried copiously because the ending is great).
I mentioned it in many places already, but the spin-off series has been green lighted for publication, with the first volume coming out next summer, so I’m looking forward to that!

Beyond that, I read the first 10 volumes of 神様はじめました (series) | L28 since they were free to read on Booklive. It’s been rough; reading manga on my tiny phone screen isn’t great… but I really liked it. It’s a fairly typical supernatural+romance Shojo manga, but what can I say. I am young inside.

I also finished 号泣する準備はできていた | L30?? and really liked it too. Now, that is what I would call slice of life. It’s a collection of short stories that always revolve around the difficulty to be (or not be) in a relationship and it is generally bitter sweet, but (despite the title) there isn’t much in terms of extreme emotions. It’s not a rollercoaster, much more like a stroll in the part? I don’t know if that comparison works, but anyway.
Depending on the reader’s tastes, I would say it’s either amazing or incredibly boring. I luckily mostly belong to the former group, but there’s still a saturation point which meant I couldn’t read more than one or two stories in a day. (Thankfully, I was also busy with the manga mentioned above and book clubs).
Next is チュベローズ for real.


too long, or too short? I always get anxious if there haven’t been enough other ppl posting, since my last update… (it’s part of why I started my learning log thread)

oh look another 花とゆめ series to add to my list :laughing: : . Just dropped a mention over in the sale and promotion hunting thread :slight_smile: Seriously though, I feel like every other series I come across lately is 花とゆめ (not complaining - their stuff is usually good!!)


That’s why I stopped posting in the “what are you watching thread” except very occasionally. Felt like I was hogging the thread :sweat_smile:


For w/e reason, it seems like that thread gets a lot less traffic than this one… Kinda surprised by that tbh.

I’ve definitely refrained from posting there at times, for similar reasons tho.


Too long.
I feel like I should have read more books in that amount of time.

I don’t know if it really counts, considering that it’s only free to read, not free to keep?

Also, I have to decide what to do about the remaining 15 volumes in that series, too… I don’t have space at home to buy more physical books, but at the same time, 10 volumes on a screen have made my eyes suffer…


I finished 振仮名の歴史 | L39 yesterday; it’s a popular history of the uses and development of furigana through history. I enjoyed it, but it’s one of those books I grade at three stars for “recommended if you have an interest in the topic” rather than “read this even if the history of the language isn’t something you care about too much”. It’s well written in an easy to read and engaging style, but I bumped the grading up a bit because I think you’ll get more out of it if you can struggle through some of the quotations from the historical texts it’s using as examples.

Natively now thinks I’ve read 25 books and 10086 pages this year. I reckon I should be able to finish another book by the end of the year (likely “medium”); if I do that will be 26 books, which would be my highest annual book count since 2017 (when I had a “book a week” target and read 52 books)…


Good news for myself: I finished the first volume and I’m now working on the second! I really enjoy the characters and it’s interesting to pick up bits about japanese culture/urban legends along the way. Overall it’s just a fun and light read to me, but I won’t be starting vol. 3 immediately after this because I want to avoid burnout.
The question of what exactly I’ll read next is harder to answer though because I’ve already been trying to plan my reads for the 2024 Natively Bingo so my next book should be

  1. relatively short, so I can start the challenge right when the new new starts
  2. not one of the books I’ve already planned to read for a category.
    Getting both of these is surprisingly hard LOL

Cute and wholesome story up to now, highly recommended for all those romance lovers out here :3
Might be a really nice Manga for beginners as well, except for like a word or two in a hundred pages that goes beyond J2, this should be a fairly easy read for anyone.
After finishing those I guess I will go back to 薬屋のひとりごと。


Ahhh I hear ya. My book count has definitely slowed down lately, mostly due to a mix of SRS (Ringotan and Anki), anime, and work getting busier

It’s still a promotion, so I don’t see why not.

Maybe there’s a way you can rearrange stuff at home? Or old books you could gift/sell? Idk good luck on that!


E Ink ebook reader? It’s not the cheapest solution, but it’s pretty good at solving the physical space problem.

Sent two boxes to Book-Off. And bought the whole 25 volumes (with some more space to spare!)

I am considering it, but it makes sharing stuff harder. Exchanging books with family and friends is a big thing for me that I can’t do with ebooks. Nearly all ebooks I have are stuff that I assume no one else would care about (e.g. light novels or BL), but the specific series I was talking about is definitely one that I want to share anyway.


After watching the anime this weekend, over the past two days I binged the entirety of 「マンガ」 薬屋のひとりごと (series) | L30 . A lot of fun, good balance of silly and serious. I’m considering reading the light novel, but it looks kinda difficult and I want to prioritize different reading for now. I had told myself I wouldn’t buy any manga until I had made some progress of mining the manga I already have, but that went out the window as I sped through it. Well, any reading is good reading, I guess. RIP my wallet though.


…but I can hardly fault you for postponing it for Maomao. The anime is so good, and I can’t wait until I’m able to read the manga and light novel editions!


I keep thinking I should check it. I have already read all the LNs and quite a lot of one of the manga adaptations and one or two volumes of the other one.

That being said, that screenshot you just posted isn’t really convincing me. I can’t really imagine 猫猫 making that kind of face. Like, she wouldn’t smile except if she is tasting poison or getting her hands on some rare medical ingredient.


Haha. She usually looks completely different, and I don’t think she smiles often in the anime either (but I’m not particularly paying attention to that, so who knows). We occasionally get the chibi look above with slightly sillier scenes and expressions.

The anime might be pretty close to one of the manga adaptations from the looks of it.


They keep the chibi humor moments sparse, so I wouldn’t worry too much about that screenshot. Also iirc she’s momentarily in 意地悪 mode there (and just got her hands on some nice sake), so I think it’s more of a menacing look than a smile