What are you reading today?

I hope you all are having a great time reading. What are you reading today?


Kudos to @Drinos for being our brave first poster. :trophy:

Today I’m reading 華麗なる探偵アリス&ペンギン サマー・トレジャー by 南房 秀久. Since there’s a coin back promo on Bookwalker right now I went ahead and bought the next few volumes in the series too.


That cover and the description of the content are so whacky that I kind of want to read it. But I suspect that it’s going to be too childish. And my list of stuff I want to read is long enough already anyway.

I’ve read 3月のライオン today and I might continue to read 隣の席の佐藤さん2 today.


I am bouncing around and reading the four books below. I actually have about 20-25 more books too, but these are the ones that I have gotten into. I try to find things with straightforward writing that I can read fairly quickly.

異世界でチート能力を手にした俺は、現実世界をも無双する 3 ~レベルアップは人生を変えた~
異世界のんびり農家 01


I’m mainly reading 世にも奇妙な商品カタログ and I’m really enjoying it.

Bought it mainly to get used to reading but ended to be a total awesome discovery for me!

I was trying to read even a bit daily, but I found better (in part thanks to the fancy stats on this website), to try to have 20-30 minute sessions better than just reading a couple pages every day when I’m super busy.


Currently reading 秒速5センチメートル. It’s fairly straightforward as a first novel.


My latest book I’m working on is the first volume of Flesh & Blood, which I’m reading with the fine folks over at Wanikani.

I really want to get to 薬屋のひとりごと2 soon-ish as well; I finished the first book back in May and really enjoyed it. Only problem is my lack of free time :sweat_smile:


Outside of the visual novel I am reading, I am currently reading マリア様がみてる. I am enjoying it so far, all the characters are pretty likable although the お嬢さま vocabulary can be a bit tough at times. I also finished やがて君になる last month, the first complete series I’ve finished. I mainly read 百合 manga, so if anyone has recs I would love to hear them :smiling_face:


Taking a break from web novels with the third volume of 怪盗レッド.


Oh, what webnovels have you been reading? I’d like to get into JP webnovels, but I’m not sure where to start.


I too am reading an “アリス” book (ふしぎの国のアリス). This edition has lots of cute pictures in it. Seeing a new picture show up to reward your hard work is always the best motivation to keep reading.


Usually read web novels on Kakuyomu or Syosetsu.

Finished up half of 金髪の聖女様が俺の前でだけ奇声を発するんだがどうすればいい?.

Read the first part of 【朗報】俺の許嫁になった地味子、家では可愛いしかない。.

And the first part of 継母の連れ子が元カノだった. I’m reading a manga ( 僕が答える君の謎解き) by the same author so I wanted to give this a shot.

Tried reading the Re;Zero web novel but I couldn’t get past the prologue :sweat_smile:.


I’m reading Japanese Short Stories for Beginners: 20 Captivating Short Stories to Learn Japanese & Grow Your Vocabulary the Fun Way! and then crying, I mean, working my way through the first book in the 夜カフェ series. I think I’m going to have to break down and buy a physical copy of 夜カフェ because I want to take notes and hilight without squinting lol


I usually read two books (‘easy’ and ‘hard’), but ended up with three at the moment:

I read the first volume so moved on to ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ2 as my hard book for the month.

Rather randomly, I picked 迷探偵の条件 as my easier book. It’s not really that easy – so apart from the short length it was a bad ‘easy’ pick :rofl: I guess easy first chapters can do that to you.

I then started reading くまクマ熊ベアー, which is pretty easy. I’ve been looking for easy reads that aren’t full of furigana and this does the trick.


Per @Drinos’ approval, I’ve retitled this thread to ‘What are you reading today?’ :slight_smile:


I went through a couple of JLPT 読解 books recently so I have gotten used to rotating and not reading the same author every day.

I started reading this on a long plane trip and now started it back up. It’s pretty good and fairly easy to read if you have read books in Japanese before (maybe L27-L28).

とんでもスキルで異世界放浪メシ1 豚の生姜焼き×伝説の魔獣


I am reading 獣人隊長の(仮)婚約事情.
It’s a one shot, but I haven’t really felt like reading it lately, so progress is really slow.
But I’m now at the midpoint and the rest of the story seems obvious at this point, so I may just push through in the next couple of days.

Edit: I reached my posting limit as a new user, so editing this post instead.

I don’t know about the other site, but I do recommend this one. It has a lot of convenient tags to help you find something that might interest you.
It also allows me to read a bit ahead of publication for light novels I like, but I stopped doing that, since it removes most of the fun of reading the published version :sweat_smile:


I’ve upgraded your trust level, so post away!

If anyone encounters issues like this, please @brandon or send me a private message. As we’re still a nascent community, we want all the posts / activity you want to give!


I’m still reading 5分後に意外な結末 - 赤い悪夢 (1) and I still don’t really like it. On the plus side, the stories are short and not all kanji have furigana, so it is a nice practice. Hopefully I can finish this one until Sunday. I’m about to order new books (not that I don’t already have enough). They should arrive early next week and well… sorta want to continue with 夜カフェ then.


I’m also reading 夜カフェ! How do you like it so far? I’m a few pages in, so I haven’t decided if I’d like to read the rest of the series yet.

The bookclub in my server is voting on the next book that we’ll be reading as a group and it looks like 夜カフェ is currently in the lead. Voting ends tomorrow, but let me know if you’d like to join and read with us! We do vocab lists and other things. I