Been a bit bored while reading マリア様がみてる 28 フレームオブマインド | L29 so I started paying attention to Kindle’s time till end of chapter stat. Then it got me curious to see what it actually is. So I timed 5 pages, and got approx .38 pgs/min (22.8 pgs/hr)… Which is actually slightly on the slower side of where I was back in books 5-6. So if that’s generally accurate, it should take me about 11 hrs to finish the book. Kindle says I’m at 46% with 7 hrs left - which seems a bit slower than my projection, but makes sense bc b4 this chapter (which I’m more into), I was reading a bit slower and had a lot of interruptions.
I’ve been struggling a bit with interest in the side stories volume vs the main story. So based on @Makochou101 's summaries for vol 28, I’ll probably finish the Eriko story, and Kanako’s, and then start book 30 - while reading the rest of 28 whenever I’m in the mood.
I did spend a lot of time with jpdb this time around, and that’s definitely helped reduce lookups a lot! I’ll probably do less for 30, but I do wanna make sure to keep doing some SRS regardless, so my general vocab keeps increasing